Nov 01, 2024
Expansion of neighborly cooperation: Welcoming the delegation from Prague’s Charles University to TU Dresden Milena Králíčková, Rektorin der Karl-Universität Prag (links), und Ursula Staudinger, Rektorin der TU Dresden (rechts), unterzeichnen die gemeinsame Kooperationsvereinbarung.
On November 1, 2024, representatives of TU Dresden received counterparts from Charles University in Prague to renew the partnership that has existed since 1992. Prof. Ursula Staudinger, Rector of TU Dresden, and Prof. Ronald Tetzlaff, Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalization, welcomed Prof. Milena Králíčková, Rector of Charles University, Prof. Eva Voldřichová-Beránková, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, and Vice-Rector for the Conception and Quality of Education, Prof. Jan Polák, to the TUD campus. The mutual goal of the meeting was to identify specific fields of action for the expansion of this cross-border cooperation
"The regional partnership with Charles University is one of crucial importance to us, not only for the exchange of students, but also for joint research projects on pivotal innovative topics that are of great relevance to our region in particular," explained TUD Rector Prof. Ursula Staudinger.
In addition to rectorate members from both institutions, representatives of the DRESDEN-concept partners Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IfW) as well as two institutes from the Czech Academy of Sciences, the J. Heyrovski Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Institute of Physics, were present at the meeting. Its members had already agreed in spring that they would fund four doctoral positions for the next four years.
The Cotutelle Framework Agreement signed jointly by TU Dresden’s School of Science and Charles University at this meeting will also enable participating doctoral students to obtain degrees from both institutions going forward.
The deliberations between the university management and the non-university partners also aimed at the creation of joint research projects, as well as further exchange and joint degree programs, while working together closely with other departments. The research project “Atomistic Spin Textures in Antiferromagnets”, a collaboration between TU Dresden, the IFW and the Institute of Physics at the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), is already waiting in the wings.
Peter Rosenbaum
International Office
Tel. +49 351 463-37571