Dr. Julia Prager
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Research Associate
NameDr. Julia Prager
Third-party funded project
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Chair of Modern German Literature and Media Culture Studies
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TUD Dresden University of Technology
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Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und Medienkulturwissenschaft
01062 Dresden
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Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
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01069 Dresden
from 09/22 Head of the DFG project "Theater der Trans-lation. Dynamics and Constellations of Translation and Degradation in Theater and Performance of the 21st Century." (together with Lars Koch)
Academic career
- since 2022: Own position in the DFG project 'Theater der Trans-lation. Dynamics and Constellations of Translating and Dismantling in Theater and Performance of the 21st Century' at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Summer semester 2022: Substitute professorship for NdL and theater research (Prof. Dr. Martin Schäfer) at the University of Hamburg
- 2019-2022: Research Associate at the Chair of Media Studies and Modern German Literature at the TUD Dresden University of Technology / SFB 1285: Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of Disparagement
- since October 2019: Head of the DFG Network: Gathering: Medial, spatial and political constellations
- Summer semester 2019: Research stay at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3
- since February 2018: Associate member of the SFB 1285: Invectivity. Constellations and dynamics of disparagement
- 2017-2019: Open Topic Postdoc Position (OTPP) at the Chair of Media Studies and Modern German Literature (Prof. Dr. Lars Koch) at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Summer semester 2017: IFK Summer Academy Return of Emotions
- 2014-2017: Postdoctoral Fellow (Christoph-Martin-Wieland) at the Chair of General and Comparative Literature (Prof. Dr. Bettine Menke) at the University of Erfurt
- 2010-2019: Freelance lecturer at the Institute for Languages and Literatures, Department of Comparative Literature at the LFU Innsbruck
- 2013-2014: Teaching assignments at the Chair of General and Comparative Literature at the Ruhr University Bochum, at the Peter Szondi Institute of the FU Berlin, at the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at the HU Berlin and in the Master's program Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the KFU Graz
- 2012: Doctorate at the LFU Innsbruck (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Martin Sexl/Prof. Dr. Sabine Schrader). Title of the dissertation: Frames of Critique - Cultural Studies Action-taking Capacity 'after' Judith Butler
- 2007-2012: Doctoral studies in philosophy at the LFU Innsbruck and FU Berlin (Peter Szondi Institute), dissertation field comparative literature (doctoral scholarship from the LFU Innsbruck)
- 2011: Coordinator of the Department of Gender Studies/Office for Equality and Gender Studies at the University of Innsbruck
- 2010: Project assistant in the third-party funded project: Komparatistik intermedial at the University of Innsbruck
- 2009-2010: Research Associate at the Institute for Languages and Literatures, Department of Comparative Literature at the LFU Innsbruck
- 2008-2009: Research assistant at the Department of Comparative Literature at the LFU Innsbruck
- 2008: Research year at the Peter Szondi Institute of the FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Irene Albers)
- 2006-2007: Internship in dramaturgy at the Tiroler Landestheater
- 2002-2007: Studied Comparative Literature, Art History and American Studies at the LFU Innsbruck. Title of diploma thesis: The I, its city and its whores - Exemplary studies on literary, cinematic and cultural-historical forms of representation of a myth complex
Research interests
Relational dynamics (medial, spatial, political) in theater, performance and protest, theater of other languages (18th century-today), medial constellations in literature and theater, sound studies, gender studies, literary and cultural theories
- Frames of Critique. Cultural studies action-taking capacity 'after' Judith Butler. Baden-Baden 2013 Series: Hetzel, A./Flügel-Martinsen, O. (eds.): Zeitgenössische Diskurse des Politischen, peer-reviewed (reviewed by Schönwälder, T. In: Zeitschrift f. neue politische Literatur 2013/2; cited in: Babka, A./Posselt, G.: Gender and Deconstruction. Vienna 2016).
Articles in journals, anthologies and online journals
- Theatrical play forms of the untranslatable (All the good, Needcompany 2019). In: Brandes, P. / Tkaczyk, K. (eds.): Übersetzen/Übertragen. Playful forms of transfer, Munich 2024, 133-150.
Of living mechanisms, glass bees and oncomice. Approaches to a literary organo-technoscience. Introduction. In: Koch, L./Neelsen, S./Prager, J. (eds.): Literarische Organotechnik. Studien zu einer Diskurs- und Imaginationsgeschichte, Berlin 2024, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110775310.
