Research Festival 2013
On the 2nd and 3rd of July 2013 the third Research Festival of the Collaborative Research Centre 912 took place in the Best Western Hotel close to the castle Lichtenwalde. Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, speaker of the CRC, opened the Research Festival on 2nd of July with a presentation on the work of the CRC 912. Afterwards, the PhD-Students presented their work and discussed it with all attendees. The Vision-Talk of Prof. Fettweis for the renewal proposal of the second funding period was the hightlight of the day. In 2014 one main focus will be the development of the concept as well as the writing of the renewal proposal. For this purpose, all members were encouraged to bring in their ideas and suggestions. These ideas were presented in the closing event on 3rd July.
The second day started with the monthly board meeting of the CRC 912. The program manager informed the board members on current topics. Subsequently, the CRC-members met in four working groups. Enabling a maximum of information exchange, the principal investigators changed their working groups in the second half of this session. The four working groups presented their results in short presentations. At the end of the second day of the research festival all projects gave their vision of the second funding period.
The participants enjoyed the third Research festival and appreciated the new perspectives. Especially, the vision talk and the discussion in the working groups were regarded as highlights of the research festival. In addition, the HAEC members enjoyed also the opportunity to get into conversation with each other on several topics and get to know each other better. The next Research Festival will take place within the excellence cluster cfaed on the 27th and 28th November 2013 in Dresden.