Gerigk, Anja
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Teaching Fellow
NamePD Dr. Anja Gerigk
Chair of Modern German Literature and Media Culture Studies
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Chair of Modern German Literature and Media Culture Studies
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TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und Medienkulturwissenschaft
01062 Dresden
Postal address (parcels):
TU Dresden
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 11:30 - 12:30
- W48/ Raum 1.24
Except during semester breaks. All information and registrations can be found on OPAL in the corresponding cross-semester folder.
Academic career
- 10/2019-09/2020: Research position at Swansea University (UK), as part of an editing project funded by the Modern Humanities Research Association
- 03/2015-02/2019: Academic Senior Councillor at the Institute for German Philology at LMU Munich
- Winter semester 2013/14 - summer semester 2014: Deputy Head of Chair for NdL & Media, LMU Munich
- 10/2013: Habilitation at the LMU Munich with the thesis "Architektur liest Literatur. Intermediale Diachronien vom 19. ins 20. Jahrhundert", Venia Legendi for Modern German Literary Studies
- 2009/2014: Admission to the LMU mentoring program, Faculty 13
- 4/2009-2/2019: Research assistant to Professor Annette Keck, LMU Munich
- 4/2007-3/2009: Teaching fellow in the subject NdL, LMU Munich
- 07/2006- HWP postdoctoral fellowship for excellent early-career researchers, approved duration: 12 months
- 10/2005-03/2007 Entry-level and substitute positions at the chair of Professor Oliver Jahraus, LMU Munich
- 06/2005: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg with the thesis "Das Verhältnis ethischer und ästhetischer Rede über Literatur. A historical discourse analysis"
- 10/1996-06/2002: Degree in German Studies with a focus on the mediation of literature and a minor in English Studies at the University of Bamberg, 1998-1999 University of St Andrews
Core research areas
- Narrative literature 18th-21st century (narrative modernity, cultural theoretical approaches)
- Architecture & space intermedial
- Comic communication: theory and media analysis
- Methodology (discourse analysis, history of knowledge, New Historicism, etc.)
- Culture novels. Narrative Culturology from Goethe to Musil. Vienna et al: Böhlau 2019.
- Architecture reads literature. Intermedial diachronies from the 19th to the 20th century. Würzburg: Ergon 2014 (= Literature - Culture - Theory 20). = Habilitation thesis
- Literary High Comedy in the Modern Age. Theory and interpretations. Tübingen: Francke 2008.
- The relationship between ethical and aesthetic speech about literature. A historical discourse analysis. Heidelberg: Winter 2006 (= Problems of Poetry 38). = Dissertation
Collected volumes & editions
- Günter Grass: A wide field. Commentary volume. Edited by Susanna Brogi and Anja Gerigk. Berlin et al: de Gruyter 2024/25 (forthcoming).
- Together with Juliane Blank (ed.): Erregungsmomente. Functions of the Erotic in Literature. Berlin: Chr. A. Bachmann 2017.
- Happiness paradox. Modern literature and media culture - read theoretically. Bielefeld: transcript 2010 (= cultural and media theory).
"Teufelsbrück". In: Julia Bertschik/Tanja van Hoorn (eds.): Brigitte Kronauer Handbook. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2024 (Nov). [+ articles "Romanticism", "Intertextuality", "Jean Paul", "Adalbert Stifter"]
Between classic and cult book. On the canonization of highly comic works. In: David Röhe/Sina Röpke (eds.): Schmidt, Shakespeare und Neue Frankfurter Schule - der Zürcher Haffmans Verlag als verlegerisches Großprojekt. Festschrift for Stephan Opitz. Berlin: Metzler 2024.
From ritualization to levelling. The continuum of repetition as praxeological cultural criticism in Thomas Mann's Zauberberg. In: Jörg Türschmann/Noelle Miller/Santiago Contardo Martinez (eds.): The Will to Repetition. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2024 (= Serial spaces - global, local, glocal).
Genre economies and writing gestures. Scheerbart's visionary glass architecture prose. In: Journal of Cultural Studies (2024). Focus issue: Small forms of intervention. Presence of mind and thoughtfulness, ed. by Bernhard Stricker.