- Proximity/proximity. Paradoxes of distance-taking in the transcultural theater of Yael Ronen and Ensemble using the example of Common Ground. In: Heinicke, J./ Nonoa K.G. (eds.): Transkultureller Theaterschauplatz: Grenzen und die Odyssee Fliehender - Interdisziplinäre Überlegungen, Luxembourg 2024, https://www.melusinapress.lu/read/1981-5500-npda/section/6b4dd6b3-1022-4851-8c73-c8be8ef68b99.
Spatialization of superficiality. On the design of a scenosphere in Susanne Kennedy (Drei Schwestern, Münchner Kammerspiele, 2019) In: Zorn, J. (ed.): Themenheft: Intensive environments. On environmental assemblages of aesthetic experience = Forum Modernes Theater 34,1, Berlin 2023, 66-79 [double blind peer reviewed].
Theater texts and the intrigue of media blindness (Schwarzwasser). In: Donat, S. et al. (eds.): Alles Verblendung? What we can (not) perceive, should, want. Bielefeld 2022, 355-365.
Pre-writings? Stage directions as (part of) notations in Elfriede Jelinek's theater texts. In: Journal of Cultural Studies 2021, 60-72.
DOI: https: //doi.org/10.2478/kwg-2020-0081 -
No light? Lines of flight of the Enlightenment in Elfriede Jelinek's theatrical textual processes. In: Janke, P. et al. (eds.): Kunst.Politik.Moral. Vienna 2021, 173-189.
collect and change. On the theatricality of the citizens' stage. In: Otto, U./Zorn, J. (eds.): Aesthetic interventions. Interventions and encroachments in the regime of the theater". Berlin: Theater today 2021, 61-75.
Next to, along, against: Escape movements, silences and continuations of pandemic assembly dynamics of theater and protest. In: Bidmon, A. et al. (eds.): Para-societies. Imaginations - Stagings - Interactions. Berlin/Boston 2021, 235-253 (peer reviewed, open access). [together with Lars Koch]
- Under the light gap of the wall - A diffractive reading of Jelinek's V. Prinzessinnendrama. In: Hackel, A./Freytag, J./Tacke, A. (eds.): Gegen die Wand. Ingeborg Bachmann, Marlen Haushofer, Elfriede Jelinek, Sylvia Plath. Berlin 2021, 113-132.
(Dis)splitting: De-politicizing Dynamics at the Theatre of Collectives, in: Deutsche Bühne 1 (2020), 17-28 [with Lars Koch].
On the gesture of the pose: Right-wing populist designs of visual cultures using the example of the Identitarian movement. In: Koch, L./König, T (eds.): Between hostility and self-victimization. Emotional politics and the aesthetics of populist communication. Frankfurt a.M./New York 2020, 248-274.
Touching Gestures - Medial Modes of Affection in Rimini Protokoll's Situation Rooms. In: Fluhrer, S./Waszynski A. ed.): Tangieren - Szenen des Berührens. Baden-Baden 2020, 245-263.
Theater of Otherness. Cooperative and processual methods of scenic speech text production at Common Ground (Yael Ronen and Ensemble). In: Nissen-Rizvani, K./Schäfer, M.J. (eds.): TogetherText. Processually generated texts in contemporary theater. Berlin 2020, 122-141.
- This and beyond elective affinities. On the ethical-political potential of claimed relationality in Judith Butler. In: Gender. Journal for Gender, Culture and Society. 2/2019, 71-85 (double blind peer reviewed).
- Blöße-Geben. Postdramatic forms of exophony in Nicolas Stemann's production of Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen and Rabih Mroué's Riding on a Cloud. In: Kovacs, Teresa/Nonoa K. (eds.): Postdramatic theater as transcultural theater. Tübingen=Forum Modernes Theater 2018, 254-273.
- Expropriating Entanglements - Diffractive Procedures in Elfriede Jelinek. Jelinek research platform. 2018[available online]
- Paradoxes of taking distance: Butler's political media theory. In: Posselt, G./Schönwälder-Kuntze, T./Seitz, S. (eds.): Dimensions of the Political. On the political philosophy of Judith Butler. Bielefeld 2018, 189-208.
- Heterotopic interventions. Knowledge-critical and educational-theoretical analyses of Zone*Interdite and Poems from Guantánamo. In: Spahn, L./Stolle, J. (eds.): Embodied heterotopias. On the materiality and [dis]order of completely different spaces, 2018d, 253-263 [together with Valentin Dander].
- Violating scene. On the violent potential of the comma in Judith Butler's textual process. In: Lutz, H./Plath, N./Schmidt, D. (eds.): Punctuation marks. Scenes of writing. Berlin 2017, 74-78.
