Corporate Design
Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing is responsible for Corporate Design at TU Dresden. The Corporate Design Team works together with other Directorates, Staff Units and Central Units of TU Dresden to ensure a consistent brand identity.
If you have any questions, requests or suggestions regarding the university’s Corporate Design, please contact .
CD Elements
The TU Dresden logo consists of a symbol and lettering. It always appears as a whole and must not be cropped or modified in any way. The logo may either be used in TU Dresden’s corporate color or in white and black in promotional material.
The following basic rules apply to time-limited projects, especially in collaborative projects with TUD external partners (e.g. at conferences and meetings): You must:
- incorporate the TU Dresden logo in TU Dresden websites
- embed the TU Dresden logo with a link leading to TU Dresden’s website
Members of TU Dresden:
The logo and the corresponding instructions for use are available to download in the aforementioned color versions and various conventional file formats in the internal area of TU Dresden’s Corporate Design pages.
External design service providers and partners:
Please send enquiries for the use of the TU Dresden logo to your partners at TU Dresden as well as the Corporate Design Team: .
Open Sans has been TU Dresden’s corporate typeface since January 2018.
The Open Sans font was developed by typeface designer Steve Matteson as a font suitable for all media formats, spanning print, web design and mobile interfaces. It was released under the Apache License Version 2.0 and is available via various font libraries on the internet as a free download.
Members of TU Dresden :
The text is available for download in TU Dresden's online internal area.
Font embedding:
The Open Sans font is embedded in all TUD templates together with all font weights. Although Open Sans is a widely used open source font, it is not a system font. As it is therefore not automatically installed on all PCs, the only way to ensure that the document is displayed correctly on all computers is to embed the font.
This means the document will have a larger file size. You can deactivate font embedding at any time. This is particularly recommended for office documents that are only sent within the university. (how to activate and deactivate font embedding)
Please make sure font embedding is activated for presentations which will be shown externally or on external devices (conferences, etc.)! If the font is missing on the external PC, it will be replaced automatically by a comparable font, which may negatively impact the presentation and its readability.
Find more information and tips on font here:
The primary identifying color of TU Dresden is dark blue. This can be used with different levels of opacity. Black, white and grey are the secondary colors and various shades of blue, green, purple, red and orange make up the accent palette. You can find the specific RGB and CMYK color values in TU Dresden’s Corporate Design Manual.
Members of TU Dresden:
In the Corporate Design Team’s internal web pages, you can find an overview of the color values in CMYK, RGB and web color codes for TUD and its Study Information System (SINS) as a PDF file. These color values are also integrated in the various file templates, which are available for download in the internal area.
Adobe: For Adobe programs, a set of ASE color swatch libraries (ZIP archive) is available for download (TUD colors, SINS color sets, DRESDEN-concept colors). After unzipping, these libraries can be loaded into the programs via the color swatches window.
Microsoft Office: A number of color palettes for MS Office software in different color settings are also available for download (zip archive with .XML files). The archive must be unzipped and the files stored in the following folder on your computer: C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes\Theme Colors\
LibreOffice: For the programs in the LibreOffice Suite a color palette with the colors of the TUD CD, the SINS and DRESDEN-concept is available for download ( .soc file).
You can custom store the LibreOffice color palettes in the following file path in your system: C:\Benutzer\MYuserNAME\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\config
External design service providers and partners:
For color values and templates to download, please contact the Corporate Identity Team: .
TUD has designed its own icons for a variety of uses in the university context. These are constantly being developed and added to. The now more than 380 characters can be used in digital and printed communication media. The pictograms were tested for recognizability and comprehensibility with various target groups during their development phase.
The icons are available as TUD icon fonts on this site (see below) and as graphic files, grouped in theme sets in the TUD image pool.
Staff and students of TU Dresden:
The number of characters in the TUD icon font file were expanded since in April 2023 to include 50 additional icons and are available as a variable font. As many characters as possible (about 80%) are now assigned to the corresponding international Unicodes. The characters tagged in this way can also be displayed correctly by screen readers. Therefore, they are no longer assigned to the Latin characters (keyboard layout).
The line width of the “TUD-Iconfont-V” can, if the TTF Font file is installed, be adjusted as needed – notably in the Adobe programs using the slider next to the font in the “Font” menu. However, you will find 4 predefined font styles as OTF files, which you can choose from: Thin, Extralight, Light and Regular. The Light style corresponds to Open Sans Light, and the Regular style corresponds to Open Sans Regular. You will find an example in the “VariablerIconfont_Schnitte” PDF.