Institutionalized historical reference. Sites of building and text in the 20th century. In: Philipp Hubmann/Thorben Päthe (eds.): Anstalten machen. The literary institutional discourse since the Enlightenment. Munich: Fink 2023, pp. 285-306.
Culinary-humoristic diagnoses of the times. From Max Goldt's cultural diaries. In: Friedrich Block/Nils Jablonski (eds.): Komik der Lüste. Results of the Kassel Comedy Colloquium. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2023 (= Cultures of the Comic 10), pp. 137-153.
All degrees of parody. Investigations into a writing principle. In: Text + Criticism. Journal for Literature (2023), H. 240: Gerhard Henschel. Edited by Laura Schütz, pp. 42-51.
Counter-figure to the media-cultural zeitgeist. Fateful immortality in KL and Tyll. In: Juliane Blank/Daniel Kazmaier (eds.): Timeless interpretations of time. Fatefulness and coincidence in contemporary German-language literature. Baden-Baden: Ergon 2022 (= Literatura 52), pp. 175-192.
Fonty/Fontane: Neo-Victorian Simulation in Too Far Afield by Günter Grass. In: Neo-Victorian Studies 14:1 (2021/2022), pp. 28-50.
Old and new "from England". Brigitte Kronauer's neo-Victorian European fiction Desire for music and mountains. In: Angermion. Yearbook for British-German Cultural Relations 14 (2021), pp. 97-121.
Hyperromanticism. On the Lucinde complex in Juli Zeh (Corpus Delicti) and Dietmar Dath (Die Abschaffung der Arten). In: Athenaeum. Yearbook of the Friedrich Schlegel Society 30 (2020), pp.141-166.
- On the formation of the concept of culture. Metaphors and/or modern grand epic. In: Cultural Poetics. Journal for Cultural Poetics (2020), H. 2, pp. 194-212.
- Deconstructing identificatory reading. Perrudja's excitement via mediality and alterity. In: Irina Hron/Jadwiga Kita-Huber/Sanna Schulte (eds.): Leseszenen. History - poetology - mediality. Heidelberg: Winter 2020, pp. 275-292.
- From the grotesque to the meta-comic. Borderline observation in the film The Interview. In: Friedrich Block/Uwe Wirth (eds.): Grenzen des Komischen. Results of the Kassel Comedy Colloquium. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2020 (= Cultures of the Comic 8), pp. 73-85.
- Ha! - Ha! - Hallelujah!" The conundrum of comic de- and resacralization in Andreas Hartknopf. In: Friedrich Block/Uwe Wirth (eds.): Grenzen des Komischen. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2020 (= Cultures of the Comic 8), pp. 325-336.
- Stations of epic hilarity: Jean Paul - Raabe - Thomas Mann. In: Sylvie Le Moël/Elisabeth Rothmund (eds.): Theoretical and fictional concepts of happiness in the German-speaking world. Berlin: Frank & Timme 2019, pp. 93-109.
- "Architecture without substance". Spaces of the chess novella. In: Margit Dirscherl/Laura Schütz (eds.): Schachnovelle. Zweig's last work re-read. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2019 (= publication series of the Stefan Zweig Center), pp. 47-59.
- The Architect at the Window or Building Elements in Transition to the Media Dispositif. Händler's storm meets Kracauer's broom. In: Lena Abraham et al. (eds.): Treppe - Fenster - Korridor. Architectural perceptual dispositives in literature and the arts. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2019, pp. 57-73.
- Symposia of Modernism: E.T.A. Hoffmann's Serapion Brothers and Related Art Conversations from Early Romanticism to the Media Age. In: E.T.A. Hoffmann Yearbook 26 (2018), pp. 17-30.
- Intermedial ensemble of the Narrenburg: Stifter's solitaire in comparative method. In: arcadia. International Journal of Literary Culture 53 (2018), H.1, pp. 1-17.
- Lessons in cheerful aesthetics. Poetological Jean Paul reception for the present. In: Germanica 63 (2018): Heiterkeit - L'allégresse au cœur de l'écriture poétique et philosophique, pp. 93-109.
