Fröschle, Ulrich
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Teaching Fellow
Nameapl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fröschle
Chair of Modern German Literature and Media Culture Studies
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Chair of Modern German Literature and Media Culture Studies
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TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und Medienkulturwissenschaft
01062 Dresden
Postal address (parcels):
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Fakultät SLK
Institut für Germanistik und Medienkulturen
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01069 Dresden
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All information and registrations can be found on OPAL in the corresponding cross-semester folder.
Latest news
Field of activity
- Academic Advisory Board of the Center for German-Moravian Literature at the Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic)
- Academic advisory board of the doctoral program in German Studies, History and Science of Literature at the Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic)
- Member of the Examination Committee for the teaching degree programs of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at TU Dresden
- Member (deputy) of the committee for the entrance examination for the acquisition of a university entrance qualification at TU Dresden
- Erasmus representative of the Institute of German Studies at TU Dresden
- Until October 2018 Deputy Director of the Central European Center for Political, Economic and Cultural Studies at TU Dresden (07/2013-10/2018)
- Until October 2018 Key staff Cultural Studies in the Erasmus+ project TACES: Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan (10/2015-10/2018)
Teaching and core research areas
- Cultural history of leadership
- science fiction
- Politics, technology, science and economy in/and literature & film
- Film philology, media theory and history
- German literary and cultural history 18th-21st century
a. Monograph
Friedrich Georg Jünger and the "radical spirit". Eine Fallstudie zum literarischen Radikalismus der Zwischenkriegszeit, Dresden: Thelem, 2008 (=Kulturstudien; 6). 658 S.
Reviews: Athenäum (2012) 22 (Heiko Christians); Arbitrium (2010) 5 (Bernhard Gajek); Jahrbuch Extremismus und Demokratie 2010 (Uwe Ullrich); IfB 18 (2010) 1 (Till Kinzel); H-Soz-Kult 2009-4-125 (Thomas Meyer); NZZ 17.6.2009 (Stefan Breuer) et al.
[with Thomas Kuzias:] Alfred Baeumler and Ernst Jünger. Mit einem Anhang der überliefertenKorrespondenz, Dresden: Thelem, 2008. 273 p.
Reviews: Politisches Denken 2010 (Henning Ottmann); Die politische Meinung 471, February 2009 (Volker Strebel); H-Soz-Kult 2009-4-125 (Thomas Meyer); Welt 19.4.2008 (Gunther Nickel) et al.
Friedrich Georg Jünger (1898-1977), Kommentiertes Verzeichnis seiner Schriften, Marbach/Neckar: Deutsches Literaturarchiv/Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1998 (=Verzeichnisse, Berichte, Informationen. 25). 326 S.
Reviews: IfB 7 (1999) 1/4 (Momme Brodersen); Germanistik 39 (1998) 3/4 (Bernhard Gajek); Orbis Linguarum (1999) 12 (Krzysztof Polechoński); Carnets Ernst Jünger (1998) 3 (Danièle Beltran-Vidal); FAZ 1.9.1998 (Lorenz Jäger); Stuttgarter Zeitung 31.8.1998 (Tomo Pavlovic) et al.
b. Editorial
Ernst Jünger, Gerhard Nebel, Letters 1938-1974. Edited, annotated and with an afterword by Ulrich Fröschle and Michael Neumann, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2003. 991 pp.
Reviews: Modern Language Review 101 (2006),1 (Galin Tihanov); Welt 8.5.2004 (Wolf Lepenies); Spiegel 15/2004 (Elke Schmitter); NZZ 20.4.2004 (Bernhard Gajek); Süddeutsche 30.3.2004 (Sebastian Kleinschmidt); Schweizer Monatshefte 84 (2004) 2/3 (Heinz Ludwig Arnold); Badische Zeitung 24.1.2004 (Wilhelm Hindemith); Deutschlandfunk 22.12.2003 (Heinz Ludwig Arnold); ZEIT 27.11.2003 (Rolf Vollmann); Stuttgarter Zeitung 14.11.2003 (Gunther Nickel); FAZ 25.10.2003 (Lorenz Jäger); Germanistik 44 (2003) 3/4 (Bernhard Gajek) et al.
"In the midst of this world of destruction". Friedrich Georg Jünger's correspondence with Rudolf Schlichter, Ernst Niekisch and Gerhard Nebel. With introductions and commentaries edited by Ulrich Fröschle and Volker Haase, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2001. 230 pp.
Reviews: NZZ 11/12.8.2001 (Martin Meyer); Literaturen (2001) 7/8 (Stefan Breuer); Süddeutsche 26.6.2001 (Albert von Schirnding); Frankfurter Rundschau 19.5.2001 (Uwe Pralle); Deutschlandfunk 23.4.2001 (Uwe Pralle); Germanistik 42 (2001) 1/2 (Bernhard Gajek) et al .
c. Editorial
Border risks? European 'border areas' as dynamic semiospheres. Edited by Ulrich Fröschle and Giusi Zanasi. Dresden: Thelem, 2016. XXII, 317 pp.
Contributions by Daniela Allocca (Naples), Enza Dammiano (Naples), Valentina Di Rosa (Naples), Ulrich Fröschle (Dresden), Antje Graf (Dresden), Steffen Höhne (Weimar/Jena), Juliane Horn (Dresden), Anne Hultsch (Prague/Dresden), Johannes Kleine (Berlin), Lorenzo Licciardi (Naples), Torsten König (Dresden), Bernhard Arnold Kruse (Naples), Anett Pollack (Dresden), Walter Schmitz (Dresden), Gabriella Sgambati (Naples), Annette Teufel (Dresden) and Giusi Zanasi (Naples)
Literature in Context. Art and media, religion and politics. Walter Schmitz on his 60th birthday. Edited by Frank Almai and Ulrich Fröschle, Dresden: Thelem, 2014. XIV, 1042 pp.
Contributions i.a. by Jörg Bernig, Kurt Drawert, Zsuzsanna Gahse, Ilma Rakusa; Mirosława Czarnecka (Wrocław), Andrea Corbea-Hoişie (Jassy), Ingeborg Fiala-Fürst (Olomouc), Mounir Fendri (Tunis), Klaus Garber (Osnabrück), Kurt Hübner (Vancouver), Jürgen Joachimsthaler (Marburg), Jacques Lajarrige (Toulouse), Stefan Nienhaus (Foggia), Rolf Parr (Duisburg-Essen), Roger Paulin (Cambridge), Daniel de Vin (Brussels), Giusi Zanasi (Naples) and many more. and many more.
