CFF program winter semester 2020/21
Table of contents

CFF-Programmflyer WiSe 2020/21, Seite 1

CFF-Programmflyer WiSe 2020/21, Seite 2
About the Center
Founded at the end of 2017, the Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie (CFF) is broadly interdisciplinary and has members from numerous Faculties, including the School of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Faculties of Medicine and Mechanical Science and Engineering.
The CFF sees itself as a place for German-Francophone scientific and cultural exchange, a contact point for international cooperation and a competence broker for Francophone cultural areas.
The CFF cooperates with the DRESDEN-concept partners, supports the "Culture and Societal Change" Research Priority Area and contributes to the visibility of TU Dresden's international relations.

Center France | Francophonie (CFF)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Wiener Str. 48, Rooms 4.11, 4.06, 4.02
01219 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Romanistik
01062 Dresden
Secretariat Angelika Gleisberg:
Wiener Str. 48, Room 4.02
01219 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 - 463 32038
Office hours:
Availability in the office (secretariat): Daily. Office hours for students: Mon-Thu, 13:30-15:30h. Vacation in the office: 11-29.09.24
Image sources
- Design: Dimitris Christou on Pixabay
- Book cover Julia Deck: Verlag Wagenbach
- Book cover Alessandro Tota: Éditions de l'Olivier
- Digital Utopia: Institute français Germany
- Book cover D. Wolton: Éditions François Bourin
- Photo of Albertine Sarrazin: INK PRESS Verlag
- Photo of Camilla Renschke: Marcel Kamps
The events
Julia Deck reads from her book" Private Property "
Book presentation and discussion in German and French
Moderation: Dr. Torsten König
In cooperation with the Institute français Dresden.
- When: October 29, 2020, 7:30-8:30 pm
- Where: The Erich Kästner House for Literature e.V., Villa Augustin, Antonstr. 1, 01097 Dresden
You can find a podcast from Deutschlandfunk Kultur about the book at:
Review of the reading with more information and photo impressions of the event.
Digital reading of " Palacinche. Histoire d'une exilée " with the comic author Alessandro Tota
followed by a discussion in
French language.
In "Palacinche", Caterina Sansone and the comic artist Alessandro Tota set out in search of family history(ies): They follow in the footsteps of Sansone's family, who left what is now Rijeka in Croatia after the Second World War to go into exile in Italy. In his graphic novel, Tota paints his very own picture of flight and the question of "home" by artfully combining stories, drawings and photos.
- When: November 10, 2020, 13:00-14:30
- Where: Digital, as part of the advanced seminar "Autobiographische Bandes dessinées aus Frankreich und Frankophonie" by PD Dr. Karen Struve
Review of the reading with more information and excerpts.
Dominique Wolton (Paris): " Vive l'incommunication - La victoire de l'Europe "
Postponed to 2021
Book presentation in French followed by an audience discussion in French and English.
Moderation: Dr. Torsten König
A German summary will be provided for the book presentation.
A live broadcast via Zoom is planned.
Excerpt from his book:
"Oui, l'Europe reste la plus grande aventure pacifique et démocratique de l'Histoire. Yes, the European Union is succeeding in cohabiting 450 million individuals, divided into 27 countries, speaking 24 languages and divided by innumerable contents. For six decades, dialogue has been disrupted and tumultuous. Yes, it is possible to overcome the scepticism of Europeans, to mobilize the peoples, to pursue this utopia so original. Europe is not lagging behind, but is moving forward. Non, incommunication is not the weakness of Europe. On the contrary, it is its originality and its strength. It is the driving force behind a different conception of political communication. La condition de la démocratie et de la paix. Europe is based on the triumph of the malentendu, the langue de bois, the dialogues de sourds. Quel projet invraisemblable ! The singularity of Europe? Apprendre à cohabiter sans nier l'autre et refondre les rapports entre identité et universalité. And tomorrow, no Europe without putting the peoples, with all their contradictions, at the center of history. L'Europe, ou les incommunications victorieuses". Dominique Wolton
- When: December 3, 2020, 19:00 ( canceled/postponed)
- Where: TU Dresden, in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology and the Institut français Dresden.
Exhibition / Reading
Scenic reading Albertine Sarrazin
" Freedom really is the worst of all vices "
A cooperation with the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden (DHMD)

Albertine Sarrazin & Camilla Renschke
In her autobiographical texts, Albertine Sarrazin deals with her own prison experiences. Sarrazin spent a large part of her youth in prisons, escaped repeatedly and finally made her breakthrough as a writer - thanks in part to the support of Simone de Beauvoir. Sarrazin's turbulent life and her authentic descriptions made the author a literary sensation in France in the 1960s, before she died in 1967 at the age of just 29.
Introduction to the topic: Dr. Matthias Kern.

"Der Ausbruch", Roman von Albertine Sarrazin
The actress Camilla Renschke, winner of the 2020 Audiobook Award for "Best Performer" (known from the Bremen crime series Tatort ) will read from Albertine Sarrazin's novel "Der Ausbruch".
With the kind support of INK PRESS. Albertine Sarrazin's works have been published there in translation by Claudia Steinitz since 2018.
Event as part of the exhibition: Prison. In Prison, 26.09.2020 - 31.05.2021, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden
- When: March 23, 2021, 7:00 pm
- Where: Live stream from the special exhibition "In Prison", Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden
- Camilla Renschke reads from Albertine Sarrazin's novel "Der Ausbruch" - YouTube
Panel discussions / workshop "Utopia Europe - Digital Utopia"
Student panel discussions
What impact does digital change have on society and the environment? How can the global developments associated with digitalization be placed in a European context? Which digital utopias can be designed, which risks need to be critically scrutinized and discussed?
TUD students discussed these and other questions with guests in three Ateliers débat as part of the debating competition "Utopie Europa - Digitale Utopie?" organized by the Office for University Cooperation of the Institut Français Deutschland and the Franco-German University in cooperation with the German Liaison Office of the European Parliament and the Representation of the European Commission.
- When: September 8, 9, 17, 2020
- Where: Online event
Review of the events with more information, e.g. to listen to as a podcast.