Service Catalogue

29 Search results

Matomo – Access statistics for web areas

Tags: Web

You can request detailed access statistics for your web area in the WebCMS of the TU Dresden via the unit web and video.

WebCMS of the TU Dresden

Tags: Web

The Unit Web and Video of the Directorate Communication and Marketing is responsible for the operation and further development of the Web Content Management System (WebCMS) of the central website of the TU Dresden and offers various consulting services and training courses for content creators.

Newsletter Tool

Tags: E-Mail, Web

Based on the software service of the professional e-mail marketing provider "Clever Elements", the Web and Video department provides a central newsletter tool for the TU Dresden. With this tool, you can send CD-compliant and data protection-compliant newsletters to your subscribers via specially certified e-mail servers ("CSA Whitelisting").

SLUB Homepage

Tags: Reseach Tool, Web

The SLUB Homepage is the primary website of SLUB Dresden. Here, users are offered user-friendly and web-friendly, target-group-specific information on central SLUB services as well as numerous communication options.

Location: > > SLUB


Tags: B2B, B2C, Collaboration

Web-based platform for group collaboration and support of typical workflows

DRESDEN Technology Portal

Tags: Research Data, Reseach Tool, Collaboration, Web

The DRESDEN Technology Portal is a joint online database of all partners of the DRESDEN-concept. It provides a comprehensive overview and access to scientific instruments, services and technologies of research institutions in Dresden, Germany.

Location: > > Dresden > BSS Bürogebäude Strehlener Str. 22, 24

PC Pool

Tags: PC-Pool

PC Pool

Location: > > Dresden > WEB Weberplatz Süd, Weberplatz 5 / Teplitzer Str. 16

PC Pool

Tags: PC-Pool

PC Pool

Location: > > Dresden > WEB Weberplatz Ost, Weberplatz 5 / Teplitzer Str. 16


Tags: e-Learning, Reseach Tool

Web application for creating online surveys

PDF/A Online Validation

Tags: Web

SLUB's PDF/A Online Validation allows publications to be checked against the required PDA/A standard before they are submitted to the Saxon document and publication server Qucosa.

Location: > > SLUB

Deutsche Fotothek

Tags: Reseach Tool, Web

The Archiv der Fotografen — Archive of Photographers provides a virtual showroom for the works of distinguished photographers in Germany - from the portfolio of the Deutsche Fotothek and the collections of our partners. Furthermore you can currently search in about 2.2 million images from 95 institutions: photographs, paintings, graphics as well as maps and architectural drawings.

Location: > > SLUB

KaufTipp (Purchase proposal)

Tags: e-Learning, Reseach Tool, Information, Web, Advanced Training

Purchase proposals for the SLUB

Location: > > SLUB