MINTdigital: online STEM subject series for school pupils
MINTdigital gives pupils from year 10 onwards the opportunity to gain exciting insights into current research and enter into dialog with scientists. This digital format of science communication for young people takes a closer look at topics in the STEM sciences, i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, as well as studying and careers in these subjects.
MINTdigital in November 2024
This time it will be applied again: Scientists from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TU Dresden will take the students on a journey to the latest developments in mechanical engineering.
Dates: 30.10. – 04.12.2024 on Wednesdays (no lecture on 20.11.24)
- 06.11.24: Students (a projekt of Johanna Graupner) – “From idea to reality – how students develop robots”
- 13.11.24: Dr.-Ing. Martin Knaut – “Atomic Layer Deposition – Stacking atoms for modern computer chips”
- 27.11.24: Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) – “All about studying”
- 04.12.24: Simon Puteanus – “Not all electricity is the same – How does solar energy get into the cell phone battery?
- 11.12.24: Prof. Andreas Richter – “Micro- and nanorobots – tiny cylinders with huge potential”
Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Grade level: from 10th grade until after the Abitur.
The events are based on the level of the first semester of study. The lectures are held in German.
MINT-EC: Students from MINT-EC schools can register on the MINT-EC website. They can receive five MINT-EC points for the MINT-EC certificate if they participate fully and submit an assignment. Here you can also find out whether your school is a MINT-EC school.
MINT-EC points can only be awarded if you register via the MINT-EC website!
Students from all other schools can register via the TU Dresden registration form. If you participate in at least four dates, you will receive a certificate of participation.
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024
Program in November 2024
Of tiny robots and atoms in stacks - the future made by electrical engineering
What does it mean to be an engineer? For scientists at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TU Dresden, it means shaping the future and saving the world a little.
In the digital lecture series MINTdigital, the researchers take you into the world of micro and nanorobots, computer chips and co. Swallowing a pill to diagnose diseases sounds like science fiction, but modern medical technology is already making it a reality. How the coating of the latest computer chips can lead to the desired properties is scientific precision work - with layer thicknesses of just a few atomic layers. These and other exciting insights await you on five Wednesday evenings from October 30. One event is dedicated to the topic of studying: your questions to students will be answered and you will find out why Dresden is the place to be as the most important microelectronics location in Europe.
Past series
On our MINTdigital review page you will find a clear list of programs from past series.
Mitarbeiterin Schulkontaktstelle der TU Dresden
NameClaudia Haack M.A.
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