- Heraus-Treten - Zur Konzeption eines exophonen lyrischen Ich bei Yoko Tawada. In: Binder, E./Mertz-Baumgartner, B./Klettenhammer, S. (eds.): Lyrik transkulturell. Würzburg 2016, 187-202.
- Exophonic turn: Moving sound bodies in the text and staging of Jelinek's 'Die Schutzbefohlenen'. In: Research platform Elfriede Jelinek (15.05.2016).[available online]
- Eloquences of shame - On the appropriation and reversal of narrated sexuality in contemporary German-language literature. In: Sexuality and literature. Berlin 2015, 41-51.
- Productive Impurity: Theory and Practice as Comparative Relation. In: Siclodi, A. (ed.): Out of the Commodity! (= Open Systems 4) Online Journal of the Association for the Promotion and Mediation of Culture. Vienna 2013.
- Intermediality as a challenge of emotional politics. In: Brötz, D./Eder-Jordan, B./Fritz, M. (eds.): Intermediality in Comparative Literature. A stocktaking. Innsbruck 2013, 73-95.
- How we can love. On the relationship between (literary) academic criticism and affect. In: Neuhaus, S. (ed.): Figurations of love. Würzburg 2012, 97-115.
- De-masking the scientific subject. In: Jirku, B./Schulz, M. (eds.): Performativität statt Tradition - Autobiografische Diskurse von Frauen. Frankfurt a.M. 2012, 25-39.
- Foreword: [gender] From Field Studies to Agency Theories. In: Fuchs, N./Prager, J. (eds.): Gender Studies - From Field Studies to Agency Theories. Innsbruck 2010, 7-9.
- Self-Acts: Masturbation as a Means of Claiming Subject Status. e-journal MALCA Conference 2010.
- Eeny, meeny, moe and out you go. Possibilities of speech positions and political action in the humanities and social sciences context. In: Dege, M. et al. (eds.): Can the marginalized (wi(e)der)speak? On the political potential of the social sciences. Giessen 2010, 95-113.
- Images and images again and again. The fairy tale of saint and whore in the field of tension of media reality based on Marshall's Pretty Woman and Rodriguez' Sin City. In: Book of Proceedings International Women's Congress Izmir. Izmir 2010, 643-659.
- Situated knowledge? In: Fritz, M. et al. (eds.): Skolastin/2. Innsbruck 2010, 32-38.
Handbook article
- Flight and migration. In: Janke, P. et al. (eds.): Handbook Elfriede Jelinek, Stuttgart/Weimar 2024, 362-366.
- Bodies of rhetoric - rhetorics of the body. In: Hetzel, A./Posselt, G. (eds.): Rhetoric and Philosophy. Series: Handbooks on rhetoric. Berlin, New York 2017, 389-410 [together with Sergej Seitz; cited in: Anna Babka, Gerald Posselt: Gender and Deconstruction. Vienna: facultas/UTB 2016]
- Gathering. Procedures, practices, operations. Vienna 2024 [in preparation].
- Koch, L./Neelsen, S./Prager, J. (eds.): Literarische Organotechnik. Studies on a history of discourse and imagination. Berlin 2024, peer-reviewed, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110775310.
- Clar, P./Prager, J. (eds.): What remains of fragments of a language of love. Vienna 2021.
- Engel, S./Prager, J./Weiss, A. (eds.): Leopoldine-Francisca/13. Journal of the Office for Equality and Gender Studies at the LFU. Innsbruck 2011.
- Fuchs, N./Prager, J.: (eds.): Gender Studies - From Field Studies to Agency Theories. Innsbruck 2010.
- Schneider, I./Sexl M. (eds.): Das Unbehagen an der Kultur. Hamburg 2015, in: Weimarer Beiträge, issue 2/2017, 63rd year, 308-311.
- Nieberle, S.: Gender Studies and Literature: An Introduction. Darmstadt 2013. In: Online book magazine Literaturhaus Wien http://www.literaturhaus.at/index.php?id=10454&L=-1\\\\, September 2014.
- Bachleitner, N./Schmeling, M./Wertheimer, J./Zieger, K.: Dialogische Beziehungen und Kulturen des Dialogs. Innsbruck, 2012, in: Arcadia. Volume 48, Issue 1, 234-240, ISSN (Online) 1613-0642, ISSN (Print) 0003-7982, June 2013.
04/24 Conference 'Aufführen, 1. Person Singular. Autofictionality in theater, dance and performance': Incomparable comparison - autofiction in the medial and socio-cultural context of translation.
07/23 Workshop 'Der Witz der Sprache' University of Erfurt: interrupted and interrupting: the joke of the listeners.
