EUTOPIA Undergraduate Research Summer School on the History of Violence (2nd–8th July 2023)

Pictures and more on Twitter: #EUReSSViolence
@IFG_TUD @WarwickHistory @drtomlowmann @FnzToGo @ModernHistTUD
Feedback and reports are available soon here on this website.
At a glance
contact | flyer | application form
The EUTOPIA Research Summer School explores violence as a broad theme across time and space, and queries what the manifestation of violence in different contexts can tell us as historians. Born out of the longstanding relationship between Warwick and Dresden, the summer school is run by scholars from both institutions, providing you access to world-class research and teaching.
What is Violence?: Historiography, Methods, and Issues | Long-Term Developments in inter-personal Violence | Gender Perspectives on the History of Violence: Paradigms and Empirical Examples in Historical and Popular Discourse | Drink-Related Violence in Early Modern Europe | Violence in and against Uprisings and Political Protest | Colonial Violence c. 1860-1914 | Violence and Representation | Narrations of Violence in Political Discourses (Dresden 1945 and today) | The Representation of Violence in Historical Movies | Ethnic violence: Riots and Pogroms | Mapping Violence
Modules are from 3rd to 7th of July. Please note that details on the digital learning environment for the summer school will be communicated to you by email, once you are accepted.
What more?
Violence Sites and Guided City Tour | Field Trips and Visits to the Military History Museum as well as to the City Archive Dresden | Student Panels | Socializing
Teaching staff
David Anderson | Tim Buchen | Jonathan Davies | Dagmar Ellerbrock | Alexander Kästner | Imogen Knox | Beat Kümin | Tom Lowman | Johannes Schütz | Gerd Schwerhoff | Wiebke Voigt

Connecting Europe
Accommodation will be provided onsite at TU Dresden, and accomodation costs are covered from 2nd to 8th of July 2023. Students will be expected to pay for their own meals, with reasonably priced options nearby. Travel bursaries up to 200€ are available. Accepted students will have to make their own bookings, advance the respective expenses and submit a claim for reimbursement supported by receipts during the summer school.
Please feel free to email any questions to the organizing office
The summer school is primarily aimed at students about to enter the final year of their undergraduate studies. Further information is included in the application form Closing time for applications is the 5th of May 2023 (prolongued).
If accepted, you will be supposed to pay a 50€ deposit. Instructions, a receipt and further information, e.g. on bank transfer details and the digital learning environment for the summer school, will be communicated to you by email in June 2023.
Please feel free to email any questions to the organizing office
contact | flyer | application form
EUTOPIA Partners
- The Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB)
- The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- The Ca'Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE)
- CY Cergy Paris Université (CY)
- The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
- The University of Gothenburg (GU)
- The University of Ljubljana (UL)
- The NOVA University Lisbon (UNL)
- The Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona (UPF)
- The University of Warwick (UW)
Declaration of Consent for the Processing of Personal Data, Information Requirements according to DSGVO
Purpose of data collection
The EUTOPIA Undergraduate Summer School on the History of Violence is a project of "Eutopia. The European University" to support undergraduate students in their early academic career. Your data will be processed exclusively for this purpose.
Data collecting institution und contact the persons concerned can turn to
Technische Universität Dresden, Institut of History, 01062 Dresden
Dr. Alexander Kästner | Email
TU Dresden's Data Protection Officer :
Mr Jens Syckor, 01062 Dresden, +49 351 463 32839, Email
Legal basis for the processing of personal data
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a) DSGVO (consent).
Personal data processed, data processing, storage period, and communicating data
Only the contact data and research interests provided in the online form will be processed. The data you have provided for the application will be processed as follows:
- Recording of your data in the Institute of History.
- Recording your Email adress and name in in digital learning environment for the summer school.
- Your personal data will be deleted no later than eight weeks after the summer school is finished.
- However, please note that TUD has no influence on how project partners such as your home universities handles your data.
Which are the general rights of data subjects?
To claim your rights, it is sufficient that you notify the responsible person in writing (email or letter).
The submission of personal data is voluntary. Consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked at any time with effect for the future. You have the right to obtain information on the data processed concerning your person, as well as the possible recipients of this data, at any time. You may at any time request TU Dresden to correct or delete your personal data or to restrict processing. In addition, you have the right of appeal to the responsible supervisory authority for data protection.
The responsible supervisory authority is:
Sächsischer Datenschutzbeauftragter, Postfach 11 01 32, 01330 Dresden
+49 351 85471 101
Fax: + 49 351 85471 109