Core Facilities
A core facility supports internal and external researchers in the planning and implementation of research projects through the provision of modern scientific equipment and the expertise of the respective operators. The aim is to make the research infrastructure available to as many users as possible within the DRESDEN-concept research facilities for a fee. Several core facilities are also combined into technology platforms at TU Dresden. They enable efficient utilization of existing resources, generate synergies and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as knowledge and technology transfer. The DRESDEN Technology Portal enables researchers and users to search for specific equipment, complex facilities or services for their research in a targeted manner.
Core Facilities of the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at TU Dresden
The Core Facility preclinical Magnetic Resonance (CFMR) is a specialized facility within the Centre for Metabolic and Immunological Diseases and Therapeutic Technologies Saxony (MITS), dedicated to preclinical imaging using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Our facility provides comprehensive imaging capabilities for morphological, functional, and metabolic assessments in rodent models.
Peter Mirtschink
Institut für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin
Tel: 0351-458-15231
Piotr Ciesielski
Experimental Centrum
Tel: 0351-458-6155
The Core Facility Cellular Imaging (CFCI) is the equipment center for light and electron microscopy at the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus of the TUD Dresden University of Technology. The CFCI also provides support for image processing and analysis. In addition to application training and equipment maintenance, the CFCI is an active member of the multi-institutional network Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform (BioDIP) for central imaging units at the Johannstadtcampus in Dresden. The BioDIP makes state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and the necessary expertise available to all scientific departments across the campus.
Visitors Address:
![Dr. Thomas Müller-Reichert](
Head of Facility
NameProf. Dr. Thomas Müller-Reichert
Specialist for TEM and CLEM, research in cell devision
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Medizinisch Theoretisches Zentrum, Office B.10.001C Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
Contact Information:
Silke Tulok / Dr. Anja Nobst
Medical Theoretical Center, Office: A20.044
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
![Foto Michael Gerlach](
Intravital Specialist
NameDr. Michael Gerlach
Training, scientific support and advice
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Visiting address:
Medizinisch Theoretisches Zentrum, Office: A 20.044 Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
Postal Address:
Technische Universität Dresden,
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus,
Core Facility Cellular Imaging (CFCI),
Prof. T. Müller-Reichert
Fetscherstraße 74, PF 117
01307 Dresden
The Institute of Physiological Chemistry at the Faculty of Medicine operates the FACS Facility. FACS stands for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting and enables the counting and analysis of physical and molecular properties of particles or cells in a liquid stream. The facility offers various state-of-the-art devices for use: two Becton Dickinson FACSAria sorters in the Medical Theoretical Center (MTZ), a Becton Dickinson Symphony A3 and a Becton Dickinson LSRFortessa in the pediatric clinic at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus.
Susann Höfner
FACS Facility Technician
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![Rolf Jessberger](
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Jessberger
Institute Director
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Visiting address:
Medizinische Fakultät der TU Dresden
Institut für Physiologische Chemie, MTZ, 1st floor, room A.10.044
Fiedlerstraße 42
01307 Dresden
The Facility for Reproductive and Transgenic Technologies is a service for scientists at the TUD Dresden University of Technology and their cooperation partners. Transgenic techniques such as the injection or electroporation of zygotes to create genetically modified mouse lines are offered as well as the electroporation of murine embryonic stem cells and their injection into morulae or blastulae. Pronucleus injection of simple plasmid or BAC constructs is also possible. The backup freezing of embryos of various stages (oozytes, two-cells and morulae) can be carried out, as can the cryopreservation of sperm and in vitro fertilization.
Dora Schreier
+49 351 458-16160
Facility for Reproductive and Transgenic Technologies (aka CRISPR/Cas)
Experimentelles Zentrum
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus
TU Dresden
Fetscherstr. 74
01307 Dresden
Other Core Facilities relevant to University Medicine
The CMCB Technology Platform of TU Dresden bundles state-of-the-art technologies and technical expertise based on the life science issues of the three Institutes of the CMCB - B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD. The goals are synergy effects, promotion of knowledge and technology transfer, as well as the economic use of existing resources.
The Advanced Imaging Facilities of CMCB provide access to, and expert training on highly specialized devices
Electron Microscopy
Light Microscopy
Provides top level NGS expertise and support for high throughput genomics. Learn more...
The Flow Cytometry Facility offers access to state-of-the-art flow cytometers as well as cell sorting services and more. Learn more...
Provides cutting edge technologies for the fabrication of customized microstructures. Learn more...
Your full spectrum of proteomics and mass spectrometry applications Learn more...
Provides fully equipped clean room suites for state-of-the art cell therapy manufacturing Learn more...
Generation, characterization, culture, storage and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering of human and primate iPSCs. Learn more...
Provides high-throughput in vivo vertebrate screening using Vertebrate Automated Screening Technology (VAST). Learn more...
Provides assistance for CyTOF-related projects including panel design, antibody labeling and titration, sample staining and data analysis. Learn more
Provides techniques and know-how for assessing active and passive properties of cell membranes, electric interactions between cells and their responses to pharmacological, optical and electrical stimulation. Learn more
- User training and technical support for our devices
Learn more: Molecular Imaging and Manipulation Facility
The National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT/UCC) is working intensively on modern, personalized cancer medicine. The aim is to tailor the entire treatment optimally to the individual patient. A wide range of infrastructure and services - including core units for molecular tumor diagnostics, immunomonitoring, preclinical models and data as well as study management - can be used by all NCT/UCC members.