computer fillable forms
In the following you will find computer fillable forms that are of worldwide usage.
Please note the additional instructions for using and filling out forms.
All users are responsible for the data they enter into the forms. Since only the German forms are legally binding, please fill them in German. The non-fillable English forms serve the sole purpose of providing explanation. In case these are personal data, it is necessary to comply with the legal and judicial regulations of data protection .
Accident report / civil servant (Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50 Saxon Civil Servant Pensions Act (SächsBeamtVG) (Form GAS/6 from 04.07.2017)
Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50 Saxon Civil Servant Pensions Act (SächsBeamtVG)
Accident report / employee (for accidents with more than 3 days of incapacity to work) (Form GAS/2 from 08.05.2024)
Large accident report for workers, employees, trainees, student assistants and research assistants
Accident Report / employees (in case of accidents with a visit to the doctor and no or up to three days’ inability to work) (Form GAS/1 from 08.05.2024)
small internal accident report
ACCIDENT REPORT for children in day care facilities, pupils, students (Form GAS/5 from 08.05.2024)
Accident Report for children in day care facilities, pupils, students
Announcement of a Monetary Donation (Form D1.6/31 from 05.06.2024)
Announcement of a Monetary Donation, filled in by the sponsor
Application for login at ZIH (functional-/structurally-relate (Form D2.2/56-2 from 18.10.2016)
online application for a login with a functional- / structurally-related e-mail address of TU Dresden
Application for parental leave (Form D2.1/76 from 20.07.2022)
Application for parental leave
Assessment of academic qualifications acquired abroad (Form D2.3/39 from 25.07.2024)
Evaluation of a higher education qualification acquired abroad to be used for employment at TUD
civil servants (Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50) (Form GAS/6 from 04.07.2017)
Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50 Saxon Civil Servant Pensions Act (SächsBeamtVG)
Declaration of doctoral studies and employment relationships (Form D2.2/44 from 15.10.2024)
Declaration of contractual duration for academic staff: declaration of doctoral studies and employment relationships (fixed-term employm./ civil service on limited appointment) at German higher education or research institutions accor. §2 Abs.3 WissZeitVG
Declaration of Donation in Kind (Form D1.6/32 from 29.07.2016)
Declaration of Donation in Kind
Donation in Kind (Declaration) (Form D1.6/32 from 29.07.2016)
Declaration of Donation in Kind
E-Mail-Address (functional-/structurally-related login) (Form D2.2/56-2 from 18.10.2016)
online application for a login with a functional- / structurally-related e-mail address of TU Dresden
Employment (Declaration of contractual duration) (Form D2.2/44 from 15.10.2024)
Declaration of contractual duration for academic staff: declaration of doctoral studies and employment relationships (fixed-term employm./ civil service on limited appointment) at German higher education or research institutions accor. §2 Abs.3 WissZeitVG
Evaluation of a higher education qualification acquired abroad to be used for employment at TUD (Form D2.3/39 from 25.07.2024)
Evaluation of a higher education qualification acquired abroad to be used for employment at TUD
Fire Brigade (Form GAS/12 from 25.06.2024)
Application for joining the fire brigade of TU Dresden
Fire Brigade (Form GAS/12 from 25.06.2024)
Application for joining the fire brigade of TU Dresden
higher education qualification (acquired abroad) (Form D2.3/39 from 25.07.2024)
Evaluation of a higher education qualification acquired abroad to be used for employment at TUD
Hosting agreement - Contract for issuance of a residence permit (Form D8/2 from 22.03.2023)
Contract for issuance of a residence permit according to section 18d of the German Residence Act for unpaid visits to be processed at the Schools´Administration
Hosting Agreement, unpaid (Form D8/2 from 22.03.2023)
Contract for issuance of a residence permit according to section 18d of the German Residence Act for unpaid visits to be processed at the Schools´Administration
Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50 Saxon Civil Servant Pensions Act (SächsBeamtVG) (Form GAS/6 from 04.07.2017)
Investigation of a work-related accident according to § 50 Saxon Civil Servant Pensions Act (SächsBeamtVG)
Length of the contractual duration for academic staff (Form D2.2/44 from 15.10.2024)
Declaration of contractual duration for academic staff: declaration of doctoral studies and employment relationships (fixed-term employm./ civil service on limited appointment) at German higher education or research institutions accor. §2 Abs.3 WissZeitVG
Login at ZIH (functional-/structurally-related e-mail address) (Form D2.2/56-2 from 18.10.2016)
online application for a login with a functional- / structurally-related e-mail address of TU Dresden
Monetary Donation (Announcement) (Form D1.6/31 from 05.06.2024)
Announcement of a Monetary Donation, filled in by the sponsor
parental leave (application) (Form D2.1/76 from 20.07.2022)
Application for parental leave
teaching assignment (Form D2.1/3 from 07.03.2024)
Request for conclusion of a teaching assignment
page 3 (to be filled out by the lecturer)

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01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Directorate Central Affairs, Unit Internal Service
01062 Dresden