CFF-Programm WiSe 2022/23
Table of contents

CFF-Programmflyer Herbst/Winter 2022/23, Seite 1

CFF-Programmflyer Herbst/Winter 2022/23, Seite 2
On this page you will always find the latest information, as there are often changes/additions even after the publication of the respective semester program.
About the Center
Founded at the end of 2017, the Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie (CFF) is broadly interdisciplinary and has members from numerous Faculties, including those from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Faculties of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Medicine and Mechanical Science and Engineering.
The CFF sees itself as a place for German-Francophone scientific and cultural exchange, a contact point for international cooperation and a mediator of expertise in Francophone cultural areas.
The CFF cooperates with the DRESDEN-concept partners, supports the "Culture and Societal Change" Research Priority Area and contributes to the visibility of TU Dresden's international relations.

Center France | Francophonie (CFF)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Wiener Str. 48, Rooms 4.11, 4.06, 4.02
01219 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Romanistik
01062 Dresden
Secretariat Angelika Gleisberg:
Wiener Str. 48, Room 4.02
01219 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 - 463 32038
Office hours:
Availability in the office (secretariat): Daily. Office hours for students: Mon-Thu, 13:30-15:30h. Vacation in the office: 11-29.09.24
Image sources
Flyer design: Steve Johnson on Pexels
Book cover S. Bloch (French): L'Iconoclaste
Book cover S. Bloch (German): Kunstanstifter
Book cover M. Lobe: Verlag Akono
Photo Max Lobe: Nadir Mokdad
Abstract images 8./14.11.22: Gerd Altmann on Pixabay
Book cover Boualem Sansal: Merlin Verlag
Photo Boualem Sansal: Wolf Gaudlitz
Drawing Berufswege: Imke Heine
Book cover Cécile Wajsbrot: Wallstein Verlag
Events fall / winter 2022/23
Reading & talk
Serge Bloch on "La rue de l'Ours"

Plakat zur Lesung Serge Bloch am 30.09.22 im Institut français Dresden
The French author and illustrator Serge Bloch presented his novel "La Rue del'Ours" (2022).
Moderation: Dr. Matthias Kern (CFF)
Translation: Dr. Barbara Bellini (IF)
Reading in French with consecutive translation into German. Admission free.
In cooperation with the IF Dresden.
WHEN: September 30, 2022, 7:00 pm
WHERE: Institute français Dresden, Kreuzstraße 6, 01067 Dresden
All detailed information can be found after the event on the corresponding CFF website under the tab Reviews.
Reading & Talk
Max Lobe on "Confidences"

Plakat zur Lesung Max Lobe über sein Buch "Vertraulichkeiten" am 27.10.22 in Dresden.
The francophone author Max Lobe, born in Cameroon, presented his novel "Vertraulichkeiten" (Akono Verlag Leipzig 2022,
Moderation: Annegret Richter (CFF)
German voice: Dagmar Hunold(Institute français Dresden)
Reading in French with consecutive translation into German. Free admission. In cooperation with the Institute français Dresden.
WHEN: October 27, 2022, 7:00 pm
WHERE: LeseLust bookshop, Hauptstraße 11, 01097 Dresden
All detailed information can be found after the event on the corresponding CFF website under the tab Reviews.
(Digital) panel discussion - Table Ronde
Commémorer la guerre d'Algérie: nouvelles perspektives grâce aux archives numériques?

Plakat (Digitale) Podiumsdiskussion - Table Ronde "Commémorer la guerre d'Algérie: nouvelles perspektives grâce aux archives numériques? am 14. November 2022
Panel discussion as part of the joint series of the network of university France and Francophonie centers in Germany "60 years after the Algerian War: remembering, coming to terms, reconciling".
In French language.
Panel participants:
Sophie Gebeil (Université d'Aix-Marseille), Djemaa Maazouzi (Collège Dawson, Montréal), Torsten König (TU Dresden), Beatrice Schuchardt (University of Freiburg), Annegret Richter (TU Dresden).
WHEN: November 14, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Online - access link: https: //
You can find more information at: https: //
Reading & talk
Boualem Sansal "Abraham or The Fifth Covenant"
Boualem Sansal talks about his new novel "Abraham oder Der fünfte Bund" (Merlin Verlag 2022).
In his eloquent, complex novel, Peace Prize winner Boualem Sansal creates a unique vision of reconciliation between politics and religion by linking controversial contemporary issues with biblical passages.
Boualem Sansal, born in Algeria in 1949, is one of the most influential contemporary authors in Algeria and North Africa. He has been honored with numerous prizes, including the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française (2015) and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (2011).
Website of the author:
Moderation: Dr. Torsten König (CFF)
In French - consecutive translation into German - Dr. Matthias Kern (CFF)
Admission free.
In cooperation with the Institute français Dresden and the Dresden Municipal Libraries.
WHEN: December 8, 2022, 7:30 pm
WHERE: Central Library, Schlossstraße 2, 01067 Dresden
Cancellation due to illness: Information event
Career paths II: Prospects after studying to become a teacher
Unfortunately, this event has to be canceled due to illness or will be made up for at a later date.
Online information event with former teacher training students of Romance Studies.
Our guests will give you insights and tips for the traineeship and entry into the teaching profession and will be happy to answer all your questions!
- Caroline Scherer (teacher for French, German and Art)
- Sebastian Nerger (trainee teacher for French)
Moderation: Dr. Annegret Richter (CFF)
WHEN: January 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Online at the following link:
Reading & talk
Cécile Wajsbrot & Marcel Beyer: "Nevermore" - A conversation about remembering, writing and translating
Literary conversation
How do you write about destruction, finiteness and the passing of time? How do you translate this experience into language and how do you translate it from one language into another? Shortly before the commemoration of February 13, an author and a writer who have both repeatedly dealt with topics of contemporary history will discuss this: Cécile Wajsbrot most recently in her novel "Nevermore"(Wallstein Verlag, Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2022), which is set in Dresden and centers around a translator, and Marcel Beyer, author of the Dresden novel "Kaltenburg", which Cécile Wajsbrot translated into French.
Cécile Wajsbrot, born in Paris in 1954 as the daughter of Polish Jews, lives as an author and translator in Paris and Berlin.
Marcel Beyer, born in 1965, lived in Cologne for many years before settling in Dresden in 1996. He writes essays, poems and novels and has received numerous awards.
Event organized in cooperation with: Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie TU Dresden, Städtische Bibliotheken Dresden and Institut Français Sachsen
In German language.
Admission: €9 / €6 with a valid Dresden Municipal Libraries user card. Tickets online or at the Herkuleskeule ticket counter on the ground floor of the Kulturpalast Dresden.
Free admission for students & pupils.
WHEN: February 9, 2023, 7:30 pm
WHERE: Central Library, Schlossstr. 2, 01067 Dresden