Germans in Hungary - Hungarians and Germans. Interdisciplinary approaches. Edited by Frank Almai and Ulrich Fröschle, Dresden: Thelem, 2004 (=Mitteleuropa-Studien; 6). 183, XVIII PP.
Contributions by András Balogh (Budapest), Mathias Beer (Tübingen), Márta Fata (Tübingen), Horst Fischer (Hamburg), Csaba Földes (Veszprém), Michael Neumann (Dresden), Gerhard Seewann (Munich), Norbert Spannenberger (Mohacs/Leipzig)
The other Mohler. A reader for a self-thinker. Armin Mohler on his 75th birthday. Edited by Ulrich Fröschle, Markus J. Klein and Michael Paulwitz, Limburg: San Casciano, 1995. 334 pp.
Contributions by Hans-Joachim Arndt (Heidelberg), Alain de Benoist (Paris), Marieluise Christadler (Duisburg), Hartmut Froeschle (Toronto), Helmut Grieser (Kiel), Albert Hofmann (Basel), Ernst Jünger, (Wilflingen), Eckhard Henscheid (Frankfurt/M.), Robert Hepp (Osnabrück), Salcia Landmann (Basel), Natalja Melentjeva (Moscow), Paul Noack (Munich), Helmut Quaritsch (Speyer), Werner Schmalenbach (Düsseldorf), Helmut H. Schulz (Berlin), Piet Tommissen (Grimbergen), Karlheinz Weißmann (Göttingen) and others; facsimiles of entries in Mohler's guestbook by Ernst Jünger, Michel Mourre, Carl Schmitt, Jakob Taubes and others.
"Russian or German" - Rap as a medium of Russian-German 'imagined communities'? In: Joachim Klose, Walter Schmitz, Kristina Kocyba (eds.): Who is Germany? Migration in politics, economy, society and culture. Dresden: Thelem, 2017 (Social Coherence Studies; 3), pp. 269-282
- "[K]an anti-Russian intention". Ernst Jünger's Waldgang and the thinking of deviation. In: Sergej P. Taškenov (ed.): Outside the Norm. On the productivity of deviation. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2016 (Publication series of the Institute for Russian-German Literary and Cultural Relations at RGGU Moscow; 13), pp. 169-197.
- Max Bense, for example. On essay culture and essay theory in the early Federal Republic. In: Michael Ansel, Jürgen Egyptien, Hans-Edwin Friedrich (eds.): Der Essay als Universalgattung des Zeitalters. Discourses, themes and positions between the turn of the century and the post-war period. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2016 (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik; 88), pp. 386-405
- Hölderlin in Bohemia and Moravia? On the Reception and Function of a 'Patriotic' German Poet in Bohemia and Moravia between the World Wars. In: Martina Bartečková Nováková (ed.), Kulturtransfer am Beispiel (Post-)Kakanien. Contributions to the international conference Searching for Culture - SEFOC. October 16-17, 2014, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2015, pp. 51-70
- Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus Teutsch. On world processing and world exploration in a successful Baroque novel. In: Elisabeth Tiller (ed.), Bücherwelten / Raumwelten. Baroque circulation of knowledge and power using the example of M. D. Pöppelmann, Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau, 2015, pp. 129-153
- No man's times, no man's sons - no man's land. On the anamnesis and remeasurement of the expulsion complex in contemporary German literature. In: Frank Almai, Ulrich Fröschle (eds.), Literature in Context. Art and Media, Religion and Politics. Festschrift for Walter Schmitz, Dresden: Thelem, 2014, pp. 583-606
- Strategies of transfer and translation in the first half of the 19th century: Hermann Hauff's medial politics. In: Gabriela Racz, Klaus Schenk (eds.), Narration and Narrative Theory between Cultures, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2014, pp. 127-141
- From "Langemarck" to the 'green branch'? On the genesis and transformation of the 'war experience' in Friedrich Georg Jünger's auto-biography. In: Jan Röhnert (ed.), Autobiography and War. Autofiction, aesthetics and memory culture since 1914, Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2014, pp. 125-138
- Storm. In: Ernst Jünger Handbook. Life - Work - Impact, edited by Matthias Schöning, Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2014, pp. 64-69
- Friedrich Georg Jünger. In: Ernst Jünger Handbook. Life - Work - Impact, edited by Matthias Schöning, Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2014, pp. 375-386
- "I am the first servant of my state". 'Nobility', 'self-importance' and aristocratism in the national revolutionary discourse of the interwar period. In: Eckhart Conze, Wencke Meteling, Jörg Schuster, Jochen Strobel (eds.), Aristokratismus und Moderne. Nobility as a political and cultural concept 1890-1945, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: Böhlau, 2013, pp. 316-335
- [with Frank Almai:] Nobility in decline? Heinar Schilling's path from Expressionism to the 'Third Reich'. In: Nobility in Silesia Volume 3: Nobility in Silesia and Central Europe. Literature and culture from the early modern period to the present. Edited by Walter Schmitz in conjunction with Jens Stüben and Matthias Weber, Munich: Oldenbourg, 2013 (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa; 48), pp. 587-605
- "Never again to the Prussian beat". Saxon-Prussian literary constellations. In: Dresdner Hefte (2012), No. 111, pp. 42-49
- Born leaders? On the natural and cultural history of 'charismatic leadership' in the 19th century. In: Michael Neumann, Kerstin Stüssel (eds.), The magic of stories. Weltverkehr, Literatur und Anthropologie in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, Konstanz: Konstanz University Press, 2011, pp. 485-508
- 'Burgundy' and the Catastrophe in the East. Fritz Lang's and Thea von Harbou's Die Nibelungen (1924). In: Jacques Lajarrige, Walter Schmitz, Giusi Zanasi (eds.), 'Mitteleuropa'. Geschichte eines transnationalen Diskurses im 20. Jahrhundert. Vol. 1. Trilateral research conference at the Villa Vigoni, May 2009, Dresden: Thelem, 2011 (Mitteleuropa-Studien; 17), pp.171-187
- Platonic definitions of friend and foe - Max Bense, Ernst Jünger and Gottfried Benn. On the prehistory of a West German value constellation. In: Ingo Stöckmann, Matthias Schöning (eds.), Ernst Jünger and the Federal Republic. Aesthetics - Politics - Contemporary History, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2011, pp. 233-251
- Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: The early graves. In: Andrea Geier, Jochen Strobel (eds.), German Poetry in 30 Examples, Paderborn: W. Fink/UTB, 2010, pp. 37-45
- "Poets as leaders" and "engineers of the human soul". On the literary negotiation of leadership in the interwar period. In: Ute Daniel, Inge Marszolek, Wolfram Pyta, Thomas Welskopp (eds.), Politische Kultur und Medienwirklichkeiten in den 1920er Jahren, Munich: Oldenbourg, 2010 (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte. 14), S. 205-231
- "Before Verdun. On the constitution and functionalization of a "mythical" place. In: Ralf Georg Bogner (ed.), Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium Saarbrücken 2009: Im Banne von Verdun. Literatur und Publizistik im deutschen Südwesten zum Ersten Weltkrieg von Alfred Döblin und seinen Zeitgenossen, Bern, Berlin, Brüssel, Frankfurt/M., New York, Oxford, Wien: Lang, 2010 (Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik. Reihe A: Kongreßberichte. 101), pp. 255-275
- "Germany as the Orient of Europe". August Wilhelm Schlegel and the rhetoric of the "inconspicuous germ". In: York-Gothard Mix, Jochen Strobel (eds.), Der Europäer August Wilhelm Schlegel. Romantischer Kulturtransfer - romantische Wissenswelten, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2010 (Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte; 62/296), pp. 275-292
- Silent Readings. Friedrich Georg Jünger and Martin Heidegger. In: Ulrich van Loyen, Michael Neumann (eds.), Unter uns, Berlin: Alpheus, 2008 (Tumult. Schriften zur Verkehrswissenschaft. 33), pp. 130-136
- "Sausage and stars". The ageing of the highly gifted in Die Vermessung der Welt. In: Gunther Nickel (ed.), Daniel Kehlmann's Die Vermessung der Welt. Materials, Documents, Interpretations, Reinbek: Rowohlts Taschenbuch Verlag, 2008, pp. 186-197
- [with Helmut Mottel:] "'S ist Krieg, 's ist Krieg" - Krieg im westdeutschen Kriegsfilm der 1950er Jahre. In: Knut Hickethier, Harro Segeberg (eds.), Mediale Mobilmachung, Part III: Das Kino der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1950-1962), Munich: Fink, 2008 (=Mediengeschichte des Films. 6), pp. 367-404
- [with Kerstin Stüssel:] Die Ambivalenz der Klassik - Weimar als deutscher Gedächtnisort; Eliten damals und heute - Das Internat Schulpforta. In: Ludger Lieb (ed.), Zugbildung. A travel guide to read, look and listen. Bahnstrecke 1 - Eisenach-Dresden, Dresden: TU Dresden, 2007 (Geisteswissenschaften mit der Bahn erfahren. A project of the TU Dresden. Prize winner in the competition of the universities for the Year of the Humanities 2007 - "Geist begeistert") [2 CDs, accompanying booklet], 7:39 and 8:07
- [Encyclopedia article about: Bernig, Jörg; Jirgl, Reinhard; Mosebach, Martin. In: Jürgen Joachimsthaler, Marek Zybura (eds.), Slownik wspólczesnych pisarzy niemieckojêzycznych, Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 2007, pp. 22f., 164f., 235-237
- "Ich vermisse zwei Convolute Deiner Briefe" - Zu den Briefen und 'Briefjournalen' der Brüder Jünger. In: Jochen Strobel (ed.), Vom Verkehr mit Dichtern und Gespenstern. Figuren der Autorschaft in der Briefkultur, Heidelberg: Winter, 2006 (=Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte. 229), pp. 323-346.
- The other Germany. On the topics of empowerment. In: Gunther Nickel (ed.), Literarische und politische Deutschlandkonzepte 1938-1949, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2004 (=Zuckmayer-Jahrbuch. 7), pp. 47-85.
- [with Helmut Mottel:] Traveling "in our statistical times". Goethe's Italian Journey. In: Reinhard Breymayer (ed.), SUEVICA. Beiträge zur schwäbischen Literatur und Geistesgeschichte Vol. 9: In dem milden und glücklichen Schwaben. Contributions to the Goethe era. Festschrift for Hartmut Fröschle. With a foreword by former Federal Council Minister Annemarie Griesinger, Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart, 2004 (=Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik. 423), pp. 143-177.
- Oscillations between Literature and Politics - Ernst Jünger and "the Word of the Political Poet". In: Lutz Hagestedt (ed.), Ernst Jünger. Politics - Myth - Art, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2004, pp. 101-143.
- "Radical in thought, but weak in action"? Franz Schauwecker: "Aufbruch der Nation" (1929) . In: Hans Wagener/Thomas F. Schneider (eds.), From Richthofen to Remarque. German-language prose on the I. Weltkrieg, Amsterdam, Atlanta/GA: Rodopi, 2003 (=Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik. 53), pp. 261-298.
- [with Helmut Mottel:] Problems of media theory and the history of mentalities in film historical studies: Case study "Apocalypse Now". In: War and the military in film. Commissioned by the Military History Research Office, ed. by Bernhard Chiari, Matthias Rogg and Wolfgang Schmidt, Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2003 (=Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte. 59), pp. 107-140 .
- Daily demand: "Saving Europe". Carl Zuckmayer's exposé on the film project 'Charlemagne'. In: Carl Zuckmayer and the media. Contributions to an international symposium. Edited by Gunther Nickel, Erwin Rotermund and Hans Wagener, St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2001 (=Zuckmayer-Jahrbuch. 4), pp. 613-656.
- From the "March of Nationalism" to the "Illusions of Technology" - Friedrich Georg Jünger's Revision of the Technical Claim to Power. In: Friedrich Strack (ed.), Titan Technik. Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jünger on the technical age, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2000, pp. 133-151.
- Technology, science and faith - two rediscovered texts by the Jünger brothers from 1927 and 1933. In: Friedrich Strack (ed.), Titan Technik. Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jünger on the technical age, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2000, pp. 269-295.
- The "Front of the Undestroyed" and "Pacifism". The political twists and turns of the world war experience in the "pacifist" Carl Zuckmayer and the "front writer" Ernst Jünger. In: Zuckmayer Yearbook. Vol. 2 - 1999. ed. by Gunther Nickel, Erwin Rotermund and Hans Wagener, St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 1999, pp. 305-358.
