Scientists processing machines and processing technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens-Peter Majschak
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Visiting address:
Hauptgebäude ZIN, ZIN 103 Bergstr. 120
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Naturstofftechnik
01062 Dresden

Cleaning Technologies
NameDipl.-Ing. Oleg Barteld
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Research Focus
- characterization and modelling of soil properties under cleaning conditions

Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Lena Berthold
Forming of Fibre Based Materials
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- 3D-Forming of fibre based materials
- project Commisioning of Intelligent Production Systems
- project InfraKart: Moisture measurement with organic infrared detectors to control paperboard processing machines
- humidification and absorption behaviour of paperboard materials

Processing Systems
NameDr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Max Britzke
Research Field Coordinator
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Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Norbert Bunk
Sealing and Forming of polymer Packaging Materials
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Cleaning Technologies
NameDipl.-Ing. Matti Heide
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Research Focus

Cleaning Technologies
NameDipl.-Ing. Manuel Helbig
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
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Research Focus
- Factors influencing the cleaning processes in the food industry
- Hygenic Machine Design
- Collaboration in the project Development and application of an adaptive 3D camera measurement technique for semi-analytical modelling of spray cleaning processes - MeMoSprüh
- Concluded projects:
- Cleaning mechanisms of immerged systems”
- “Optimizing of cleaning processes by means of process description and dimensionless numbers 1 + 2”
- “Cleaning of Dead Spaces”
- “Enhancement of cleaning-in-place efficiency using pulsed flow 1+ 2”
- “Development of a water jet tester for verifications according to DIN EN ISO 16925 as a portable measuring device”
- "Increasing the resource efficiency of cleaning processes in food industry with modular model soil - ReMoVe"
- Responsible for the following courses:
- Cleaning technology and industrial hygiene (MB-VTMB-24)
- Directive-compliant machine design (MB-VTMB-24)

Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. André Hofmann
Forming of fibre-based Materials
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- ultrasonic treatment of fibre networks
- forming of fibre networks with deep drawing anfd embioopssing technology
- optimization of forming processes
- development and optimization of tools and machinery for 3D-forming of fibre networks
- recent projects

Processing Systems
NameLuca Kloß
Lab Engineer
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Kai Knobloch , Staatl. gepr. Techniker
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Cleaning Technologies
NameDr.-Ing. Hannes Köhler
Research Field Coordinator
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Research Focus
- Modelling of Cleaning Processes
- Collaboration in the IGF-project Experimentally supported basis models for a feasible numerical cleaning simulation 2
- Concluded projects:
- Experimentally supported basis models for a feasible numerical cleaning simulation
- "Development of a process model for jet cleaning in the food industry 1 + 2"
- Exercise and practical support in the following courses:
- Cleaning technology and industrial hygiene (MB-VTMB-28)

Cleaning Technologies
NameDipl.-Ing. Sebastian Kricke
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Research Focus
- Soil-specific cleaning behaviour
- Collaboration in the IGF-project “Identification of physical-chemical properties of soils for structure-based cleaning optimisation in the food industry 2”
- Supporting the ERDF project: “Material Hub” in cooperation with SLUB Dresden
- Exercise and practical support in the following courses:
- Cleaning technology and industrial hygiene (MB-VTMB-28)

Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Stephan Pfeiffer
Sealing and Forming of polymer Packaging Materials
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- Sealing and Forming of polymer packaging materials
- current research project "Measurement setup for inline material characterization for a material model of the thermoforming simulation"

Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Phillip Rosenbusch
Natural Fiber Based Functional Structures
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- Project Development of a modular seal tester for heat and ultrasonic sealing as well as a test method for determining the optimum sealing parameters of films under application conditions
- Project Air-cushion-paper – Development of a novel, environmentally friendly packaging material and a corresponding manufacturing process
- Project Entwicklung eines klebstofffreien, umweltfreundlichen Papierwabenkerns (Steckwabenkern) sowie eines zugehörigen Herstellungsverfahrens zur Anwendung in Sandwichwerkstoffen im mobilen und immobilen Innenausbau

Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Holger Schubert
Forming of Fibre Based Materials
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- biodegradable functional barrier layers
- coating systems for 3D deep-drawn packages
- forming and embossing of fiber networks
- development of forming tools and tool systems for resizing deep-drawn fiber networks

NameHeidelinde Siegert
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Processing Systems
NameDipl.-Ing. Georg Steinert
Motion Technology
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- Product and cycle rate adapted motion design of the Pick & Place technology
- current project: Significantly increased efficiency of a final packaging system - GRAND

Dr.-Ing. Sven Tietze
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Dr.-Ing. Uta Weiß
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