Dr. Matthias Ritter
Dr. Matthias Ritter
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Organization NameProfessur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Visiting address:
Weberplatz 5, Room WEB 225a
01217 Dresden
- work Tel.
- +49 351 463-32979
Table of contents
- since 10/2024 Post-doc at the research center University School ForUS
- WiSe 2022/23 and SoSe 2023 Representation of the Prof. for School Pedagogy with a focus on school research at the TU Dresden
- 2017-2022 Research Associate at the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on quantitative methods (Prof. F. Funke)
- 2015-2022 Research Associate at the Department of Educational Science with a focus on Inclusive Education (Prof. A. Langner)
- 2011-2015 Research Associate at the Institute of Education Prof. for School Pedagogy: Project Evaluation of the Community School in Thuringia (Prof. Melzer)
Core research areas
- Individualization and school / personalized / self-regulated learning
- Community school
- Quantitative school research
- University School Dresden
Current projects
- All-day service center of the State Office for Schools and Education, funding: ~€45,000 (1.8.2024-31.12.2024)
- FOSTER: Research colloquium for students, funding: ~€34,800 FOSTER WEBSITE (1.1.2023-31.12.2024)
- FOSTER: Research colloquium for students, funding: ~€30,000 FOSTER WEBSITE (1.1.2023-31.12.2024)
- FOSTER: Students conduct research at the university school, funding: €20,500 FOSTER WEBSITE (1.1.2022-31.12.2022)
- Quantitative school research: Development of an R online course for multivariate methods on GitHub
- University School Dresden: Testing of research data management, implementation of stand. Mathematics (DEMAT) and spelling tests (HSP), conducting surveys of parents, pupils and learning guides, preparing reports
- Verein gemeinsam länger Lernen (Board of Directors) Support in the establishment of Gemeinschaftsschulen and Oberschulen+ in Saxony.
Completed projects (selection)
- Cooperation with the Oberschule Dohna (project seminars with students, see teaching below)
- HBSC study by the WHO (2010, 2014)
- Scientific monitoring of the Thuringian community school (2010-2014)
- School navigator of the Sächsische Zeitung (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014)
- Representative of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (since 11/2021 and term of office 2018-2021)
- Representative on the Council of the Institute of Education (2013-2017)
- Representative for the Faculty EW in the Doctoral Council of the Graduate Academy (2015-2017)
- University Sports Advisory Board of TU Dresden (representing the Faculty of Education)
Scientific publications
Journal articles
Ritter, Matthias (in preparation): Effects of individualized teaching. An analysis of the effectiveness of individualized teaching at Thuringian community schools.
Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias (2023): Use of digital media at university schools from the students' perspective. In: Schulpraxis entwickeln - Journal für forschungsbasierte Schulentwicklung 2 (2), pp. 69-80. Available online at https://journals.qucosa.de/spe/issue/view/2/13.
Ritter, Matthias (2023): Community school in Saxony. Expertise for the GEW Saxony.
Ritter, Matthias; Bartels, Hannah, Winkler, Anna (2022): A school trial as a school for my child. What motives do parents associate with this decision? In: Developing school practice - Journal for research-based school development 1 (1). Available online at https://doi.org/10.58652/spe.2022.1.p14-28, last checked on 28.08.2023.
Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias (2022): Research with and for practice using the example of Dresden University School. In: Developing school practice - Journal for research-based school development 1 (1). Available online at https://doi.org/10.58652/spe.2022.1.p29-46, last checked on 28.08.2023.
Ritter, Matthias (2021): Longer joint learning in Saxony. The introduction of the Gemeinschaftsschule and Oberschule+. TUD Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Education. Available online at https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-773653, last checked on 16.02.2021.
Ritter, Matthias (2020): Expert Hearing in the Saxon State Parliament, Committee for Schools and Education. TUD Dresden University of Technology. Available online at https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-773642, last checked on 16.02.2021.
Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias; Pesch, Marlis (2020): The real-world laboratory University School Dresden - research methodological basics. PraxisForschungLehrer*innenBildung. Journal for school and professional development
Ritter, Matthias (2019): Review of: Püttmann/ Pfeiffer (eds.): Methods of empirical research in educational science. An introduction. Münster: Waxmann 2018. In: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR) 18, No. 3, URL: http://www.klinkhardt.de/ewr/978383093848.html
Melzer, Wolfgang; Ritter, Matthias (2016): The Thuringian Community School - an evaluation report. In: Teaching and learning 42 (5), pp. 19-24.
Ritter, Matthias; Melzer, Wolfgang (2015): Their quality lies in their diversity. In: education & science 69 (12), pp. 22-25.
Bilz, Ludwig; Melzer, Wolfgang; Ritter, Matthias (2012): How healthy are German schools? Development trends from 2002 to 2010. In: Das Gesundheitswesen 74 (1), pp. 36-39. https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/pdf/10.1055/s-0032-1312645.pdf
Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias; Steffens, Jan; Jugel, David (eds.) (2019): Discovering inclusive education through research. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25515-2.
Articles in edited volumes
Ritter, Matthias (accepted): Dealing with ChatGPT in university teaching? Insights and findings from an open-space seminar with student teachers. In: Society for Media and Science (ed.): INTEGRATION & CO-CREATION. Cooperation between man and machine in research and education.
Ritter, Matthias; Langner, Anke; Bartels, Hannah; Pesch, Marlis; Haßler, Christoph (in review): "Wir müssen nochmal miteinander sprechen" - Schulentwicklung als Aushandlungsprozess von Schulleitung und wissenschaftlicher Leitung. In: Thade Buchborn, Maria Hallitzky, Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, Matthias Martens and Karla Spendrin (eds.): Schulpraxis - Entwickeln - Erforschen.
Ritter, Matthias (2023): Community school, the new comprehensive school? In: Katharina Graalmann, Peter große Prues and Magdalena Hollen (eds.): "Gesamtschule - status quo und quo vadis?": Waxmann (Series: Profile development in education), pp. 123-139.
Ritter, Matthias (2019): Exploratory analysis on the implementation of inclusive learning environments. In: Anke Langner, Matthias Ritter, Jan Steffens and David Jugel (eds.): Inklusive Bildung forschend entdecken. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25515-2_9.
Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias (2019): Research methodological basics. Methodology and methodology of the seminar series. Research-based teaching and learning. In: Anke Langner, Matthias Ritter, Jan Steffens and David Jugel (eds.): Inklusive Bildung forschend entdecken. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 151-167. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25515-2_7.
Ritter, Matthias; Steffens, Jan; Jugel, David (2019): University didactic thoughts on the seminar series "Inclusive teaching in practice". In: Anke Langner, Matthias Ritter, Jan Steffens and David Jugel (eds.): Inklusive Bildung forschend entdecken. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25515-2_2.
Hielscher, Vivian; Ritter, Matthias (2019): Nino, Julian and Bianka. Individual case analyses of three pupils. In: Anke Langner, Matthias Ritter, Jan Steffens and David Jugel (eds.): Inklusive Bildung forschend entdecken. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 169-195. available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25515-2_8.
Ritter, Matthias (2018): Individualized teaching empirically tested. In: Anke Langner (ed.): Inclusion in dialog: Fachdidaktik - Erziehungswissenschaft - Sonderpädagogik: klinkhardt (Perspektiven sonderpädagogischer Forschung), pp. 182-187.
Ritter, Matthias; Bilz, Ludwig; Melzer, Wolfgang (2016): School-related and extracurricular support as a resource for the mental health of pupils. In: Ludwig Bilz and Sudeck Gordon (eds.): Schule und Gesundheit: Ergebnisse des WHO-Jugendgesundheitssurveys "Health Behavior in School-aged Children": Beltz/ Juventa, pp. 181-199.
Ritter, Matthias; Bilz, Ludwig; Melzer, Wolfgang (2013): Pupils' well-being in the school context - The importance of school satisfaction for the health of adolescents. In: Petra Kolip, Andreas Klocke, Wolfgang Melzer and Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer (eds.): Health and health behavior in gender comparison. National report on the WHO study Health Behavior in School-aged Children 2009/10. Weinheim: Juventa, pp. 190-208.
