ERA-Nets and JPIs – co-financed joint research projects
Within the new 50 partnerships under Horizon Europe (Pillar 2; Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness), there are two funding instruments, European Research Area (ERA) Nets and Joint Programme Initiatives (JPI), in which a smaller number of countries from the EU or other regions set up regular calls on specific topics, which are co-financed by the respective participating countries and the European Commission.
The funding programs usually aim to smaller and medium sized consortiums (3 - 7) and high approval rates of over 20%. Thematically, different subject areas are covered; the regular calls are thematically adapted or continuously updated.
Regularly calling and active ERA-Nets and JPIs come from the fields of:
- Medicine
- Agriculture, Food, Environment
- Environment, biology, ecology
- Urban/rural research
- energy
- Innovation research (SMEs)
The funding programs offer an excellent introduction to European collaborative research.
Funding is provided for collaborative R&I projects in various thematic areas, in line with the thematic focus of the different networks.
Due to the diversity of ERA-Nets and JPIs, funding conditions also differ, but some overarching commonalities exist:
- normally min 3 partner from three countries in one project
- normally 20 % overhead for German participants
- at an average 300,000 EUR funding for German partners
- each partner has to comply with national funding rules
- the participating countries have specific and different funding budgets
Funding is provided to academic and non-academic institutions in the participating countries, depending on the focus and objectives of the calls.
Current open calls can be found in the call calendar on the ERA-LEARN page. Calls may be published regularly or irregularly depending on the different networks.
Project Manager
NameMr Dr. Stefan Schuldt
ERA-Nets, BMBF Complementary measures
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FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden