Expert Group: Thermoplastics Processing
The manufacturing of functionally integrative lightweight structures in multi-material design requires the provision of efficient resource-saving process chains. With its research activities, the Thermoplastics Processes Group of the ILK pursues an integrated approach along the entire value chain.
To this end, the expert group manages a complex process network starting
with the development, manufacturing and characterization of novel semi-finished
thermoplastic goods with tailored characteristics, for example compounds,
films, tapes and organosheets. Subsequently, new preforming technologies technologies are developed, ranging from near-net-shape depositing of thermoplastic tapes to braiding of complex-shaped hollow structures. At the end of the process chain is the development of efficient manufacturing processes in injection molding, compression molding, pultrusion and extrusion as well as generative manufacturing. The ILK scientists have a unique machine park at their disposal for this research at the National Lightweight Engineering Validation Centre (LEIV), which allows them to set up and test fully automated, networked, robust process sequences under near-series conditions.
The activities of the specialist group are based on many years of extensive know-how in the development of innovative mould, automation and process technology in line with Industry 4.0 for the efficient production of hybrid thermoplastic structures. Process development is accompanied by the use of end-to-end process simulation.

Head of Thermoplastics Processing
NameDipl.-Ing. Alexander Liebsch
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Dr.-Ing. Michael Krahl
Deputy Head of Thermoplastic processing
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
Visitors Address:
DÜR, Floor 1, Room 175 Holbeinstr. 3
01307 Dresden