- Hoppe in happiness. Narration as wish fulfillment between fairy tale and picaresque novel. In: Literature in the classroom 19 (2018), H.1: Happiness, pp. 5-17.
- Erotic cultural reflection. On aesthetic and conspiratorial connections to the classic modern novel. In: Juliane Blank/Anja Gerigk (eds.): Moments of excitement. Functions of the erotic in literature. Berlin: Chr. A. Bachmann 2017, pp. 155-175 [therein together with Juliane Blank: Der komparatistische Eros. Introduction, pp. 9-19].
- Negotiations with Hoffmann's Sandman. A Representational Analysis of the Interior in the 19th Century as a Neo-Historical Practice. In: Oliver Jahraus (ed.): Approaches to Literary Theory. 17 model analyses of E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Sandman. Stuttgart: Reclam 2016, pp. 138-148 (= Reclams Studienbuch/Germanistik).
- Gender difference in the unity of utopia and critique. Literary figurations on the technical-visionary competence of architecture. In: Katrin Schneider-Özbek/Marie-Hélène Adam (eds.): Technik und Gender. Technikzukünfte als geschlechtlich codierte Ordnungen in Literatur und Film. Karlsruhe: KIT Verlag 2016, pp. 131-149.
- The parodied Gottsched. On the genre of comic transcription and its function around 1800. In: Friedrich Block (ed.): Kunst & Komik. Results of the Kassel Comedy Colloquium. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2016 (= Cultures of the Comic 6), pp. 155-169.
- "Die ideale Geliebte" - Utopian narrative forms in the mirror of new dystopias (Zeh, Dath, Kracht). In: Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. Studies in German Language and Literature 34 (2015), H. 2, pp. 5-19.
- The happiness of contingency - ethos vs. narrative mechanics. In: Christoph Pflaumbaum et al. (eds.): Ästhetik des Zufalls. Orders of the Unpredictable in Literature and Theory. Heidelberg: Winter 2015 (= Euphorion supplement), pp. 257-270.
- Eccentrically happy. Author and subject position of post-idyllic, post-utopian fictions (Doderer - Handke - Bernhard). In: German Studies in Ireland 10 (2015). Special Issue: Constructions of Happiness. Ed. by Sabine Strumper-Krobb and Gillian Pye, pp. 63-76.
- Genius and Female Authorship in the Transformation of the Comedy. Juliana Hayn's Der Dichterling (1781) and Johanna von Weißenthurn's Das Manuscript (1826). In: Linda Dietrick/Birte Giesler (eds.): Weibliche Kreativität um 1800. Women's Creativity around 1800. Hanover: Wehrhahn 2015, pp. 125-142.
- Comic communication in the context of media and high culture. Why "Krawehl!" works just like "Hurz!". In: Hajo Diekmannshenke et al. (eds.): Das Komische in der Kultur. Marburg: Tectum 2015 (= Koblenzer Studien zur Germanistik 1), pp. 433-447.
- Humoristic storytelling in the 21st century. Contemporary tradition in Kehlmann's Vermessung der Welt and Kracht's Imperium. In: Wirkendes Wort 64 (2014), H. 3, pp. 427-439.
- Spatial turn(s) in the novel. Hermann Burger's Schilten as an intermedial critique of the spatial turn. In: Evi Zemanek/Robert Krause (eds.): Text-Architekturen. The architecture of literature. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2014 (= linguae & litterae 38), pp. 237-251.
- Culture in the text. How can it be interpreted theoretically? In: Claudia Liebrand/Rainer Kaus (eds.): Interpreting after the "turns". Literary theoretical revisions. Bielefeld: transcript 2014, pp. 53-71.
- Founding scenes of the culture of memory. Goethe's architecture and the death of the master builder in Arnim's Kronenwächtern. In: Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 64 (2014), H. 2, pp. 175-187.
- Language as a place of happiness. Retreat and event in literature. In: Joachim Klose (ed.): Layers of home. Anthropological foundations of a relationship to the world. Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2014, pp. 509-520.
- Wild comparison, a hybridizing calculation. In: Mario Grizelj/Daniela Kirschstein (eds.): Risky Contacts. (How) Can Postcolonial Theories and Systems Theory Observe Each Other? Berlin: Kadmos 2014, pp. 148-160.
