Apr 12, 2024
Online information evening for parents about studying in Saxony
School meets university
Online information evening on April 16, 2024 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. for parents of prospective students. TU Dresden, HTW Dresden, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Pack dein Studium and Studentenwerk Dresden are offering an information evening on the topic of "Studying in Saxony" and answering questions such as:
- Which universities are there in Saxony?
- How do they differ?
- What offers, networks and tips are available for study orientation?
Interested parties can register until April 14, 2024 using the contact form on the Pack dein Studium website with the subject "Parents' Evening"

Koordinatorin Schulkontaktstelle der TU Dresden
NameDipl.-Hdl. Nadja Bauer
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