Table of contents
Teaching: inter/disciplinary and international
The Chair's teaching in literary and cultural studies aims to impart profound disciplinary skills as well as interdisciplinary integration. The initial aim is to introduce students to philological work in the narrower sense, which includes teaching them the tools for analyzing narrative, lyrical and dramatic texts as well as knowledge of the relevant literary and cultural studies tools. During the seminar sessions, students will be introduced to the various levels of meaning of a literary text by means of close reading and dialogical discussion with reference to its polyvalence. The practice of interpretation is also used to discuss literary and cultural-historical classification models, various approaches to method-oriented text observation and current research debates in literary and cultural studies. Furthermore, the authors and texts are contextualized historically, whereby, in addition to an event-historical as well as cultural and social-historical anchoring, it is also a matter of embedding them in the philosophical-aesthetic discourses of the time the works were written. Opening up the subject of Romance studies to media and cultural studies not only invites students to engage with text types other than those belonging to a narrow concept of literature, but also to study other media such as the press, film or photography in order to perceive them as narrative, rhetorically organized constructs. However, contextualization in non-literary fields such as economics, School of Medicine and architecture etc. should not lead to a deprivileging of the aesthetic, but rather to a "kind of art of multiperspectivity" (Böhme/Scherpe) in order to dialogize disciplinary results and make them transparent in terms of structural similarities.
One of the declared aims of the Chair of French Studies is to encourage students to become academically independent by encouraging them to develop their own questions and areas of interest, to conduct independent research and to take a critical stance on the research literature. For advanced students, doctoral students and post-doctoral students, a research colloquium is held in addition to the regular teaching load, in which both projects in progress and current theoretical approaches are discussed.
Some of the department's courses are held in French. This, as well as the continuous involvement of francophone authors and academics, contributes to the internationalization of teaching. The acquisition of a DAAD visiting professorship is planned.
Handouts / Checklist for term papers
Handout for writing academic term papers
Checklist for avoiding the most common mistakes in academic term papers
Every year, the Chair's final theses (name of the student, topic of the thesis, name of the supervisor) are published online in the TU Dresden's Research Information System, unless you object to the publication in writing to the supervisor.
Plagiarism guidelines
Dealing with plagiarism at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
General information and links
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Overview of courses in the field of French Literature and Cultural Studies from summer semester 2014
All registrations are made on OPAL in the respective semester folder of Romance Studies or subfolders of the departments.
On the Faculty's website SLK/Studium/Lehrveranstaltungen you will find the Faculty's current degree programs in their module structure and the respective annotated course catalog to help you with your course planning.
Lecture: Les années folles: France in the twenties (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to literary and cultural theory French/Italian (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Youth in Rebellion (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Surrealism (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar : Montréal as a place of longing (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar : Medial Variations of the Mediterranean: France and Italy 16th-21st century (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Introduction to academic work (Imke Heine M.A.)
Research Colloquium Romance Studies Literature / Cultural Studies - French/Italian (Dr. Torsten König)
Lecture: Paris, cultural capital of the 19th century (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to the literary and cultural history of France / Italy (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Stylization of femininity in narrative texts of the 20th / 21st century (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Québec literature between textes autochtones and écriture migrante (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Migration and multilingualism in the French-speaking world (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: "Je suis un métissage, un tissage, une tapisserie": Transcultural self-images in the French-speaking world (Imke Heine M.A.)
Seminar: Tendances de l'extrême contemporain: Contemporary Dynamics in the French Literary Industry (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Crise des vers ? French modernist poetry, from Baudelaire to Anne-James Chaton (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Lire les classiques : littératures françaises et francophones du 17e au 21e siècle (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Décentraliser la francophonie. Approches des cultures francophones hors d'Europe (Dr. Torsten König)
Methods seminar: Cultural film analysis - French film history (Dr. Torsten König)
Lecture: Pretty best friends: Franco-German relations since 1789 (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to literary and cultural theory (French/Italian) (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Québec History(ies) - History(ies) of Québec (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Social Class in Contemporary Francophone Literature (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Strasbourg and Alsace: Franco-German interaction (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Explaining the world in pictures: Narrative knowledge transfer in the bande dessinée (Imke Heine M.A.)