- A sense of possibility for un/reason. Literary Utopias in the Enlightenment and Classical Modernism (Schnabel - Heinse - Scheerbart - Musil). In: Gabriela Antunes (ed.) et al: Rationality and Forms of the Irrational in the German-speaking World. From the Middle Ages to the Present. Frankfurt/M. et al: Lang 2013 (= Convergences 77), pp. 41-56.
- Comic modernity - beyond the institutions. In: Friedrich Block/Rolf Lohse (eds.): Wandel und Institution des Komischen. Results of the Kassel Comedy Colloquium. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2013 (= Cultures of the Comic 5), pp. 359-377.
- Memory Trouble After Post-histoire: Terézia Mora All Days. In: Margret-Ann Hutton/ Michael Gratzke/Claire Whitehead (Ed.): Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures. New York et al: Lang 2013, pp. 181-196.
- The threshold of transgression. The transgressive novel of modernism. In: Proceedings of the XII. Germanistenkongress Warschau 2010. vol. 8. ed. by Hans-Gert Roloff/Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf/Claudia Liebrand. Frankfurt/M. et al: Lang 2013, pp. 281-285.
- On the construction sites of context. Theoretical reflections on intermediality between spatial and textual references. In: Critical Edition. Journal for German Studies and Literature No. 24 (2013): Architecture, pp. 7-9.
- At the beginning of utopian narration. On the modernity of Lucinde. In: Euphorion. Journal for Literary History 106 (2012), H. 4, pp. 481-495.
- How the philosophy of history became grotesque. Permutations of the historical subject as intertext of Gerhard Fritsch's Fasching and Günter Grass' Die Blechtrommel. In: Treibhaus. Yearbook for the Literature of the Fifties 8 (2012), pp. 229-246.
- Dis-placing Laughter in 30 Rock. In: Gender Forum. An Internet Journal For Gender Studies 35 (2011). Gender and Humour II. ed. by Annette Keck and Ralph J. Poole, pp. 69-80.
- The acid test of Nynianne. The power of love and the happiness of knowledge in Dorothea Schlegel's adaptation of Merlin. In: Seminar 47 (2011), H. 2. Reading Female Happiness in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century German Literature, pp. 189-202.
- Advanced historiography. Albert Drach Das große Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum, Johannes Bobrowski Levins Mühle und der Geschichtsroman nach 1945. In: Weimarer Beiträge 56 (2010), H. 4, pp. 501-518.
- Uncoole Bastards. Hip hop between seriousness of origin and comic hybridity. In: Andrea Bartl/Stephanie Catani (eds.): Bastard - Phänomene der Ausgrenzung, Prozesse der Entgrenzung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2010, pp. 267-281.
- The happy moment in/of the poem. Paradoxes of modern poetry, from Mayröcker to Hölderlin. In: Anja Gerigk (ed.): Glück paradox. Modern literature and media culture - read theoretically. Bielefeld: transcript 2010, pp. 203-224.
- The legibility of happiness. Theoretical basic figures. In: Anja Gerigk (ed.): Happiness paradox. Modern literature and media culture - read theoretically. Bielefeld: transcript 2010, pp. 7-31.
- Negotiation and reflection. Taboo (re)formation between literature and culture using the example of Elfriede Jelinek's Die Kinder der Toten. In: Claude Conter (ed.): Justiciability and Legality. Juridification processes of literature and film in modernity. Amsterdam: Rodopi 2010 (= Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Neueren Germanistik 73), pp. 205-216.
- Dynamics of sign-values. Koeppen's Doves in the Grass as a Semiology of the Postwar City. In: Marcel Schellong/Simone Hirmer (eds.): Reading Munich. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008, pp. 139-152.
- Analytics of knowledge, reflection of thought. Literature and aesthetics in modern formation. In: Julia Schöll (ed.): Literature and Aesthetics. Texts by and for Heinz Gockel. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008, pp. 75-86.
- Erotic structures - epistemological modernity. On the genre-historical place of Doderer's Strudlhofstiege. In: Modern Austrian Literature 41 (2008), H. 1, pp. 23-41.