Important note:
There is one bug that we are still unable to resolve at the moment – the font name is currently not visible in the font selection menu in Office programs. Only when you hover over it with your mouse does the font name become visible.
An overview table with all characters (glyphs) and the corresponding Unicodes can be found in the PDF. The characters are displayed in full via "Insert - Symbol - Additional symbols..." (Microsoft Word) or "Font - Glyphs" (Adobe Indesign). The icon font is available under the following links in the internal area of the CD web pages:
Download TUD_Iconfont_V_02-2025 ( .otf, .ttf, .woff files in ZIP Archive)
Overview: All TUD glyphs_Iconfont_V_02-2025 (PDF)
In addition, there is a separate “TUD-Iconfont-V-UI” especially for interface designs in the TUD style ready for download. These icons are smaller and in some cases more reduced than the originals. This font consists of a selection of UI characters and will also be continuously expanded as required.
Download TUD_Iconfont_V-UI_02-2025 (Fontdateien otf, ttf, woff in ZIP Archiv)
In the TUD image pool the TUD icons are also available for download in the file formats JPG, PNG, PDF and SVG, sorted as icon sets by topic (e.g. research, health, mobility, ...).
External design service providers and partners:
Please send enquiries for downloading pictograms to the Corporate Identity Team: .
Enquiries for the development of additional pictograms can be directed by email to the Corporate Identity Team: .
TU Dresden´s brand identity contains layout grids for various publication types. These define the size and position of the TUD logo, as well as text and image arrangement. The exact values are defined in Corporate Design Manual and can be found in TUD´s layout templates.
Information about the layout grid on webpages and more detailed information about the design possibilities of the web pages in general can be found on the Downloads and Materials web pages.
Members of TU Dresden:
The Corporate Design Manual contains information on the dimensions of the layout grid, application examples and layout templates and is available for download in various common file formats in the internal area of TU Dresden’s Corporate Design web pages.
External design service providers and partners:
Please send enquiries regarding the download of the Corporate Design Manual and the layout templates to the Corporate Design Team at: .
TU Dresden itself as well as its Faculties, Institutes and Chairs have protected their special products or services by obtaining brand protection at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) for Germany or at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for the entire EU. The owner of these German or EU-wide trademarks is TU Dresden. The costs for this must be borne by the respective structural units.
Trademarks are registered via the Patent Information Centre (PIZ) at TU Dresden. The head of the PIZ represents TU Dresden in trademark matters before the DPMA and the EUIPO. As a rule, a thorough trademark search is carried out at the PIZ before the application is filed, in order to avoid infringements of IP rights and to be able to assess whether a refusal due to absolute grounds for refusal is to be expected on the part of the trademark examiners. After successful registration, the PIZ then carries out monthly trademark monitoring in order to be able to take action, if necessary, against new trademark registrations by third parties which infringe the trademark rights of TU Dresden.
If you have any questions about trademarks - about the application requirements, costs or the use of the registered trademarks - please contact the Patent Information Centre (PIZ). The PIZ is part of the TU Dresden Transfer Office and is an official cooperation partner of the DPMA.
TU Dresden’s Corperate Design was introduced on January 1, 2005 based on a decision by the University Executive Board dated October 12, 2004. It was determined that the Corporate Design is binding for all areas of TU Dresden. In July 2014, it was decided to fundamentally renew the internet presence and the WebCMS of TUD. In early 2018, a new corporate typeface was introduced. In addition, an accessible building management system will be introduced at TU Dresden. On this page, you will find all key information on Corporate Design, topic-specific points of contact, and access to downloads and templates in the internal web area (access only with IDM login for members of TU Dresden).
Templates and Downloads
TU Dresden´s Corporate Design Manual contains detailed instructions on brand identity guidelines as well as corresponding examples.
It comprises three chapters on basic elements, business stationary and communication media, as well as a color register.
The use of TU Dresden’s logo, font, color and layout grid are explained in more detail in the Basic Elements chapter. Business Stationary presents topics such as business cards, letterheads or forms, which are essential documents for the official communication of TU Dresden. The chapter on Communication Media contains references and examples for the design of publications such as brochures, flyers or scientific posters.
In addition, there are further supplementary guidelines on the website; building signs, photos, films and explanatory films.