- La Grande Guerre: point de départ de la création littéraire et de l'analyse politique de F.G. Jünger. In: Les Carnets. N° 4 - 1999. Revue du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Ernst Jünger, Montpellier: CERDEJ, 1999, pp. 71-85 (=Actes du colloque "Regards sur la Grande Guerre" de la Société historique de Haute-Picardie, de l'Institut universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l'Académie d'Amiens et du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Ernst Jünger, Laon).
- The Cycles of the Cyclics. On the return of the "Wiederkehr" in F.G. Jünger. In: Experience and System. Mysticism and Esotericism in Modernist Literature. Edited by Bettina Gruber, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997, pp. 204-225.
- "No fiction and truth ...." - Justinus Kerner's "Picture book from my boyhood". In: SUEVICA. Contributions to Swabian literature and intellectual history. Edited by Reinhard Breymayer. Volume 7, Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz / Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart, 1995, pp. 11-47 (=Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik. 307).
- The citizen, the soldier and the state of emergency. In: Fröschle et al. (eds.): Der andere Mohler. Limburg/Lahn 1995 [see above 1.c], pp. 213-222
[Review: Anne Hultsch: A Russian in Czechoslovakia. The life and work of the publicist Valerij S. Vilinskij (1901-1955). In: Germanoslavica. Journal for Germanic-Slavic Studies (Prague) 26th vol. (2015), no. 2, pp. 105-109.
- [Review, translation by Sergej P. Taškenov:] Физики и "лирики" в Третьем Рейхе [P. Ball: Serving the Reich; J. Petropoulos: Artists under Hitler]. In: Новое литературное обозрение / New Literary Observer (Moscow) 136 (2015), November/December 2015, pp. 321-328.
- A thinker of deviation. On Ernst Jünger's Der Waldgang. In: Tumult. Vierteljahresschrift für Konsensstörung 4 (2015), Winter 2015/2016, pp. 58-61 [heavily abridged preprint of: "[K]eine antirussische Absicht", see above u2. Essays].
- [Review:] Gottlieb Wilhelm Rabener: Briefwechsel und Gespräche. In: Dresdner Hefte (2012), no. 112, p. 94.
- Jakob Schaffner's case. In: Schweizer Monatshefte. Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur (Zurich), 86th vol. (2006), no. 2, February 2006, p. 45f.
- Curiosity about opposites. A different view of Celan's letter to Jünger. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frankfurt/Main), No. 19, January 24, 2005, p. 35 (Feuilleton).
- Behind the silence. The writer Jörg Bernig. Portrait. In: Literaturblatt für Baden und Württemberg. Edited by Irene Ferchl. Stuttgart/Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 9th vol. (2002), no. 2, March/April 2002, pp. 8-9.
- [Review:] Stefanie Oswalt: Siegfried Jacobsohn. A life for the world stage. A Berlin Biography. In: Active Word. German Language in Research and Teaching. Edited by Heinz Röllecke. 50th vol. (2000), no. 3, pp. 463-466.
- [Review:] Paul Noack, Ernst Jünger. A biography. In: Zuckmayer Yearbook. Volume 3 - 2000. Edited by Gunther Nickel, Erwin Rotermund and Hans Wagener, St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2000, pp. 536-538.
- [Review:] Michael Großheim, Technocracy or Ecology? Conservatism in the modern age. In: Les Carnets. N° 2 - 1997. Revue du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Ernst Jünger, Montpellier: CERDEJ, 1998, pp. 243-244.
1. economic
- [with Werner Geiger and Leonhard Weck:] The CIP study. A study by Agamus Consult Unternehmensberatung on behalf of Otto Wolf von Amerongen, Starnberg: Agamus Consult, 1996: Part I - Situation assessment (90 p.). Part II - Assessment of the situation (99 p.)
- KVP - New courage for old virtues. In: Food technology. Official organ of the GDL. 1997 - Series of 10 articles
- Old wine in new bottles? The continuous improvement process. In: Distribution. Packaging, Warehousing, Transportation & Logistics in Industry and Trade 9, 1996
- Schaffe, net schwätze. CIP in German companies. In:Auslandskurier. Magazine for exporting SMEs 9, 1996
- Stay ahead of the competition with CIP. Employee success potential. In: Wirtschaft Nordhessen (IHK Kassel) 9, 1996.
2nd SF translations
- Kim Stanley Robinson, Green Mars - Der grüne Mars. In: Science Fiction Jahresband 1998. 6 novels and stories by prominent SF authors. Edited by Wolfgang Jeschke, Munich: Heyne, 1998, pp. 397-524. (Volume 06/5935)
- Greg Abraham, Poechali - Pojechali. In: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - 51st installment. Edited by Friedel Wahren, Munich: Heyne, 1998, pp. 7-42. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5948)
- Mary Rosenblum, Gasfish - Gasfische. In: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - 49th installment. Edited by Friedel Wahren, Munich: Heyne, 1997, pp. 7-93. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5666)
- Daniel Marcus, Prairie Godmother - Mother of God in the Prairie. In: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - 49th installment. Edited by Friedel Wahren, Munich: Heyne, 1997, pp. 94-104. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5666)
- Geoffrey A. Landis, The last sunset - Der letzte Sonnenuntergang. In: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - 49th installment. Edited by Friedel Wahren, Munich: Heyne, 1997, pp. 254-259. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5666)
- Wil McCarthy, Amerikano Hiaika - Amerikano Hiaika. In: The Last Bastions. International science fiction stories. Edited by Wolfgang Jeschke, Munich: Heyne, 1997, pp. 9-50. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5880)
- Frederik Pohl, Redemption in the quantum realm - Erlösung im Reich der Quanten. In: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine - 44th installment. Edited by Friedel Wahren, Munich: Heyne, 1994, pp. 270-296. (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy. 06/5196)
A) Current projects
The aim of the conference is to conduct an initial review of the artistic-media representation of the fronts of the First World War in the East, South and Southeast, including more distant theaters in the Ottoman Empire or the colonies. Initially, the focus will be on the traditional media network of literary representation, i.e. the typical war novel, although this will be expanded on a case-by-case basis to include other media formats such as film or comics. The aim of such an initial 'survey' of the hitherto barely systematically explored area of the fronts on either side of the Western Front of the First World War in literary, cinematic or other artistic treatment is, on the one hand, to examine the validity of the topos of the 'forgotten fronts', which was already used in the interwar period, and, on the other hand, to actually initiate their systematic observation and recording
The past of the future / Прошлое будущего - German-Russian workshop discussions on a common culture of remembrance
Over the course of the semester, workshop discussions between German and Russian students and lecturers in both countries will take place, which, against the background of constantly crisis-ridden times, will fundamentally deal with perspectives for a common Russian and German culture of remembrance.
