Master's programme Literature and Culture in Social Change
Table of contents
The consecutive Master's program "Literature and Culture in Social Change" (LiKWa) can be studied across philologies or with a subject-specific focus. The focus can be chosen from the subjects represented at the faculty:
- English and American Studies
- German Studies and Media Cultures
- Classical Philology
- Romance Studies
- Slavic Studies
Two compulsory elective modules allow for further free specialization. Students can choose between a practical language profile or a subject-specific profile.
The program is divided into four semesters. The third semester is reserved for a mandatory stay abroad.1 There are numerous funding programs available for this purpose.
The program enables students to address current social issues across disciplinary boundaries, such as digitization, gender and queer studies, future studies, and environmental humanities.
Further information on the specializations
Short Profile: The Consecutive Master's Program "Literature and Culture in Social Change"
- is designed for you as a decidedly research-oriented, modularized course of study with a standard duration of four semesters and 120 credit points. It leads to a university degree that qualifies you for a profession, with which the university degree "Master of Arts" (M.A.) is acquired;
- allows you to acquire specialized knowledge and professional skills in the spectrum of literature, cultural studies and media studies (admission requirement: BA in this subject profile). These will enable you to work independently and on your own responsibility in a wide range of fields, e.g. in science, education, (specialist) publishing houses, the media, journalism, cultural management, business and politics or in international organizations;
enables you to achieve this goal on the one hand through a high general qualification in literature, cultural studies and media studies, and on the other hand through a high level of professional specialization. You can choose between a linguistic-practical and a subject-specific profile and have the option of focusing on one of the five sub-disciplines of the SLK faculty (English and American Studies, German Studies and Media Studies, Classical Philology, Romance Studies and Slavic Studies);
is research-oriented, interdisciplinary and international. You will acquire theoretical and methodological skills for the critical reflection of historical and above all contemporary phenomena of cultural and social change. An obligatory stay abroad as well as the promotion of your national and international networking will enable you to participate intensively and independently in academic and social discourses already in the master's phase.
Information on study requirements and application can be found at the SINS of the TU Dresden. If you have any further questions, your academic advisors will be happy to help you.
Jakob studiert den Master LiKWa und hat sich für das Mobilitätsfenster für einen Auslandsaufenthalt in Japan entschieden. Im Vlog nimmt er uns eine Woche lang mit durch seinen Studiumsalltag.
Oliver studiert den Master LiKWa und zeigt uns seine Eindrücke bei Exkursion mit dem Institut für Romanistik nach Apulien. © TU Dresden
Documents and regulations
- Examination regulations from Juli 27th 2020
- Study regulations from Juli 27th 2020
- Aptitude test regulations from June 13th 2020
- Studienablaufplan
Study advisor

Academic Advisor Master EuroS, LiKWa and DH
NameMs Katharina Fritzsch M. A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Academic Affairs Office:
BZW, Sockelgeschoss, Raum ASG06 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Expiring study programs
The Faculty SLK offers the consecutive Master's program in Language, Literature and Cultural Studies for all students starting between the winter semester 2013/14 and 30.09.2020.
The regulations of the expiring Master's programs can be found here. Please note the alternative offer to the subsidiary subjects in the faculty's Master's programs.
The application for the Master's program "Literature and Culture in Social Change" is free of admission (without NC), but includes a selection interview to determine the aptitude of each applicant. The 20-minute interviews with two professors of the program take place every year between July and mid-September via Zoom. The interview is used to determine the particular suitability of prospective students for this degree program. To apply, please fill out the application form and send it to the program coordinator.
Further information can be found at: Information for applicants
Career Prospects
Literature and culture are at the center of social transformation processes. The scientifically grounded competencies needed to observe, describe, and critically interrogate the conditions of these processes are becoming increasingly important. This applies both to the sciences themselves and to the knowledge society beyond the university.
The master's program in Literature and Culture in Social Change (LiKWa) offers you research-oriented, interdisciplinary, and international training in precisely these skills. Through a mandatory stay abroad as well as the promotion of national and international networking of students, LiKWa enables intensive and independent participation in scientific and social discourses already in the master's phase. In addition to academia, these would include: Education, publishing, cultural management, media, scientific and corporate communication, foundations, politics, etc.
The professional education is supported by numerous offers of the TU Dresden and its institutions - the Graduate Academy, the Career Service as well as the International Office. In addition, the TU Dresden and its partners in DRESDEN-concept offer on-site opportunities for orientation in a variety of occupational fields besides science, which include tasks of science communication and science management as well as modern librarianship, knowledge transfer in museums and other cultural institutions, as well as tourism services and communicative challenges in business.
Additional information: Double Master with Università di Trento
The double Master's program "Dresden-Trento" offers the opportunity to obtain a double degree while studying at the partner university in Italy. The planned program can be combined well with the mobility window or research stay abroad as provided in the study regulations of the LiKWa program. Courses at the Università di Trento are offered not only in Italian, but also in English, German, Spanish, French and partly also in Russian. If you are interested, you can find further information on the website of Doppia Laurea.
Frequently asked questions
Students of the Master LiKWa can specialize in one of the five departments of the SLK faculty. German Studies and Media Cultures, English/American Studies, Slavic Studies, Romance Studies and Classical Philology are available.
The main focus is determined at the end of the study program. Students can have a specialization in their chosen field of study shown on their diploma, as long as they have received 60 credit points in this field during their studies. In addition, the master thesis must have been completed in the respective department.
Credits for the main focus can be obtained in each module, except in the language courses where a practical language profile is required. (Even if the language practical profiling was chosen, there are enough modules left to set a focus).
No. Students can also study on a broad basis and attend seminars according to their interests, without having to worry about the necessary credits and their affiliation.
Practical language profiling means that you can take language courses in the first and second semester with 4 semester hours per week each. You can use the language courses offered by the faculty or TUDIAS. For both options you will find information under point 1 (Foreign Languages) under this link.
If you decide on a practical language profile, please contact the coordination of the MA LiKWa.
Scientific profiling means that instead of the language courses you will take the modules "Theories and Concepts" and "Method Discussion and Application". Please refer to the Course Catalogue for information on the courses you can take to complete these two modules.
No, you don't have to. You can take an A1 course in French in the first semester and a B2 course in Russian in the second semester. However, the language course offer depends on the offer of the respective institute (e.g. the Institute of Slavic Studies cannot offer the A1 and A2 courses every semester for capacity reasons) or TUDIAS.
Please contact the responsible persons listed (listed under 1.Foreign Languages).
Yes, the stay abroad is individually tailored to the interests of the respective students. This requires advice from the study program coordinator. Together we will try to find a partner university in the respective desired field of study. You are also welcome to find universities or offers yourself, which you can then suggest to the coordination. The only premise is that it must be a research stay.
A list of university cooperations in the respective department and information about Erasmus+ can be found here.
No, internships or regular study visits do not count. It must be a research stay.
The students are responsible for financing themselves. However, there is the possibility to receive funding through Erasmus+. Please follow this link or contact the International Office. Of course you can also use other scholarships.
You register using the form provided by the Examinations Office. The Master's thesis takes 17 weeks to complete and 20 credit points are earned.
You will be informed of the deadline when you register. If you have any outstanding examinations, you will also be informed of these. You can register your Master's thesis at any time, even if you are still missing examinations.
In justified cases that make a stay abroad impossible, alternative solutions can be sought with those responsible.