Quality Goals
The fundamental principle of quality management at TU Dresden is to plan and control the quality of academic and teaching performance on the basis of guiding principles and goals. The implementation of the goals is measured and checked by various indicators, instruments and procedures within the TU's internal quality control loop. If necessary, appropriate measures are taken.
The following guiding principles and quality goals are to be understood as a cross-university orientation framework, which should support the faculties in their internal discussions on questions of the quality of study and teaching and encourage them to continuously monitor their performance.
Teaching goals
In order to be able to offer all prospective students and students high-quality teaching, teaching at the Technical University of Dresden is based on the following guiding principles and goals:
Teaching is based on trusting cooperation, which is geared to the success of the students in their studies.
Teaching is research-based.
Teaching is transfer-oriented.
Teaching takes into account the diversity of lecturers and students.
Teaching is environmentally oriented.
Teaching lays the foundation for lifelong learning.
Teaching is oriented towards the promotion of intercultural competences and open-mindedness .
Teaching Guidelines (pdf) (in german)
Quality goals
The guiding principles of teaching result in direct demands on the practice of good teaching, which together represent the quality goals of the TU Dresden. These should be implemented in every course of study and checked within the framework of the course evaluation. Initially, these quality goals of the TU Dresden as well as the minimum standards of the Accreditation Council were examined in parallel by the Centre for Quality Analysis. After the consultation in the working group Q, the quality goals were adopted by the rectorate in a revised version on 10 November 2015. They are based on the minimum standards of the Accreditation Council, which were differentiated and extended taking into account the quality goals of the TU Dresden. Within the framework of the study programme evaluation, both the quality goals and the minimum standards are examined by the Centre for Quality Analysis.
TU Dresden quality goals for study and teaching (pdf)
It has been shown that the quality goals, which so far have been formulated rather abstractly, are in part in need of interpretation. This consequently leads to uncertainties both in the Commission for the Quality in Teaching and Learning and in the faculties. For this reason, it is planned to explain quality goals that require interpretation in more detail and to supplement them with good examples of implementation. In order to facilitate the implementation of the quality goals from now on, a first leaflet on the interpretation of the quality goal with regard to the qualification goal "competence for the involvement in society" has been prepared.
leaflet for the interpretation of the quality goal "competence for the involvement in society" (pdf) (in german)
In addition, a working group consisting of members of the TU Dresden has compiled the most important points around the topic of competence orientation in a handout, with a particular focus on the study program and module level (incl. examination results). In addition to theoretical basics, the guide includes tips and suggestions for practical implementation. Suggestions for the formulation of competence-oriented learning objectives and assistance in the design of module descriptions are given. The listed working aids and further links also provide the opportunity to use the chapters on an occasion-related and accompanying basis, e.g. during a module conception.
Subject specific quality goals
Basically, the subject-specific quality goals are derived from the general quality goals of the Technische Universität Dresden and specified with a view to the respective degree programme.