Seminar: Class, religion and love: classical comedy from Molière to Marivaux (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Cultural history of climate: French sources from the Middle Ages to the present day (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: L 'imaginaire colonial français: textes, images, expositions du XVIe au XXe siècle (Dr. Torsten König)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Dr. Torsten König)
Lecture: Parisiennes - Citoyennes! Feminist struggles since the French Revolution (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to the literary and cultural history of France / Italy (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar : Literary and artistic adaptations of the French Revolution in text and image (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Narrated experiences of migration in the Francophonie (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: L'Indochine française in literature from the 20th century to the present day (Imke Heine M.A.)
Seminar: La Vie en rose ? Imaginaries of the Chanson française between poetry and pop culture (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Lupin, Maigret & co. The French-language crime novel as a mirror of society (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Narrating "reality": Realisms in French Literature and Film: 19th-21st Centuries (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Au-delà de l'Europe - cultures francophones et mondialization. Cours d'introduction (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Affect Cultures: Emotions in French Cultural History (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Le royaume du Danxomè et le royaume de Porto-Novo: Histoire, organisation sociale et culturelle (Prof. Dr. Didier Houénoudé - DAAD Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science at the Institute of Art and Music)
Lecture: The French Revolution and its consequences for French culture (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to literary and cultural theory (French/Italian) (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Autofiction as genre - in France and in Québec (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Migration and uprooting in the Francophonie (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Québec: Literature, Film and Culture of the 1990s and 2000s (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: "Superpositions d'images de catalogue" ? Avant-gardes et intermédialités au XXe siècle (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: The knowledge of the Enlightenment and its popularization (Dr. Torsten König)
Methods seminar: Cultural film analysis - French film history (Dr. Torsten König)
Lecture: Pionnières - Avant-garde, female (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Introductory course: Introduction to the literary and cultural history of France / Italy (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: The Conversation between Stylization and Authenticity in French Culture (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Young rebels in French-language texts and films (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Francophone science fiction literature (Dr. Annegret Richter)
Seminar: The French "imaginaire colonial": Case studies 16th-20th century (Dr. Torsten König)
Seminar: Lumières, drame sérieux et marivaudage : le théâtre du XVIIIe siècle (Dr. Matthias Kern)
Seminar: Roland Barthes: from myths of everyday life to his "sémiologie littéraire" (PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer)
Seminar: Medial Variations of the Mediterranean: France and Italy 16th-21st century (Dr. Torsten König)
- Lecture: Composer la ville: visions of the city from the 18th to the 21st century (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Introductory course: Literary and cultural theory (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: Le théâtre de Molière (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Seminar: Banlieue en crise? Figurations médiales de la périphérie urbaine (XIX-XXIe siècle) (Dr. Matthias Kern)
- Seminar: Poetry and aesthetics of modernism: from Baudelaire to Char (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: "Realism" in French literature and film: 19th-21st century (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: Novel 2.0: La littérature au numérique (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Seminar: Media Variations of the Algerian War (Dr. Torsten König)
- Lecture: Giving the Economy a Face: 'Economic People' in French Literature from the 18th to the 21st Century (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- EK: Introduction to the literary and cultural history of France / Italy (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: L'intérieur et la distance : Le roman épistolier au XVIIIe siècle (Dr. Matthias Kern)
- Methods seminar: Analyzing narratives (novel, film, graphic novel, computer game, political communication) (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: Of archipelagos and rhizomes. Francophone Caribbean Literatures (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Seminar: " Ciné-Diversité ? " Diversity in French film comedies (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Seminar: The many faces of Emma Bovary. A classic and its adaptations (PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt)
- Project seminar: Perspectives on Nature and the Environment - Utopia Europe (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: Écocritique / écopoétique: Nature and the environment in French-speaking cultures since the 16th century (Dr. Torsten König)
- Seminar: Orient/Occident: French and Arab travelers in the 18th and 19th centuries (Dr. Annegret Richter)
VL: Ghosts and Spirits in French and Francophone Literature (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
EK: Introduction toFrench Literary Studies (Dr. Matthias Kern)
EK: Introduction to French cultural studies (teaching degree) (Dr. Torsten König)
EK: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory (BA Romance Studies French/Italian) (Dr. Torsten König)
PS: Famous and infamous: The work of Alexandre Dumas (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
