Prof. Ingo Roeder, Ph.D.

Chair for Medical Biometry and Statistics
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. med. Ingo Röder
Institute Director
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Prof. Ingo Roeder is Head of the Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry. He is a member of the Carl Gustav Carus Medical Faculty at the Technische Universität Dresden. In particular, he holds the Chair for Medical Statistics and Biometry. Since 2015 Prof. Roeder has been scientific head of the Core Unit for Data Management and Analytics (DMA) at the National Centre for Tumor Diseases (NCT) at the partner site Dresden. Between 2014 and 2018 he acted as CIO of the TU Dresden School of Medicine. Since 2018 he ihas been dean of studies at the Faculty of Medicine.
Prof. Roeder’s research focus covers the following areas:
Theoretical Biology/System medicine:
- Application of mathematical models in the context of treatment optimisation/model-based experimental/study design (e.g. regarding CML, AML, T-PLL)
- Dynamics of molecular regulation networks
- Theoretical concepts of stem cell organisation (theoretical setm cell biology)
- Clonal competition phenomena and stem cell/niche interactions
- Statistical modelling (e.g. mixed-effect models)
- Analysis of cellular genealogies
- Analysis of single cell tracking data
- Model-based trial design
- Integrative analysis of molecular data (e.g. NGS-based)
Medical Informatics:
- Data integration models
- „Big Data“ in oncology
- Integration of model predictions in processes of clinical decision-making