Expertise & Team
The Facility Leader, Thomas Kurth, is a scientist with 25 years of experience in Histology and Electron Microscopy. His research focus is on cell and developmental biology, especially morphogenesis in the amphibian embryo. In addition, work is done on method development in histology and EM sample preparation. He established the EM-Facility of the CRTD since 2007 and joined it with the histology facility in the BIOTEC, which was established by Dr. Denis Corbeil.
Susanne Kretschmar (MTA) works since 2008 in the facility and has more than 15 years of experience as a electron microscopy technician with a focus on sample preparation for TEM, ultra- and cryo-ultramicrotomy, immunogold labeling, and CLEM.
Biologist Susanne Weiche works since 2010 in the facility and has more than 15 years of experience in Histologie und Electron microscopy. Her focus is on sample preparation for histology, sectioning of cryostat- paraffin, and resin sections, histological stainings, immunohistology and TEM.

The EM and Histology Team (from left to right): Thomas, Susanne K., Susanne W., Dana (Alumni)

Dr. Thomas Kurth
Leader Joint Electron Microscopy and Histology Facility
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Susanne Kretschmar
Technician EM, TEM sample preparation, ultramicrotomy
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Susanne Weiche
Technician, Histology and EM
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