On this page you will find a selection of qualification profiles of specialists and executives who have successfully continued their professional career in Dresden and the region with the help of the Dual Career Service for newly appointed professionals. For the purpose of job search, the Dual Career Service for newly appointed persons is connected to the DRESDEN-concept network and the Dual Career Network Mitteldeutschland as well as other regional players.
Examples of a successful job search:
Economist | Master's degree - first professional experience in the field of strategy and finance, full-time employment as project assistant in the energy industry
Chemist | PhD - return to work after parental leave, employment in the area of strategy development and research data management, part-time as desired
Managing Director - PhD in literature and cultural studies with many years of experience in university and financial management, employment as a department head in an academic environment
Physician | PhD - several years of professional experience in internal medicine, clinical emergency medicine and surgery, employment as a physician in further training in the field of company health care
Psychologist - experienced in the orthodox medical service, leading office coordinator, decision for the professional further education to the psychological psychotherapist in Dresden
Journalist and editor - many years of professional experience, project work as a freelancer in public broadcasting in the desired subject area
Historian | PhD - several years of professional experience, continuation of research activities in Dresden
Project manager - many years of professional experience in projects with Eastern European background, employment as project collaborator in EU project on international cooperation
Teacher at Grammer School - subjects German and history, experience with international remedial classes, social sciences and politics, employment as a teacher in the Saxon school service in the state exchange procedure, school near home