- Peace over graves? The work of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. in practice. Lecture by Thomas Schock, head of the reburial service of the VDK e.V., June 19, 2018, TU Dresden, Auditorium Center Bergstraße, Lecture Hall 2.
- 1st workshop discussion (SS 2018): 3-10. May 2018 Seminar excursion to Volgograd in the context of the celebrations there for the Russian День Победы/Victory Day, including workshop discussion with students and lecturers from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science at the Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" (НИУ ВШЭ) / National Research University "Higher School of Economics" from Moscow.
B) Completed projects since 2013
LESETRIEB - Reading circle for living literature at the TU Dresden
Reading and discussion of texts by living authors with public reading and joint seminar: Lesetrieb! Funded by the German Literature Fund.
Individual applications: 9) SS 2017 (Clemens Meyer; 8) SS 2015 (Martin Mosebach); 7) SS 2014 (Michael Köhlmeier); 6) SS 2012 (Marcel Beyer); 5) WS 2011/12 (Felicitas Hoppe); 4) WS 2010/11 (Georg Klein); 3) SS 2008 (Norbert Gstrein); 2) WS 2007/8 (Ulrike Draesner); 1) SS 2007 (Raoul Schrott).
German-Italian Dialogues - Symposium 'Grenzrisiken? European border regions as dynamic semiospheres' in Naples
Conference in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Giusi Zanasi, Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati at the Università "L'Orientale" in Naples, in October 2014 in Naples; funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Preparation, organization and implementation of a conference in October 2014 in Naples; preparation and printing of a conference volume 2015/16
Duration: 03/2014-12/2015
Applicant/host for Dresden Junior Fellow Dr. Sergej Petrovič Taškenov (RGGU Moscow), March - August 2015 (School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Dresden Junior Fellow Dr. Сергей Петрович Ташкенов, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет (РГГУ) / Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) , Moscow; funded as part of TU Dresden's Institutional Strategy with funds from the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State governments
- Comparative research on pathological writing codes and psychiatric readings in Germany and Russia in order to outline the contours, continuities and ruptures of a transfer history
- German and Slavic Studies seminar as lecturer in the summer semester 2015
- Duration: 03/2015-08/2015
The First World War and its aftermath in the regional literature and journalism of Bohemia and Moravia
► Database
Cooperation project with the Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic), Katedra germanistky; funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
- Project team Dresden: Timo Stahlkopf (SHK)
- Duration: 08/2013-12/2014
Lecture series "August 1914 - Media Variations of the Beginning of the World War in Europe"
Interdisciplinary lecture series in cooperation with Dr. Torsten König, Institute of Romance Studies at TU Dresden; funded by the French Embassy in Germany, the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts, the Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, the Society of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden, the Institut Français and the Italienzentrum Dresden
- Preparation and organization
- Duration: 04/2014-07/2014
Applicant/host for Dresden Junior Fellow Milan Horňaček December 2013 (School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Dresden JuniorFellow for Dresden Junior Fellow Milan Horň
Dresden Junior Fellow Mgr. Milan Horňaček, PhD, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic); funded as part of TU Dresden's Institutional Strategy with funds from the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State governments
- Research on the linguistic thinking of the Conservative Revolution
- Co-organization of the seminar 'Small-scale cultures - cities and regions' as lecturer
- Duration: 12/2013
Lectures, conferences and congresses
Nothing new in the East? On the media representation of 'forgotten fronts' of the First World War. Conference at the Chair of German Studies and the Austria Center of the Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic), 7-8 February 2019: Habsburg Downfall: The Power of Chance and Geopolitics. Kopetzky's Risk as a fictional adaptation of Oskar von Niedermayer's Afghanistan expedition
"The World of Yesterday" - Reminiscences of Kakania. 13th Central European Young Germanists' Conference for students from East Central Europe and Germany in cooperation with the Central European Germanists' Association, 25-29.11.2018, Akademie Mitteleuropa e.V., Bad Kissingen: Habsburg Downfall: Joseph Roth's "Radetzky March" and Alexander Lernet-Holenia's "Standarte"
Limits of the Norm: Transformation of Humanism in Russian and European Culture in Modern and Contemporary History - 3rd International Sarabianov Congress of Art Historians, Москва/Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation/Государственный институт искусствознания , 24.10.-28.10.2018: Transhumanism as a systematic transgression of norms and limits? Reflections on an old and current topos in the European culture
The past of the future / Прошлое будущего - 1st German-Russian workshop discussion on a common culture of remembrance, Волгоград/Volgograd, May 6-10, 2018: 1. Workshop discussion with students and lecturers from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science of Национальный иссследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" (НИУ ВШЭ) / National Research University "Higher School of Economics" from Moscow and students from TU Dresden.
EU-ERASMUS+ project TACES (Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan) - Teacher Training Workshop in Dresden, TU Dresden, November 4-12, 2017: Official Welcome (6.11.), Experts Meeting (8.11.)