07/23 Conference 'Nachdenklichkeit und Geistesgegenwart' TU Dresden: Schinkenfleckerl, Sachertorte und Grünkohl. Traditional dishes as small forms of identity-political intervention.
06/23 Annual conference of the DGAVL 'Zwischenspiele'. University of Potsdam: Relationality (in) the interruption. Clownesque interludes in Falk Richter's 'Die Freiheit einer Frau'.
10/22 Final conference of the DFG network Versammeln 'come (to) gather! Relationality and the Inconclusiveness of Gathering' TU Dresden/Schauspielhaus Hellerau: ver-massen ('nach' Einar Schleef).
5/22 Conference 'Scenes of the Political' University of Erfurt: vorlesen/verlesen. Scenic reading as resistant performance.
4/22 Inst. for Languages and Literatures of the LFU Innsbruck. Re-reading Judith Butler. Literary and media-theoretical explorations (invited guest lecture).
4/22 Workshop 'Versammeln - mediale, räumliche und politische Konstellationen' MDW Wien: Versammeln als Prinzip Störung. misreading. On the unreadability of street and façade theaters of solidarity.
11/21 Collaborative Research Center 'Affective Societies'. Theater of Trans-lation. Affective Dynamics and Political Interventions of Theatrical Translation Processes (invited guest lecture).
- 09/2021 Annual Conference of the GfM 'Knowledge Ecology': Theatrical Soundscapes. Environments of the Atmospheric in Susanne Kennedy (Drei Schwestern).
- 07/2021 Workshop 'Versammeln - mediale, räumliche und politische Konstellationen' LMU Munich: Gathering and isolating. Musealized protest.
- 07/2021 XIV Congress of the International Association for German Studies (IVG): Speaking from the margins. On the de-placing function of fool's speech in philosophy and theater.
- 06/2021 Lecture at the Philosophical Café Innsbruck: Thinking in fresh air.
- 05/21 Workshop 'Bürokratische Szene des Schreibens': Umadumhocken um den Tisch? Post-political table scenes in Elfride Jelinek.
- 05/21 Conference 'Alles Verblendung? What we can (not) perceive, should, want XVIII Conference of the German Society for General and Comparative Literature' Innsbruck/online: Theater and the intrigue of media blindness.
- 10/20 Conference 'Organitechnoscience Invective Dynamics of a Paradigm Shift in Literary Discourse' Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris/online: Introduction, own conference.
- 2/20 Workshop 'Versammeln als Kulturtechnik' TU Dresden: Introduction, own workshop.
- 11/19 Conference 'Aesthetics of Intervention. Interventions and encroachments in the regime of the theater' LMU Munich: ver-sammeln und ver-rändern. On the theatricality of the citizens' stage.
- 07/19 Workshop 'Spalt(ung)en. Procedures and figurations of social (de-)segregation'. TU Dresden: Dynamics and constellations of splitting: Introduction, own workshop.
- 01/19 Conference 'Paarbeziehungen auf der Bühne des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts' University of Krakow: Theatrical modes of joining - post-migrant couple formations in Yael Ronen's Roma Army.
- 01/19 Conference 'TogetherText - Prozessual erzeugte Texte im Gegenwartstheater' University of Hamburg: Lücken lesen, Lücken texten: Exophone Verfahren bei Yael Ronen und Sebastian Nübling.
- 11/18 Lecture series 'Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektivierungen von Flucht, Migration und Geschlecht' University of Greifswald: Gesten der Scham im Theater der Fliehenden.
- 10/18 Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies Society University of Hildesheim: Put your body on the line! - Aesthetic practice between action art and political protest (panel).
- 10/18 Workshop 'Künstlerische Selbstkritik' TU Dresden and Geh8: Dimensionen einer Kunst der Entunterwerfung (Introduction, own workshop).
- 07/18 Workshop 'Gathering: Political, historical and medial-aesthetic dimensions of resistant arrangements' TU Dresden: Assembling as an interface of art and cultural technique (introduction, own workshop).
- 06/18 Lecture series 'Fifty Years 1968' TU Dresden: 1968 as a blueprint: street, disruption, protest.
- 06/18 SFB Invektivität: Protest: Medium of Invectives. Scene of Invectivity (inaugural lecture on association).
- 04/18 Lecture series 'Gegen die Wand - Subversive Positionierungen von Autorinnen und Künstlerinnen' Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder: Zum Einfall der unsichtbaren Wand in Jelineks Prinzessinnendramen.
- 04/18 Conference 'Tangieren - Praktiken und Arrangements des Berührens in den performativen Künsten' University of Erlangen: The gesture of shame in Theater der Fliehenden.
