The Academic and the Student Program Coordinators work together as a team to ensure the quality assurance and improvement of their study program. Their work is based on the the university's quality goals for study and teaching, as well as on the requirements for the conception and accreditation of study programs that apply, both on federal and national levels.
Their permanent tasks include:
- the development of subject-specific quality objectives for their degree program,
- the implementation of our own suggestions for improvement,
- advising students and teachers on questions and problems in the course of study,
- the acceptance and processing or follow-up of criticism, information and complaints within the framework of quality management for teaching and learning, i.e. systematically caused problems (e.g. too high examination load)
- the acceptance and processing or follow-up of compliance notices, i.e. references to or violations of applicable regulations through human action (e.g. pretending false facts)
- close cooperation with the Dean of Studies and the Student Representatives.
Within the framework of the study program evaluation:
- they are the central contact persons for their study program,
- they point out quality objectives and special features specific to the course of study,
- they draw up a statement and a catalogue of measures on the basis of the evaluation report, which they present to the faculty's committees,
- they accompany the implementation of the measures and document the status of the further development of the study programme in the teaching report of the faculty.
Here you will find a detailed description of the tasks in English.
You can find the program coordinators for your course here.