Sound of the worlds. Literature Conference on the occasion of the awarding of the Marie Luise Kaschnitz Prize to Michael Köhlmeier, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, May 19-21, 2017: Precarious rogue games? Crossing borders and changing identities in Michael Köhlmeier's The Adventures of Joel Spazierer
TACES on-site visit at the Донишгоҳи давлатии Данғара / Государственный Университет Дангара / Dangara State University in Данғара / Дангара / Dangara, May 16, 2017
TACES on-site visit at the Донишгоҳи давлатии Хоруғ ба номи М. Назаршоев / Хорогский Государственный Университет имени Моёншо Назаршоева / Khorugh State University in Хоруғ / Хорог/ Khorugh,Tajikistan, May 10-13, 2017: Dresden and the Dresden University of Technology (lecture/presentation)
TACES on-site visit at the Донишгоҳи Давлатии Ҳуқуқ, Бизнес, ва Сиёсати Тоҷикистон (ДДҲБСТ) / Таджикский Государственный Университет Права, Бизнеса, и Политики / Tajik State University of Law, Economics and Politics in Хуҷанд /Худжанд / Khujand, Tajikistan, 8. May 2017: Dresden and the Dresden University of Technology (lecture/presentation)
DAAD German Teachers' Conference in Tajikistan, Душанбе / Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 6, 2017: Two workshops on working with German poetry in Tajik German lessons
Lectureship in the EU-ERASMUS+ project TACES (Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan), Донишгоҳи Миллии Тоҷикистон / Таджикский национальный университет / Tashik National University, Душанбе / Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2.-5. May, 16-17. May 2017: Theories of culture (course, duration: 18 hours)
Ernst Jünger's "On the Marble Cliffs". A literary confrontation with the Nazi regime. Conference of the Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jünger Society, Heiligkreuztal Monastery, April 7-9, 2017: Lecture - Poesie in schwierigen Zeiten. The Jünger brothers in the 1930s
"Accomplices" series of the Hole of Fame: Lecture as part of the exhibition "I show your mind", December 23, 2016: Fight [the] Club. Reflexive paranoia in film
Lectureship in the EU-ERASMUS+ project TACES (Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan), Донишгоҳи Миллии Тоҷикистон / Таджикский национальный университет / Tashik National University, Душанбе / Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 13.-19. November 2016: Geopolitics of Europe (course; 15 hours); Presentations (2x1 hour): Dresden and the Dresden University of Technology
Visiting Professorship, Школа философии / School of Philosophy, Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" (НИУ ВШЭ) / National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russia, 1.October 1-9, 2016: Lectures on a cultural history of leadership in Germany; seminar on Martin Heidegger's rectorate speech
On-site-visit and coordination meetings of the EU ERASMUS+ Project TACES (Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan), Донишгоҳи Миллии Тоҷикистон / Таджикский национальный университет / Tashik National University, Душанбе / Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 12.-18. June 2016: Coordination meeting with partner institutions in Tajikistan
Film in the Weimar Republic: Between Reification and Objectification: International Workshop at the LMU Munich, Center for Advanced Studies, 3 June 2016: Lecture - "[S]ome of the most beautiful pictures are those in which man is only staffage or moving mass" (Pinthus). The Nibelungs (1924) and the question of objectification/reification
The phenomenon of "Laibach" in text and context: International workshop at the University of Ljubljana/Slovenia, May 23, 2016: Lecture - Warenwelt zur Kenntlichkeit entstellt? On the problem of the transfer of artistic strategies in changing political systems
EU Tempus project SEMSEM (Services pour l'employabilité et la mobilité sous forme de stages en entreprises des étudiants du Maghreb/Mashrek), Université Saint-Joseph, Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth, Beirut/Lebanon, May 2-6, 2016: Journée du bilan / Balance conference of the partners (Maghreb, Mashrek, Europe)
EU ERASMUS+ Project TACES (Introducing ransdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan), TU Dresden, February 22-26, 2016: Coordination meeting / Working meeting of the partners
Ästhetik und Ideologie 1945. Wandlung oder Kontinuität poetologischer Paradigmen in Werken deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller, Conference at the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) in Oldenburg, November 23-25, 2015: Lecture - "Die Stillen im Lande"? Friedrich Georg Jünger's literary post-war period
Face to face with surface and superficiality - Seminar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Begabtenförderung und Kultur, October 16-18, 2015, Munich: Lecture/seminar on Oct. 17: Lecture - "It's all true, it's all real" (The Truman Show). The mediopolitical complex and the topics of surface/depth
Tempus project TETRAI2, TU Dresden, September 15-16, 2015: Mid-term meeting / working meeting of the partners
Journées intermédiaires du projet Tempus SEMSEM (Services pour l'employabilité et la mobilité sous forme de stages en entreprises des étudiants du Maghreb/Machrek), Université Aboubekr Belkaïd de Tlemcen, Algeria, May 19-21, 2015: Journées intermédiaires / working meeting of the partners of the EU Tempus project SEMSEM (Maghreb/Mashrek region)
3rd Moscow Days of German Poetry. Lecture and reading series in Moscow, Russia, 8-10.4.2015: Lecture - Das vergängliche Ich. On German poetry of the 18th century (poetry reading: Sascha Preiß, music: Квартет им. П.А. Вяземского)
The First World War and its aftermath in the literature and journalism of Bohemia and Moravia. Project workshop at the Palacký University of Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 19-21, 2014
Transitions: Fall of the Berlin Wall - Disintegration of the Eastern Bloc - Croatia as a special case? - Conference at the University of Zadar, Croatia (28.-31.10.2014): Lecture - Contested memory and its literary reflection: Case study 'Bleiburg'
Border risks? European border regions as dynamic semiospheres - Conference at the Università 'L'Orientale' Naples, Italy, 23-25.10.2014: Lecture - Risk and praise of the border? On the conjunctures of borders
Searching for Culture - EU Conference at the Palacký University of Olomouc, Czech Republic, 16-18.10.2014: Lecture - Hölderlin in Moravia? Reception and function of a 'patriotic' German poet in German-language literature in Moravia between the world wars
Productivity of Deviation: Projection, Construction, Measurement - Conference at the RGGU Moscow, Russia, 25-26.9.2014: Lecture - '[K]eine antirussische Absicht'. Ernst Jünger's Forest Walk and the Thought of Deviation
Hofmannsthal's tower dramas. Politik, Wissen und Kunst in der Zwischenkriegszeit - 18th International Conference of the Hugo-von-Hofmannsthal-Gesellschaft, 4-7.9.2014, Basel, Switzerland: Lecture - 'Wohin führst du mich? Hofmannsthal's Tower in the context of the leadership discourse of the interwar period
Erasmus lectureship at the Palacký University of Olomouc, Czech Republic, 18-21 May 2014: Seminar - On the literary processing of the First World War - Erwin Ott and Ernst Jünger in contrast; (post-)doctoral colloquium
Erasmus lectureship at the University of Breslau/Wrocław, Poland, 27-30.4.2014: Lecture and seminar - Schiller's Maria Stuart
Lecture series: August 1914 - Medial Variations of the Beginning of the World War in Europe, TU Dresden, 9.4.-16.7.2014
Transnational Representations of Flight and Expulsion of Germans after the Second World War - Conference at the Université de Lille, 20-22.3.2014: Lecture - Winnetou August and the Debate on the Expulsion of Germans since 1989 [Lecture not held due to illness]
Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Nachwirkungen in der Literatur und Publizistik Böhmens und Mährens – Projekt-Workshop TU Dresden, 15.–16.12.2013
Politische Tiere – Tagung am Forschungszentrum für Historische Geisteswissenschaften Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, 28.–30.11.2013: Vortrag – Vom ›Leitthiere‹ zu den ›leitenden Führern der staatlichen Gemeinschaft‹. ›Tierische‹ Führungsverhältnisse als Gegenstand der Vergleichung in der Populärwissenschaft des späten 19. Jahrhunderts [Vortrag wegen Krankheit nicht gehalten]
8. Mitteleuropäische Nachwuchsgermanistentagung in Bad Kissingen, 3.–8.11.2013: Vortrag – ›Drommetenrot‹ – Zum Aufscheinen des Kriegs im Werk von Leo Perutz
QUALYCERT – EU-Tempus-Projekt an der Université de Gabès, Tunesien, 20.–24.10.2013: Evaluation des Studiengangs ›German Studies‹ an der Université de Gabès als externer Experte
Verleihung des Kunstpreises der Stadt Radebeul im Schloß Wackerbarth, Radebeul, 12.10.2013: Vortrag – Laudatio auf den Schriftsteller Jörg Bernig
Sommerschule an der TU Dresden mit tunesischen BA- und MA-Studenten, 11.–12.9.2013: Blockseminar – Literatur als Medium I: Lyrik und ihre medialen Verarbeitungen; II: Analyse von Prosatexten
Repräsentationen der verlorenen Heimat in der deutschsprachigen Literatur Böhmens, Mährens und Schlesiens – Tagung an der Universität des Baskenlands Vitoria-Gasteiz, 27.–29.6.2013: Vortrag – Verlorene Heimat in der jüngsten deutschen Literatur: Reinhard Jirgls Die Unvollendeten, Theodor Buhls Winnetou August und Jörg Bernigs Niemandszeit
Essayistik in der Moderne (1918–1950) – Tagung an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 9.–12.5.2013: Vortrag – Max Bense zum Beispiel. Zur Essaykultur und Essaytheorie in der frühen BRD
Charisma und Akklamation. Figuren der Souveränität nach dem Ende des Königtums – Tagung am IfK der Kunstuniversität Linz/Universität Wien, 24.–26.4.2013: Vortrag – Schillers charismatische ›Sendungen‹: Moses, Medien und Mannschaften
Wer ist Deutschland? Demographie, Migration, Diversity – Tagung des Mitteleuropa Zentrums für Staats-, Wirtschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften an der TU Dresden im Stadtmuseum Dresden, 30.–31.1.2013: Vortrag – »Russe oder Deutscher« (Ginex) – ›Rap‹ als Medium der (Selbst-)Verständigung jugendlicher Einwanderer [Vortrag wegen Krankheit nicht gehalten]
Project management: congresses, conferences and lectureships
- 9th International Congress of the German Society for Semiotics (DGS), Dresden (10/1999): Machines and History
- 7th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Dresden (10/1999): Sign processes in complex systems
- The European Heritage of Semiotics, Dresden (02/1999)
- Dresden Poetics Lectureship on the Literature of Central Europe (2000-2003)
- Dresdner Chamisso-Poetikdozentur (2000-2004)
- a.o.
- Exercise: Introduction to the basics of NdL
- Exercise: Introduction to Scientific Work
- Seminar: Heinrich von Kleist as a narrator
- Seminar: Future scenarios? Prognostic potentials of science fiction
- Exercise: Introductionto the basics of NdL
- Exercise: Introduction to Scientific Work
- Seminar: Heinrich von Kleist
- Seminar: Science fiction scenarios of surveillance and disciplinary societies
- Exercise: Introduction to the basics of NdL
- Seminar: Geopolitics in contemporary culture
- Seminar: Science Fiction - Introduction
- Exercise: Fundamentals of Modern German Literature
- Exercise: Introduction to academic work
- BA seminar: Goethe Faust (I and II)
- Exercise: Introduction to the NdL
- Seminar BA/MA: Heinricht von Kleist's drama "The Battle of Hermann"
- Seminar BA/MA: Drone Land - Surveillance, Persecution and Execution Scenarios in Science Fiction
- Seminar BA/MA: Germans in/from Russia? Between Diaspora & Integration
- Exercise: Introduction to the Science of Modern German Literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Almai)
- Lecture: Culture as a field - cultural studies approaches
- Project seminar BA/MA: Russian Germans as a problem? Politics of Memory in Russia and Germany (The Past of the Future 3 )
- Seminar BA/MA: Science Fiction and Transhumanism - New Humans, Superhumans, Prosthetic Gods?
Scientific presentation
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: AVO
Course page: on OPAL!
Worlds on the wire or: Is there a real life in the wrong one? Deception, appearance and delusion in SF films
Time/location: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Toepler-Bau, Mommsenstraße 12: TOE/317/H
Course page: on OPAL!
Worlds on the wire or: Is there a real life in the wrong one? Deception, appearance and delusion in SF literature
Time/location: Wednesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/002/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Reading seminar: Basic texts of humanities theory formation I
Time/location: Wednesday, 5 DS (14.50-16.20) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/002/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (to the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 1
Time/location: Thursday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/101/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 2
Time/location: Thursday, 3rd DS (11.10-12.40) / Office building Strehlener Straße, Strehlener Straße 22-24: BSS/E41/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 3
Time/location: Thursday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/101/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Project seminar: Forgotten fronts? Aspects of the culture of remembrance of the First World War in Germany and Russia (German-Russian Workshop II)
Time/location: Thursday, 6 DS (16.40-18.10) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/002/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Project & excursion seminar: "Nur vun Stalingrad verzällt e' nie" (BAP). Memory, remembrance and the politics of history - Stalingrad as a case study (German-Russian workshop discussions I)
Time/Place: Tuesday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/02-013/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Science fiction between utopia and dystopia - an introduction
Time/location: Tuesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Von-Gerber-Bau, Bergstr. 53: GER/0039/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Reading seminar: Goethe's FAUST I and II
Time/location: Wednesday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/002/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Reading seminar: Goethe's FAUST I and II
Time/Place: Wednesday, 4th DS (13.00-14.30) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/103/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the Science of Modern German Literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Time/location: Thursday, 1st DS (07.30-09.20) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/002/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the Science of Modern German Literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Time/location: Thursday, 3rd DS (11.10-12.40) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/02-009/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the Science of Modern German Literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Time/location: Thursday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/02-006/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1. DS (07.30-09.00) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Str. 48: AVO
Aliens! The Aliens and the Other in Science Fiction Film
Time/Place: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Görges-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 9: GÖR/226/H
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/location: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/003/U - ATTENTION: only from 18.10.2017!