PS: "Quelques arpents de neige?" French Canadian Literature (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
PS :Du point de vue des bourreaux: Changing perspectives in French-language Shoah narratives (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
PS: Le drame romantique (Hugo, Musset, Vigny) (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
HS: Literary Adaptation: The Intermedial Field of Tension between Literature and Film (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
HS: Affects, emotions, narration (19th-21st century) (Dr. Torsten König)
HS: Humor in Francophone Literature (Dr. Annegret Richter)
VL: Où est le nord? Literary and film history of the North in France and Francophonie (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
EK: Introductory course in French literary studies (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
EK: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (teaching degree) (Dr. Torsten König)
EK: Introduction to theliterary and cultural history of France / Italy (BA Romance Studies) (Dr. Torsten König)
PS/S: Around the moon, in the clouds, under the sea, inside the earth: The work of Jules Verne (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
PS/S: Littérature et classe : l'ouvrier dans la culture française, XIXe-XXIe siècle (Dr. Matthias Kern)
PS/S: Jamais ne désespère. Never give up hope - French prisoners of war 1940-45 in the "Elsterhorst" camp near Hoyerswerda (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
PS/S: L'affaire Dreyfus - le point tournant de l'histoire de la France moderne (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
HS/S: Autobiographical Bandes dessinées from France and Francophonie (PD Dr. Karen Struve)
HS/S: Narration and knowledge in the 18th century (Dr. Torsten König)
HS/S: Literary constructions and deconstructions of Algeria (Dr. Annegret Richter)
VL: Court and Salon: Literature and Culture of the siècle classique in the Mirror of the Present II (Prof. Böhm)
EK: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
S/HS: Mémoire et média. Remembered contemporary history in contemporary French literature (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Coll: Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
EK: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Mikhail Murashov, M.A.)
PS/S : La nouvelle réaliste du XIXe siècle (Matthias Kern, M.A.)
PS/S : Medial Colonial History of France - An Introduction (Dr. Torsten König)
PS/S/HS: Project seminar "Utopia Europe - Digital Utopia?" (Dr. Torsten König)
WA: Scientific work for exam candidates (Dr. Torsten König)
HS/S: The literature of the French Renaissance (Dr. Annegret Richter)
HS/S: Rebellious novels. Criticism of authority in the francophone literature of the Maghreb (Dr. Annegret Richter)
VL: Court and Salon: Literature and culture of the siècle classique in the mirror of the present (Prof. Böhm)
EK: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
S/HS: Literary short forms in the early modern period (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Coll: Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
EK: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Mikhail Murashov, M.A.)
PS: Documentary Film in France (Mikhail Murashov, M.A.)
S/HS (block seminar): Contemporary Francophone Literature of Morocco - an introduction (Dr. Annegret Richter, University of Leipzig - teaching assignment)
- VL: From the historical to the neo-avant-gardes (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- EK: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- S/HS: Littératures francophones de l'extrême contemporain (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Coll: Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- EK: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
- PS: "L'Île: Island and Insularity in French Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries" (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
- PS: Jamais ne désespère. Never give up hope. -French prisoners of war 1940-45 in the "Elsterhorst" camp near Hoyerswerda (Mikhail Murashov M.A.)
S/HS: Un classique dans tous ses états : réinterprétations de la Princesse de Clèves aux XXe et XXIesiècles (PD Dr. Martina Stemberger, DRESDEN Fellow)
S/HS: " ... le voyageur n'a pas de genre " ? Poétiques du voyage dans l'extrême contemporain (PD Dr. Martina Stemberger, DRESDEN Fellow)
Lecture: Avant-garde - Migration - Cultural Transfer (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
EK: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
PS/HS: Poetry and aesthetic theory in Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Lautréamont (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm/Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
EK: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
PS: Fascination Manon (Mikhail Murashov, M.A.)
PS/HS block seminar: The 'stranger' in literary texts from antiquity to the present (Cécile Wajsbrot, ZUK Fellowship, writer and translator)
Introductory course: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Lecture: Precarity as Narrative and Narration (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Seminar/ advanced seminar: Literature and Photography (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Seminar: The potential of regional places of remembrance: on the way to a European identity (seminar on the excursion to Besançon) (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Kristian Raum / Florence Walter)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium - Co: French and Italian literary and cultural studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm/Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
Proseminar: Eccentric Narrative in French Literature (PD Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Proseminar: Film and Literature, Literature and Film (PD Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Introductory course: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
Proseminar: La francophonie canadienne (Dr. Martine Lienig, teaching assignment)
Proseminar: The Napoleon Myth in Literature and Film (Mikhail Murashov, M.A.)
