Planning greener business trips
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Business trips are responsible for a significant proportion of a university’s environmental impact. However, they are also essential for universities. Networking at conferences, discussions with conference speakers and research project meetings with national or international partners make up a substantial part of university activities. Therefore, while reducing the amount of traffic is a clear goal from the perspective of the transportation sector, universities must question if they can reduce travel for their employees, or if a high level of employee mobility is a quality criterion for a well-connected university. Of course, we might question the value of individual flights, however, the final decision-making authority lies with the respective approvers ("Anordnungsbefugte" is the German legal term). The applicable laws (here: SächsRKG) must also be taken into account; in this context, specific reference is made to Section 3 (1) SächsRKG, according to which the traveler is entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred on official business, insofar as the expenses and the duration of the official trip were necessary for the completion of the business.
The goal is therefore to raise the awareness of those undertaking business trips and to ensure that travel is as environmentally friendly as possible. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions a business trip generates depends considerably on the chosen mode of transportation. Some external providers offer carbon offsetting for unavoidable emissions. However, this practice is controversially discussed and currently not possible in Saxony’s public sector, i.e. any additional costs incurred would have to be borne by the employee..
Calculator for comparing different modes of transportation
Various institutions offer comparison calculators and comparative information on emissions generated by various modes of transportation.
Organizing resource-efficient and climate-friendly events
Environmental Management at TU Dresden has compiled a guide for Green Meetings.