Ritter, Matthias; Melzer, Wolfgang (2013): Start of the Thuringian community schools. First results of the scientific monitoring. In: Andreas Jantowski (ed.): Gemeinsam leben. Learning together, (Impulse, 58), pp. 234-247.
Ritter, Matthias; Bilz, Ludwig (2010): Influencing factors and support systems. In: Ludwig Bilz and Wolfgang Melzer (eds.): Schülergesundheit in Thüringen 2010. Ergebnisse der HBSC-Gesundheitsstudie und Perspektiven der schulischen Gesundheitsförderung im Freistaat Thüringen. School Evaluation Research Group of the TU Dresden, pp. 63-96.
Ritter, Matthias; Krützfeldt, Jana; Melzer, Wolfgang (2014): Final report: Scientific monitoring of the Thuringian community schools. (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2014). TU Dresden, School Evaluation Research Group. https://www.thueringen.de/mam/th2/tmbwk/bildung/schulwesen/schulsystem/gemeinschaftsschule/2014_wissenschaftliche_begleitung_thueringer_gemeinschaftsschule_abschlussbericht.pdf
Ritter, Matthias; Pabst, Kristina; Melzer, Wolfgang; Schmechtig, Nelly; Adolph, Andree (2012): Interim report. Scientific Monitoring of the Thuringian Community School (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2012). School Evaluation Research Group, TU Dresden.
Ritter, Matthias (2017): Individualization and school. The concept of individualized teaching and its effects on academic success. Dissertation. TU Dresden.
Ritter, Matthias (2009): Social support and the effects on the health of students in the context of club and organizational activities. An empirical study of the HBSC data set 2006. Diploma thesis at the TU Dresden.
Semester |
Seminars |
Summer semester 2024 |
Research at the university school: HSP/DEMAT (with Dr. Marlis Pesch) Research colloquium for student teachers (3x, with J. Nowak and tutors) |
winter semester 2023/24 |
Research at the university school: Vignette research (2x) Research colloquium for student teachers (3x, with J. Nowak and tutor) |
Summer semester 2023 |
ChatGPT: Consequences for the school** *Planning game community school (2x)** Research at the university school: Diagnostic tests* Research colloquium for student teachers (with J. Nowak and tutor) |
winter semester 2022/23 |
Lecture: Orientation Knowledge in Educational Science (Teacher Training - Middle Schools, Gymnasium and Primary School)** Simulation Game Community School (2x)** Research at the University School: Self-Regulated Learning* |
Summer semester 2022 |
Research at the university school (with Prof. A. Langner) |
winter semester 2021/22 |
Research at the university school (with Prof. A. Langner)* |
Summer semester 2021 |
Quantitative studies with R II |
winter semester 2020/21 |
Research at the university school (with Prof. A. Langner) |
Summer semester 2020 |
Research at the university school * (with Prof. A. Langner) |
winter semester 2019/20 |
Personalized learning with digital tools |
Summer semester 2019 |
Evaluation and prognosis ** |
winter semester 2018/19 |
Personalized learning with digital tools (with D. Martin) |
Summer semester 2018 |
Evaluation and prognosis |
Summer semester 2017 |
Evaluation and prognosis |
Winter semester 2016/17 |
Accompanying inclusive education in practice *** (with Prof. A. Langner) |
Summer semester 2016 |
School as an institution. Online-based simulation game (2x) |
Winter semester 2015/16 |
Individualization in the school. Quantitative and qualitative studies |
Summer semester 2015 |
School as an institution. Online-based simulation game |
winter semester 2014/15 |
Teaching and general didactics: Designing inclusive teaching and learning arrangements in the secondary school teacher training program (with K. Mannewitz) |
winter semester 2013/14 |
Practical research seminar: Qualitative and quantitative methods using the example of the 'Thuringian Community Schools' project |
Summer semester 2013 |
School and empirical educational research |
* own evaluation
** Evaluation by the Center for Quality Analysis at TU Dresden
*** Awarded with recognition at the LEHRPREIS of TU Dresden