The Young Professors Programme offers all TU Dresden junior professors and holders of Tenure Track positions a comprehensive, target-oriented and individually tailored guidance on the way to a life-long chair.
The programme is dedicated to ensuring that our university is an optimal place to develop the careers of Junior and Tenure-Track Professors or holders of Tenure Track positions.
We are not able to offer every participant of the programme a positive evaluation that will lead to a life-long chair, but we create a stimulating and helpful environment for this purpose. We offer advice and support and we accompany our newly appointed professors. In this way, we ensure that research and teaching is made even more innovative, exciting and successful. The appointment to a chair opens up many
opportunities for new tasks. The following roles are particularly noteworthy:
In addition to scientific excellence, these fields of activity require university didactics, social and intercultural expertise, as well as leadership and management skills. A distinct ability to communicate is also pivotal for success in the international scientific context.
After starting the job, an initial conversation will support the development of an individual qualification plan for the Juniorprofessors and holders of Tenure Track positions. This plan should be based on the individual situation of each programme participant with the help of a tailor-made selection of offers and measures.
Particular attention will be paid to:
- The personal situation, individual career path as well as experiences, needs, aspirations and ideas, for example previous experience with didactic university teaching, leadership experience, successfully completed courses and previous evaluations.
- The objectives, which are individually negotiated in the appointment agreements.
- The strategic positioning and development of the respective faculties.
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact the programme officer.

YOU PROF Young Professors Program
NameAlena Fröde
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Günther-Landgraf-Bau (GLB), room 7-116 Mommsenstr. 15
01069 Dresden