- Postmodern narration on life and death. The aporia of ambiguity in Brigitte Kronauer's novel Teufelsbrück. In: Sprachkunst 38 (2007), 1st ed., pp. 67-88.
The Eiffel Tower/La Tour Eiffel. In: Angela Oster (ed.): Roland Barthes. Life - Work - Impact. Stuttgart: Metzler 2024 [8 pp.]
Gender. In: Hans Richard Brittnacher, Markus May (eds.): Joseph Roth. Life - Work - Impact. Stuttgart: Metzler 2024 [6 pp.]
- Satirical/parodistic novel in the 18th/19th century. In: Uwe Wirth (ed.): Comedy. An interdisciplinary handbook. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2017, pp. 263-273.
- The satirical/parodic novel in the 20th century. In: Uwe Wirth (ed.): Komik. An interdisciplinary handbook. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2017, pp. 273-284.
- Glossary "Joy". In: Martin von Koppenfels/Cornelia Zumbusch (eds.): Handbook of Literature & Emotions. Berlin: de Gruyter 2016 (= Handbücher zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Philologie 4), p. 546. + Glossary "Heiterkeit". In: ibid. p. 551f.
- Publisher. In: Thomas Anz (ed.): Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 3 Objects - Concepts - Institutions. Stuttgart: Metzler 2007, pp. 227-235.
- Cultural classics: Stephen Greenblatt (1943*), Shakespearean Negotiations (1988). In: KulturPoetik 6 (2006), H. 2, pp. 273-280.
Reviews & smaller contributions
[Review] Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Roland Innerhofer, Detlev Schöttker (eds.): Planen - Wohnen - Schreiben. Architectural texts of Viennese Modernism. Vienna: Picus Verlag 2021. in: Journal for German Studies/Neue Folge XXXIII (2023), H. 2, pp. 450-451.
- [Review] Niklas Bender: The Laughing Art. The contribution of the comic to classical modernism. Freiburg: Rombach 2017. in: Musil-Forum. Studies in the Literature of Classical Modernism 36 2019/2020 (pp. 389-393).
- [Review] Tanja van Hoorn (ed.): Brigitte Kronauer. Narratives of trivialities and things of nature. Berlin et al: de Gruyter 2018. in: Contemporary Literature. Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch 19 (2020), pp. 425-427.
- Prologue "What does architecturemean?". In: Eva Maria Herrmann/Natascha von Herz (eds.): aufbrechen - teilhaben - weiterdenken. setting out - participating - thinking ahead. hammeskrause architekten. Basel et al: Birkhäuser 2020, II-XIII.
- The remodeled space of modernity. [Review of Roland Innerhofer: Architecture from language. Correspondences between literature and architecture 1890-1930. Berlin: Erich Schmidt 2018]. Published 23.09.2019 at IASLonline.
- When demigods don't build (anymore). Literature after '45 in the discourse of demiurgic humanism [Review of Sarah Pogoda: Demiurge in der Krise. Architectural figures in German-language literature after 1945. Berlin: Ripperger & Kremers 2013]. Published 01.08.2014 at IASLonline.
- [Obituary] Loriot - a genre, a philosophy. Published 24.08.2011 in Medienobservationen.
- The other hyena. Crisis and resistance of comic writing in the 20th century [Review of Anne D. Peiter: Komik und Gewalt. On the literary processing of the two world wars and the Shoah. (Literature - Culture - Gender / Große Reihe 45) Cologne: Böhlau 2007]. Published 10.11.2009 at IASLonline.
- Modernität des Romans - Wege der Konstruktion [Review of Matthias Luserke-Jaqui (ed.): Deutschsprachige Romane der klassischen Moderne. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008]. Published 11/17/2008 at IASLonline.
- News from the context? [Review of Marion Gymnich (ed.) et al: Cultural Knowledge and Intertextuality. Theoretical concepts and case studies on the contextualization of literature. Trier: WVT 2006]. Published 19.05.2007 at IASLonline.
- Just follow the turns - kulturwissenschaftliche Wenden [Review of Doris Bachmann-Medick: Cultural Turns. New orientations in cultural studies. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt 2006]. In: KulturPoetik 7 (2007), H. 2, pp. 271-273.