20th - 29th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Table of contents
- 20th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2010
- 21st Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
- 22nd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2012
- 23rd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
- 24th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2014
- 25th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
- 26th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2016
- 27th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
- 28th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2018
- 29th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium 2019
Printed conference proceedings can be obtained, if available, at a price of 15 EUR (incl. VAT and shipping costs). Please contact us by e-mail: .
20th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010: Ceremony for the awarding of the German Bridge Building Prize 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010: Lecture events
The proceedings of the 20th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are unfortunately no longer available.
In addition, the following contributions are also printed in the conference proceedings:
21st Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Monday, March 7, 2011: Exhibition opening and reception Tuesday, March 8, 2011: Lecture events.
The proceedings of the 21st Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are unfortunately no longer available.
22nd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012: Ceremony for the awarding of the German Bridge Construction Prize 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012: Lecture event.
The proceedings of the 22nd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are unfortunately no longer available.
In addition, the following contributions are still printed in the conference proceedings:
23rd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Monday, March 11, 2013: Exhibition opening and reception Tuesday, March 12, 2013: Lecture events.
The proceedings of the 23rd Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are unfortunately no longer available.
In addition, the following contributions are still printed in the conference proceedings:
24th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014: German Bridge Building Award 2014 ceremony, exhibition opening and reception.Tuesday, March 11, 2014: Lecture event.
Unfortunately, the proceedings of the 24th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are no longer available.
25th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Monday, March 9, 2015: Exhibition opening and reception
Tuesday, March 10, 2015: Lecture events.
The proceedings of the 25th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are still available.
As a pdf, the conference proceedings are available in their entirety here.
In addition, the following contributions are still printed in the conference proceedings:
26th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016: Presentation of the German Bridge Construction Award 2016 and reception Tuesday, March 15, 2016: Lecture event.
The proceedings of the 26th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are still available.
As a pdf, the conference proceedings are available in their entirety here.
In addition, the following contributions are still printed in the conference proceedings:
27th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Monday, March 13, 2017: Exhibition opening and reception Tuesday, March 14, 2017: Lecture events.
The proceedings of the 27th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are still available.
As a pdf, the conference proceedings are available in their entirety here.
* Without lecture to the symposium *
You can find an overview of the photos here.
You are welcome to order the photos you want from us by stating the photo numbers.
28th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium and German Bridge Building Award 2018
Monday, March 12, 2018: Evening event: Awarding of the German Bridge Building Prize 2018, reception Download invitation flyer here.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018: Lecture event Download invitation flyer/ program here.
The proceedings of the 28th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are still available.
As pdf the conference proceedings are available in their entirety here.
CONTRIBUTIONS Herzlich willkommen zum 28. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng/Auckland Hans Müller-Steinhagen Vorwort zum 28. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach Bauwerksentwürfe nach RE-ING – Was ist neu? TRDir Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gero Marzahn, TORR‘in Yvonne-Christine Gunreben Development of cable-stayed bridges in China | Entwicklung von Schrägkabelbrücken in China Yaojun Ge, Professor and PhD (ohne Vortrag; dafür: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Holger Svensson: Schrägkabelbrücken heute und morgen am Beispiel von China) Vom Rechnen und Wissen – Monitoring an den Talbrücken der Neubaustrecke Erfurt–Leipzig/Halle Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx , Dipl.-Ing. Marc Wenner, Dipl.-Ing. Max Käding, Frederik Wedel M. Sc. Nachrechnung und Ertüchtigung der Siegtalbrücke – größte Spannbetonbrücke der Sauerlandlinie (A45) Der Rückbau der Lahntalbrücke Limburg (1964) Dr.-Ing. Stefan Franz, Dipl.-Ing. Frank Ansorge Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme im Brückenbau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto, Dipl.-Ing. Cornell Weller Eugène Freyssinet: “I was born a builder” Dr.-Ing. David Fernández-Ordóñez Realisierung der Kienlesbergbrücke in Ulm – gestalterische und bauliche Herausforderungen im komplexen Baukontext Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Akkermann, Dipl.-Ing. Bartlomiej Halaczek Die Taminabrücke in der Schweiz, der Heimat großer Brückenbauingenieure Dipl.-Ing. Volkhard Angelmaier 100 Jahre Dauerhaftigkeit für Brücken- und Tunnelbauwerke Dr.-Ing. Angelika Schießl-Pecka, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Willberg, Dipl.-Ing. Georg Müller, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Gehlen Lebenszyklus- und Qualitätsspezifikationen für Ingenieurbauwerke Versagenshäufigkeit und Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit von Brücken Dr.-Ing. habil. Dirk Proske Brückenvielfalt rund um die Ostsee – Bericht zur Brückenexkursion 2017 Chronik des Brückenbaus Zusammengestellt von Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sabine Wellner |
29th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium 2019
Montag, 11. März 2019: Ausstellungseröffnung und Empfang Dienstag 12. März 2019: Vortragsveranstaltungen
Monday, March 11, 2019: Exhibition opening and reception Tuesday March 12, 2019: Lecture events.
The proceedings of the 29th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium are still available.
You can download the proceedings (complete, correction version of 9.10.2019) as a PDF document: Download conference proceedings
CONTRIBUTIONS Herzlich willkommen zum 29. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium Laudatio für Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke aus Anlass der Verleihung der Wackerbarth-Medaille der Ingenieurkammer Sachsen Christian Menn – Brückenbauer, Lehrer, Ästhet Aktuelles zum Regelwerk des Bundes für den Ingenieurbau Die Maputo-Katembe-Brücke, das neue Wahrzeichen Mosambiks – Drei Bauverfahren bei der längsten Hängebrücke Afrikas Monitoring und Visualisierung im Infrastrukturbau Verkehrsinfrastruktur für Hamburg – Neubau der Waltershofer Brücken im Hamburger Hafen Erfahrungsbericht aus Österreich über die Anwendung von neuen Verfahren im Brückenbau Stahlverbund-Großbrücken mit obenliegender Fahrbahnals Querschnitte mit Teilfertigteilen und Schrägstreben bzw. Konsolen Kurt Beyers Beitrag zur Baustatik Nachrechnungsdefizite bei Massivbrücken – Ein Problem der Tragfähigkeit oder [doch nur] der Modellvorstellung? Was tun, wenn Annahmen und Realität nicht zusammenpassen? Lebenszykluskostenbetrachtungen für chloridexponierte Bauteile von Brücken- und Tunnelbauwerken (Korrekturfassung vom 9.10.2019) Dauerhafte und wirtschaftliche Straßenbrücken mit Halbfertigteilen aus vorgespanntem Carbonbeton Der 30-Jahre-Zyklus der Brückeneinstürze und seine Konsequenzen Chronik des Brückenbaus |