Members of TU Dresden:
The Corporate Design Manual is available to download in the internal section of TU Dresden's Corporate Design web pages.
External design service providers and partners:
Please enquire about downloading the Corporate Design Manual and the other short guides by contacting the Corporate Design Team: .
Various templates in TUD design (logo, layout grid, font and color) are provided in the internal area of TU Dresden's Corporate Design web pages.
- Business documents (letters, minutes, memos, etc.)
- Print publications (flyers, brochures, posters, roller banners, etc.)
- Templates for digital use (PowerPoint, social media etc.)
- Templates for Latex (presentation and document templates)
For easy use of the TUD colors in office and layout software, download the color swatch libraries below:
- TUD color swatch libraries for Adobe Indesign and Illustrator (zip archive with .ase files)
- TUD CD color sets for MS Office in various color settings (zip archive with .xml files)
The templates also contain specific settings and guidelines on aspects such as font sizes, line spacing or color contrasts to ensure the creation of accessible documents. For all requests, ideas and suggestions for the templates, please contact the Coporate Design Team service by email: .
Templates and downloads for other topics such as social media, web and interface design, video or signage in buildings of TU Dresden can be found in the respective FAQ entry directly linked on this page.
External design service providers and partners:
Our university has a framework agreement with the printing company addprint for TU Dresden members’ business cards.
You can order business cards directly on addprint’s online shop. You will be forwarded to an external provider. addprint’s online print center
External print portal:
To avoid misuse of the service, orders can only be made from computers in TU Dresden’s IP area.
When you create your business cards online, you will be able to see a preview and check for errors on your monitor.
This is the print preview for your business cards. You will not receive a sample print by post. Therefore, please check your product carefully before completing your order!
In the first step of the ordering process, please select how many business cards you would like to order and decide between a one-sided or two-sided print (the latter is useful for business cards in both German and English). In the second step, please enter all required data. If you selected a two-sided print in the previous stage, you will also be asked to enter data in English. In the third step, you can review your business cards and see how much the order will cost. Please specify a valid cost center when placing the order. You will then receive an order confirmation via email.
Please inform the person responsible for the cost center of your print order. You should provide a written explanation at the end of the order form. If the order was not authorized, the purchaser must cover the costs. The print preview created during the order process accurately represents the final print result.
Excerpt from the minutes of the University Executive Board meeting 5.96 of April 4, 2006. (updated - contact persons and organizational designations 08/2019)
Concerning the use of secondary logos by TU Dresden organizational units, the University Executive Board decided that:
- secondary logos may only be used in accordance with the principles of TUD's brand identity (the logo is to be placed below the letterhead in the contact's note).
- users are expressly requested to take advantage of the consulting services offered by Directorate 7 (Mr. Christoph Schletterer / Corporate Design, extension 36629) when creating, evaluating and using logos.
- all secondary logos as defined in this resolution are to be recorded and registered in Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing. They may only be used after the publication of a secondary logo on the registered secondary logos web page.
When designing secondary logos, graphic similarities to elements of the TUD logo are not permitted. This means that the TUD logo (and parts of it) may not be used for the design of secondary logos.
The TU Dresden design guidelines for secondary logos define all essential details. It also defines how the secondary logos (logos of the individual institutions of the TUD) are arranged in the overall appearance. Detailed information is described in the TUD CD Manual and is included in all templates.
TUD's Corperate Design also includes the design of the web pages. All structural units are required to use TUD's Web Content Management System (WebCMS) and to apply the specified design scheme (page structure, grid, colours, fonts etc.). Detailed information about the design possibilities of the web pages can be found on the Downloads and Materials web pages. Questions about WebCMS can be sent by email directly to Web Support at
Members of TU Dresden:
The guide for working with TU Dresden’s WebCMS is available to download in the internal area of TU Dresden's CD web pages.
External design service providers and partners:
External users who provide TU Dresden with content on other web pages, apps or digital communication platforms outside of TUD-WebCMS can request the download of the WebCMS guide via the Web Support.
TU Dresden is active in many social networking sites. Each social media channel of an institution belonging to the TU Dresden should be clearly associated with the TU Dresden in terms of design and naming.
Various social media templates are available for this purpose. With these templates, you can present the identity of your institution and express affiliation to TU Dresden at the same time.
For further Information, just click on a profile to get in touch with a member of our Social Media Team or send an email to: .
