Isotope based analysis of the time / space relationship of saline intrusion in the Unstrut river
Slagheap Bischofferode. Since the reunification, due to much sociological change, there has been a big reduction in the man made pollution of the Unstrut's surface water. The Unstrut catchment is strongly influenced by the mining of potash and particularly by the intrusion from saline dumps into the groundwater. In order to evalulate the volume of the transition compartments and the average residence time of the water in the different compartments we investigated the space / time behaviour of saline intrusion with respect to soil and groundwater. In this context we separated the discharge components and took into account the relationship between potential impact parameters, eg. rehabilitation of polluted ares, influencing factors such as management, climate change, rehabilitation).
The results of this subordinate research will contribute towards and support the results of the major DGFZ (Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum - DGFZ) coordinated project entitled "Creation of a tool for water management in the catchment area of the upper and middle Unstrut river, victim to mining induced saline intrusion."
Time scale: September 2001 until December 2004
Financed by: BMBF