Prof. Böhm is on a research sabbatical during the winter semester 2017/18.
Lecture: A history of literary utopia in France from Louis-Sébastien Mercier to Michel Houellebecq (Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Introductory course: Introduction toFrench literary studies (Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Introductory course: Introduction to French cultural studies (Dr. Torsten König)
Proseminar: Introduction aux études québécoises (Dr. Martine Lienig)
Seminar/advanced Seminar: Corneille and the Theatre of Classicism (Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Seminar (subject didactics/cultural studies): L'histoire, c'est la paix". Histoire interculturelle de la civilisation française (Kristian Raum)
Lecture: Realisms II (Prof. Böhm)
Introductory course: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Introductory course: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
Proseminar: Voltaire (Dr. Matthias Hausmann)
Proseminar: Prendre position. Polémique, engagement et responsabilité de l'écrivain, des Lumières jusqu'à Sartre (Matthias Kern)
Proseminar: Littérature québécoise contemporaine (Dr. Martine Lienig)
Seminar/advanced Seminar: Literature and Society (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium: Co: French and Italian literary and cultural studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm/Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
Lecture: Realisms (Prof. Böhm)
Introductory course: Introduction toFrench Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Introductory course: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
Proseminar: Nouveau roman, nouvelle critique, nouvelle vague : Les avant-gardes des années 50 et 60 en France (Matthias Kern)
Proseminar: La francophonie canadienne (Dr. Martine Lienig)
Seminar/advanced seminar: Récits d'enfance of the 19th/20th century (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
Advanced seminar/seminar: The Mediterranean novella and literary Europe (PD Dr. Daniel Winkler, Junior Fellow)
(French/Italian/Spanish/Germanic Studies)
Advanced seminar/seminar: La France méridionale/ The French South: Literature, Theater, Film (PD Dr. Daniel Winkler, Junior Fellow)
Interdisciplinary research colloquium: Co: French and Italian literary and cultural studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm/Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- Lecture: Literary adaptations (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
- Proseminar: Le Québec: Une société minoritaire d'Amérique (Dr. Martine Lienig)
- Proseminar: La narration réaliste: époques, écritures, esthétiques (Matthias Kern)
- Advanced seminar: Narrative short forms from the Renaissance to the present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- Lecture: Court and Salon II: Literature and culture of the "siècle classique" in the mirror of the present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
- Proseminar: Debate culture in France from the early modern period to the present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Proseminar: Le roman des années 1930: la littérature et le peuple (Matthias Kern)
- Advanced seminar: Migration. Past and Present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- Lecture: Court and Salon: Literature and Culture of the "siècle classique" in the Mirror of the Present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course:Introduction toFrench Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction toFrench Cultural Studies (Dr. Torsten König)
- Proseminar: French Theatre from the Middle Ages to the Present (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Proseminar: La bande dessinée aux pays francophones : champ culturel, intermédialité et tendances du '9e art' (Matthias Kern)
- Advanced seminar: Precarious working environments. Texts and images of the crisis (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- Lecture: Memory - Space - Media. Remembered Contemporary History in Contemporary French Culture (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course:Introduction to French Studies and Francophonie (Dr. Torsten König)
- Proseminar: The "poème en prose" from Baudelaire to Michaux (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Proseminar: La ville-lumière et les ténèbres de la ville: Visions of Paris (Matthias Kern)
- Advanced seminar: Francophone literatures of the extrême contemporain (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Interdisciplinary research colloquium (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller)
- Lecture: Historical Avant-gardes (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Introductory course: Introduction to French Studies and Francophonie (Dr. Torsten König)
- Proseminar: Salon Cultures of the Early Modern Period (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Proseminar: Literature and Photography (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Advanced seminar: Spaces and spatial theories (Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm)
- Lecture series: August 1914 - Medial Variations of the Beginning of the World War in Europe (Dr. Torsten König)