Unit 7.5 Web and Video in Directorate 7 – Communication and Marketing oversees the design and technical implementation of the TUD website using WebCMS. If you have any questions regarding WebCMS, please send an email directly to Web Support at .
The user interface design of other TU Dresden digital interfaces (apps, software development or web interfaces) is not yet coordinated and standardized in all areas. However, the regulations for the use of the TU Dresden logo, color, typeface and TU Dresden-specific pictograms still apply. These are defined by the university’s Corporate Design.
Please contact Anja Knöfel or Josefine Süß with any inquiries regarding interface design. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Unit 7.5 Web and Video in Directorate 7 – Communication and Marketing is responsible for topics to do with photography, photography assignments and film projects. The team can provide support for queries to do with these matters and can also manage the production of photos and films. Any external or internal support requests can be directed to the following email addresses:
There are many different formats in the areas of film and photo. We have created short guidelines on the topics of video production and photography to facilitate the briefing and production process for members of TUD and external service providers.
For more on the topic of photography, please visit the photos and image material pages.
The video production pages provide further information about this service at TU Dresden. You can also find information on motion graphics there, which allow you to create videos in line with TU Dresden’s Corporate Design. There is also useful information on standards for online presentations, which can help you prepare your PowerPoint videos for online lectures and events in line with the Cooperate Design standards.
A TUD-specific guide on creating explanatory films was published in 2016. This guide covers the most important aspects such as graphic style, animation and language so as to ensure a uniform visual language despite various different topics. You can request the style guide by getting in touch with the Corporate Design advice service.
The building management system is part of TU Dresden’s Corporate Design. It includes signs on campus and in the buildings of TU Dresden, site plans and the digital Campus Navigator.
In accordance with the handbook and the general user requirements on accessible guidance and orientation systems, TU Dresden’s graphic, content-related and technical specifications for interior and exterior signs are implemented in cooperation with Unit 4.4 Infrastructural Facility Management. This also includes the provision of campus maps. You can find more information on the project as well as answers to frequently asked questions and downloads on the accessible guidance and orientation systems web pages in the internal area of TU Dresden’s website.
The design of TU Dresden’s outdoor spaces is specified in the handbook and general user requirements for outdoor spaces. Plans and ideas for campus design are presented on the Campus design master plan 2028 page.
You can find contact details for inquires concerning Facility Management at TU Dresden at Directorate 4 There are also various project groups in which employees from administration, teaching and research address aspects of this topic. Current information and topic-related guidelines are generally provided by the responsible contacts.
General information on the topic of building management and outdoor spaces is coordinated by Directorate 4 – Facility Management.
Members of TU Dresden:
Please contact the Accessible Guidance and Orientation Systems Team in Directorate 4 if you have any questions or suggestions regarding signage: .
Requests for additional signs in TUD buildings can be sent by email to the Corporate Design team at .
External design service providers and partners:
You can receive guidelines and templates from the building-specific points of contact at Unit 4.1.1 – Construction Planning in Directorate 4.
TU Dresden’s main campus is situated south of the city center and is easy to reach via bus or tram. Please make use of the Campus Navigator, TU Dresden’s interactive orientation system, for detailed information pertaining to specific buildings.
Click on the following link to find an overview of TU Dresden campuses and a selection of detailed maps that can be downloaded as PDF files.
Inquiries and information on the use of maps in your publications, changes to existing maps or the creation of additional maps can be sent by email to the Corporate Design team at .
Further information and general advice
There are many frequently used document types for which templates in the Corporate Design are available. For example, there are office templates for letters and documents, presentation templates and layout templates for creating brochures, flyers, posters and social media posts.
These templates contain notes with important information and links (to video tutorials, help pages and guides) for editing the document.
On the software and instructions page, you will find an overview of recommended commercial and open source software designed for office or design use. On this page, we also supply more information on where to find support as well as links to software providers and tutorials. This overview comprises other specialized software applications for creating infographics and 3D visualizations as well as for editing photos.
The list is by no means exhaustive, but covers the most common programs. We do not assume responsibility for the content on the page or the accuracy of the links. If you have a helpful tip you would like to share or there is a link you would like to have changed, please contact .
TU Dresden documents must be accessible to everyone. For print documents, this primarily concerns readability, contrast and font sizes. All TUD templates have been designed with accessibility in mind.
