Dec 15, 2020
Christmas cookie trade – charity for Dresden University School
Talertausch – Our thalers for yours!
This advent season, everything was different with the baking and packing of cookie thalers! But nevertheless, the students in the teaching kitchen and the pupils in the school had fun with the fundraising activity.
Dieses Jahr war alles anders beim Backen und Packen! Aber trotzdem hatten die Studentinnen in der Lehrküche und die Schüler:innen in der Schule Spaß bei der Aktion. © Universitätsschule Dresden
The fundraising campaign is aimed both at the school community and at people who would like to support the School of the Future. The University School Dresden is on an equal footing with all other public schools in Dresden in terms of staff and materials. For additional offers, such as excursions to extracurricular places of learning, or the further equipment of the learning rooms and the school grounds with learning and play equipment, the Parents' Support Association collects donations. With these donations, the association enables the school to create ideal conditions for teachers and children in the development of the pilot project.
Cooperation between the Faculty of Education and the University School Dresden
Unfortunately, the children and students were not able to bake and pack together again, this year. Also, an Advent bazaar for the exchange of biscuit thalers for donations cannot take place at the University School, in December 2020. The school community is all the more pleased that there will still be a thalers exchange.
Students of TU Dresden used the teaching kitchen at the Institute for Vocational Education and Didactics and baked over 1000 biscuit thalers. The TU Dresden biscuit cutter, which was created in a 3D printer for the Talertausch 2019, was also used again. The biscuits were then handed over to the school kids and lovingly packed and decorated by hand.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to collect the delicious biscuit talers on site at the moment due to the Corona-related university and school closure. However, donors can leave their contact details on the school's Talertausch website to receive more details about on site collection (at the school or faculty) in January.
In addition to the biscuits, donors may receive the school wall calendar (A1 poster) and the special supplement of Sächsische Zeitung about the Dresden University of Excellence (pdf in German) containing an article about the Dresden University School. Of course, all these things are only available in limited quantities.
Spread the word - Talertausch in the #TUDAdventskalender
The video documentation of the Talertausch 2020 is part of the TU Dresden Advent Calendar 2020. Numerous institutions and partner organizations present themselves in a Christmassy way on TU Dresden's social media channels:
TU Dresden channels |
Dresden University School channels |
Universitätsschule Dresden – pilot project of TU Dresden and the City of Dresden
The University School Dresden is a joint project of the City of Dresden and the Technical University. It is a public and free primary and secondary school run by the city, where innovative forms of teaching and learning are being tested under scientific supervision. In addition, it will be a training and further education school of the TU Dresden for future and current teachers.
Further information regarding the research project at TU Dresden:
Further information regarding the Dresden University School:
Press contact
Maria Völzer
0049 351 463-39917