Geopolitics in contemporary literature
Time/Place: Tuesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/02-009/U
Course page: on OPAL! - Logbook:
From the 'Sendung Moses' to 'Wilhelm Tell' - Schiller and the discovery of human leadership
Seminar (BA)
Time/location: Thursday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/02-009/U
Course page: on OPAL! - Logbook: Schillerblog
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 1
Time/location: Tuesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/003/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 2
Time/location: Tuesday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/101/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 3
Time/location: Wednesday, 4th DS (13.00-14.30) / August-Bebel-Straße 30, Haus 116 (Hochhaus): ABS/01-001/U (on the 1st floor)
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai) - alternative course 4
Time/location: Thursday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Hörsaal-Zentrum, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/204/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Reading circle: Clemens Meyer
Time/location: bi-weekly, AVO, Wiener Str. 48, R 125
Reading circle: Clemens Meyer
Time/location: bi-weekly, AVO, Wiener Str. 48, R 125
Theories of Cultures
Time/location: Mon 1.5.-Fri 5.5., Tue 16.5.-Mi, 17.5.2017, Center for European Studies, National Tajik University, Dushanbe
Introduction to the science of modern German literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Time/location: Wednesday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / Willers-Bau Haus A, Zellescher Weg 12-14: WIL/A221/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to the Science of Modern German Literature (for the introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Time/location: Thursday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Office building Strehlener Straße, Strehlener Straße 22/24: BSS/149/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1. DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
Geopolitics of Europe
Time/location: Mon 14.11.-Fri 18.11.2016 (12.00-15.00/10.00-13.00/10.00-13.00/11.00-14.00), Center for European Studies, National Tajik University, Dushanbe
Geopolitics in contemporary literature
Time/location: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Office building Strehlener Straße, Strehlener Straße 22/24: BSS/149/U
Course page: on OPAL! - Logbook:
Essay and essayism in Germany
Time/Place: Wednesday, 4. DS (13.00-14.30) / August-Bebel-Str. 20: ABS/2009/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
Literature and national education
Time/Place: Wednesday, 3 DS (11.10-12.40) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/304/Z
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation (with Prof Dr. Frank Almai)
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1. DS (07.30-09.00) / AV
Literature around 1800
Time/Place: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Physics, Haeckelstraße 3: PHY/C118/U
Course page: on OPAL! Net logbook: Click here for the blog ...
Aliens! The strangers and the other in science fiction films
Time/Place: Wednesday, 4. DS (13.00-14.30) / Andreas-Schubert-Bau, Zellescher Weg 19: ASB/120/H
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation (with Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
Reading circle
Introduction to film analysis
Time/Place: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/E05/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Goethe's Faust I and II - reading seminar
Time/location: Wednesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Faculty building, Wiener Str. 48: W 48/001/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Goethe's Faust I and II - reading seminar (alternative seminar)
Time/location: Thursday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / Barkhausen-Bau, Helmholtzstraße 18: BAR/218/U
Course page: on OPAL!
German Poetry - History and Interpretation
Time/Place: Thursday, 4th DS (13.00-14.30) / Office building, Strehlener Straße 22/24: BSS/E49/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation (with Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
Reading circle
Worlds on a wire, or: Is there a 'true' life in the fake? The problem of simulation and reality in science fiction film
Lecture (MA/BA)
Time/location: Wednesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Lecture hall building, August-Bebel-Straße 20: ABS/E11/H
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to film analysis
Seminar (BA)
Time/location: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Faculty building SLK, Wiener Straße 48: W48/001/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Goethe's Faust I and II - reading seminar
Seminar (BA)
Time/location: Tuesday, 2 DS (09.20-10.50) / Von-Gerber-Bau, Bergstraße 53: GER/039/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus - reading seminar
Seminar (MA/StEx)
Time/Place: Tuesday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Office building, Strehlener Straße 22/24: BSS/E49/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Scientific presentation (with Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
August 1914 - Medial Variations of the Beginning of the World War - Interdisciplinary lecture series
Lecture series (MA/BA), organized together with Dr. Torsten König, Institute of Romance Studies - concluding with an exam
Time/Place: Wednesday, 7. DS (18.30-20.00) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/0003/H
Course page: on OPAL!
Fundamentals of Cultural Studies - compact colloquium for latecomers
Seminar/exercise (BA)
Time/location: Wednesday, 2. DS (09.20-10.50) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/201/U
Course page: on OPAL!
Introduction to film analysis
Exercise (BA)
Time/location: Thursday, 2nd DS (09.20-10.50 a.m.) / Auditorium Center, Bergstraße 64: HSZ/403/H
Course page: on OPAL!
He does not lead his command like an office" - Schiller's dramas and the question of the right 'leadership'
Seminar (BA)
Time/location: Thursday, 4 DS (13.00-14.30) / Seminar building 2, Zellescher Weg 22: SE2/103/U
Course page: on OPAL! blog: Schillerblog
Scientific presentation (with Prof. Dr. Frank Almai)
Colloquium/Discussion Forum/Consultation (MA)
Time/Place: Wednesday, 1st DS (07.30-09.00) / AVO
Supervision of foreign students
- Krzysztof Żarski, Poland (University of Wrocław): Habilitation project - KAAD (2019)
- Sergej Petrovič Taškenov, Russia (RGGU Moscow): Habilitation project - Erasmus Mundus (2015)
- Petr Pytlík, Czech Republic (Masarykova Univerzita Brno / Brno): PhD project - DAAD (2013)
- Markéta Vysloužilová, Czech Republic (Univerzita Palackého Olomouc / Olomouc): PhD project - DAAD (2012)
- Farzona Zaidzoda, Tajikistan (National Tajik University, Dushanbe) - TACES
- Yusuv Yusupov, Tajikistan (National Tajik University, Dushanbe) - TACES
- Emmanuel Rop, Kenya (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Yao-Messan Fumess Nouwodou, Togo (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Omer Adam Abdulrahman Othman, Sudan (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Akeju Gbenga Kenedith, Nigeria (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Francisca Atieno Odero, Kenya (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Jean Avis Makena Mburia, Kenya (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Peris Wanjiru Mburu, Kenya (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - DAAD
- Salomeja Blazyte, Lithuania (German Studies, TU Dresden) - DAAD
- Matthias Amadekpo, M.A., Togo (Université de Lomé, Togo) - DAAD
- Sidaba Tchakoura, M.A., Togo (Université de Lomé, Togo) - DAAD
- German University Association
- German Association of Germanists
- Hölderlin Society
- Circle of Friends of Panajotis Kondylis