Pursuant to EU Directive 2016/2102 and the German Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology BITV 2.0 § 2a, TUD is obliged to ensure accessibility for all documents that are made available for viewing or downloading on the website and the intranet. When publishing accessible PDF documents, the DIN ISO 14289 – PDF/UA standard must be applied. The current templates (2021) meet these standards.
The Services Disability and Studies Group web pages contain the most important information as well as guidance and links to support services offered by TU Dresden and external sources on the topic of creating accessible communication media.
QR codes facilitate a quick connection between real-world objects and virtual content. Using a smartphone camera, users can access, save or enter information on their phones. We have compiled key information on using and creating QR codes in TU Dresden media for you on the linked page.
For projects involving DRESDEN-concept network partners in addition to TU Dresden, please ensure the DRESDEN-concept logo and corresponding partner logos are also included in the communication media.
The DRESDEN-concept logo package can be requested by sending a short email to Anne Kubis at .
For more information, please visit the DRESDEN-concept start page.
Please indicate the funding reference and use the BMBF and Free State of Saxony logos in publications.
EXU measures financed by the Excellence Strategy must include a notice of funding (especially in print media, event programs, invitations, calls for proposals, websites, etc.). To this end, the funding bodies request that the following text modules be used together with the BMBF logo (in German and English) and the Free State of Saxony logo. If the design allows it, the long version should alway be used.
Long version
“Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government”
Short version
“Funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government”
You can find the logos as well as guidelines for their use here:
Download BMBF
(if you have problems downloading the file, please contact )
For the description of the logo required for accessibility (e.g. in PDFs or in the alternative text field), please use the following text:
“Logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The federal eagle and the bar element are shown to the left of the lettering.”
Download Free State of Saxony logo (zip file)
(if you have problems downloading the file, please contact )
For the description of the logo required for accessibility (e.g. in PDFs or in the text field) please use the following text:
“Signet of the Free State of Saxony: The lettering ‘Saxony’ is in black. Underneath this, a stylized Free State of Saxony coat of arms in green is visible on a white background.”
Instructions on using the logo of the Free State of Saxony can be found in the trademark manual:
Notice of funding on internet pages
All internet pages pertaining to EXU measures must include the following notice in italics at the text end of the page:
“Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.”
These pages should not include the logo, as these can only be included in the large logo boxes in WebCMS. For an example, please see:
Members of TU Dresden can access all linked documents in the internal area of the TUD website provided they have a valid ZIH login (even outside of the TU network).
TUD members can issue design orders to external service providers.
We offer advice and support for writing an inquiry and briefing on all design and organizational aspects to ensure the best possible results and a smooth project flow. We also provide the external service provider with templates and subject-specific details. Moreover, we can help you select an agency or graphic designer for your project.
Please direct all inquiries regarding collaboration with external service providers in advance to the Corporate Design team at .
External service providers are requested to contact the Corporate Design team at before starting work on an order.
The Corporate Design team provides support and advice in all design and organization matters when working with organizationals units of TU Dresden. The aim is to ensure a smooth project flow in line with the strategic communication goals of TU Dresden.
All guidelines and templates are also available to external service providers. Please send requests for downloads and more information via email to the Corporate Design team at .
The Corporate Design Team
The Corporate Design Team in Directorate 7 is responsible for the implementation and development of brand identity at TU Dresden. As a team of design professionals, we are the point of contact for all questions pertaining to Corporate Design and brand identity. We work closely with other Directorates, Staff Units and Central Units of TU Dresden. Depending on the area of expertise required (e.g. website, photography or film production), we will forward your request to the responsible party at TUD.
As an internal design service, we develop the design concept, graphics and a means of communication that are geared towards the target group and also customized to fit the appropriate medium for your needs. We attend to the layout and composition of publications and other means of communication concerning topics central to TUD, as well as we assist you with the production of printed materials.
In addition, we offer advice and support for the commissioning of external design service providers (preparation of inquiries, briefing, design selection and purchase). We also provide the external service provider with templates and subject-specific details. Moreover, we can help you select an agency or graphic designer for your project.

Corporate Design
NameChristoph Schletterer
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Straße 69, Raum 204
01187 Dresden

Corporate Design
NameKatrin Klunker
Barrierefreies Leit- und Orientierungssystem | Campus
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Room 221
01187 Dresden

Corporate Design
NameUlrich Puhlfürst
Infographic and science visualization
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).