- 01/18 Conference 'Transkulturelles Theater' LFU Innsbruck: Nahferne-Fernnähe. Paradoxes of distance-taking in transcultural theater.
- 11/17 Conference 'NEW ORDER - The Interaction between Order and Disorder' TU Dresden: Vorverhandeln. Occupy and the scene of the future.
- 10/17 Workshop 'REALITÄTSWÜTIG II - zur neuen/alten Emphase des Realismus in der Kunst' TU Dresden: See what blinds us to see? Theatrical and artistic investigations.
- 10/17 Conference 'S-t-o-t-t-e-r-n Ästhetik - Ökonomie - Funktionalität': Stuttering as an exophonic process.
- 08/17 IFK Summer Academy 'Return of Emotions? The theater of liquefaction.
- 01/17 Workshop 'Realitätswütig: Zur neuen Emphase des Realismus in der Kunst' TU Dresden: Stuttering Realisms. On the configuration of realism in Kathrin Röggla.
- 07/16 ICLA Congress University of Vienna: Interferenz: Echoraum transdisziplinärer Stimmen.
- 05/16 Workshop 'Leseszenen' University of Erfurt: Paradoxes of taking distance in Butler's political media theory.
- 03/16 Conference 'Postdramatic theater as transcultural theater' University of Innsbruck: Postdramatic forms of exophony.
- 03/16 Conference '[UN] Possible! Embodied and Moving Heterotopias as Places of Education' University of Marburg: Prisons, Objects, Ghosts. Or: How art can contribute to making absent bodies of distant heterotopias medially present and educationally effective (together with Valentin Dander).
- 02/16 Workshop 'Nun sag, wie hast du's mit der Theorie' University of Innsbruck: Chiastische Verhältnisse: Practice of Theory and Theory of Practice.
- 01/16 Workshop 'Jelinek and the European Literatures' University of Bydgoszcz: Exophonic Turn: Moving sound bodies in the text and staging of Jelinek's 'Die Schutzbefohlenen'.
- 01/16 Workshop 'Exzesse des Lesens' University of Konstanz: Exophonic procedures of other languages and other voices in contemporary theater.
- 06/15 Workshop 'Sinnesaufruhr' University of Erfurt: Ways of vocal emergence in Yoko Tawada and Rabih Mroué.
- 01/15 Conference 'Lyrik transkulturell' LFU Innsbruck: Theory-critical implications in Yoko Tawada's interlingual localizations of a lyrical ego.
- 06/14 Conference 'Rhetoric and Philosophy' University of Vienna: Discourse Analysis, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Theory.
- 06/14 SKK 'Sexuality and Literature' RU Bochum: Leselust - Sichtbarkeit und Teilhabe im literarischen Sexualitätsdiskurs.
- 06/14 Workshop with Judith Butler University of Vienna: Bodily Vulnerability, Coalitions, and Street Politics.
- 04/14 Workshop 'Judith Butler' University of Erlangen: Claiming Antigone: The Literary in Philosophy.
- 11/13 Workshop 'Tuning Gender Studies' Andrássy University Budapest: Toward a More Inclusive Future of Gender Studies.
- 07/13 ICLA-Congress Sorbonne/Paris: Grounding the Translational Turn - For a Responsible Practice of Reading.
- 12/12 Guest lecture at the Vgl. Literaturwissenschaft Innsbruck: Literaturtheorie als Gesellschaftstheorie: Feministische, queere und genderspezifische Fragestellungen.
- 12/12 Workshop 'Intermedialität' LFU Innsbruck: Intermedialität als Herausforderung der Gefühlspolitik.
- 11/11 Lecture series 'Figurationen der Liebe' at the Institute for German Philology Innsbruck: Wie wir lieben können. On the relationship between literature, criticism and affect.
- 05/10-07/12 Moderation of the discussion forum 'Montagsfrühstück' at the Literaturhaus Innsbruck.
- 03/11 Guest lecture at the Institute for Educational Sciences Innsbruck: (Post-)Structuralism in the Humanities.
- 05/10 MALCA-Congress Vienna: Self-Acts. Masturbation as a means of claiming subject status.
- 10/09 International Women's Congress Izmir: Images and always images. The fairy tale of saint and whore based on Marshall's Pretty Woman and Rodriguez' Sin City.
- 03/09 Graduate Conference at the Forschungsinst. Brennerarchiv Innsbruck: Scientific action-taking capacity in deconstructive contexts.
- 07/08 NGfP-Congress FU Berlin: Ene, mene, muh und raus bist du. Possibilities of speech positions and political action in the humanities and social sciences.