Accessible Guidance and Orientation System
The elements of the accessible guidance and orientation system provide a consistent route from the entrance area of the building to the room, which is also standard for all TU Dresden buildings in terms of material, graphic design and technical implementation. This includes information boards, signposts, direction signs, door signs as well as the security identification in buildings. The accessible guidance and orientation system is to be considered as a comprehensive system for the interior and exterior signage.
Accessibility: One system for everyone
We do not consider accessibility to be an imposed measure but rather a system for everyone: inclusive and intuitively usable.
- standardized and clearly arranged
- recognizable by colors, fonts, icons
- comprehensible and bilingual
- visual and tactile readability
- barrier-free accessibility and reading heights
- digital connection via the Campus Navigator

© Federico Tornello

© Federico Tornello

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Federico Tornello

© Katrin Klunker

© Federico Tornello

© Federico Tornello

© Federico Tornello

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker

© Katrin Klunker
Information structure
From the outside to the inside, from large to small: The guiding in the interior of the buildings is done via the room numbers. The indication of the room numbers is given a primary position in the guidance system.
Highly frequented facilities with relatively constant information such as classrooms, function rooms, study offices are implemented as printed signs. The elements overview board, floor overview, and elevator floor overview, signpost and door sign manage the information. Thus, a reduction to essential contents is achieved and important information can be quickly grasped. Changing information such as offices of institutes, chairs and administrative units are listed in the entrance area as a flexible board and at the respective room as a door sign with paper insert in a removable frame. The guidance is then exclusively via the room numbers.
Background of the project
Accessibility is a central field of action of the TU Dresden action plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Within this context, a barrier-free signage guidance and orientation system was developed with the participation of various user groups and approved by the University Executive Board on September 27, 2017.
The project has been supported by the implementation of the measures of the action plan at TU Dresden in the past years by the special inclusion funds of the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Research, Culture and Tourism (SMWKT).
FAQs und Downloads
You will find answers to frequently asked questions and downloads under Accessible Guidance and Orientation System in our internal section.

Projektleiter Barrierefreies Leit- und Orientierungssystem
NameKay Schomburg
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Dezernat Gebäudemanagement/ Sachgebiet Infrastrukturelles Gebäudemanagement,
Verwaltungsgebäude B69, Raum 111
Bergstraße 69
01069 Dresden

Barrierefreies Leit- und Orientierungssystem / Campus / CD
NameKatrin Klunker
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Dezernat 7 Strategie und Kommunikation/
Sachgebiet 7.2 Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Corporate Design
Verwaltungsgebäude 3, Raum 109
Nöthnitzer Straße 43
01187 Dresden