Project B05: Energy-Aware Stream and Configuration Management
The B05 project deals with the efficient processing of hardware and software monitoring data and thus acts as the central repository for the individual projects of the HAEC software group. To fulfill this task in an energy-aware fashion, we investigated different instruments for achieving software adaptivity as well as to achieve scalability for in-memory database systems on NUMA architectures. In the next phase we will extend and add additional software adaptivity instruments to build an adaptive and programmable data management infrastructure which will serve as a comprehensive example for the HAEC energy-control loop.
Role within the CRC 912
- A03: Gemeinsam mit A03 entwickelt B05 einen datenbankspezifisches Instruktionsset an Architekturen, die eine energieeffiziente Ausführung von Datenbank Operatoren erlauben.
- A04: In Kooperation mit A04 instrumentieren beide Projekte (A04&B05) In-Memory Datenbanken Systeme sowohl als In cooperation with A04 we instrumented in-memory database operators as well as entire database systems to get a deeper insight into the behavior of such operators or entire queries, respectively, in terms of energy consumption and performance penalties. Additionally, we investigated the effect of NUMA architectures on database operations.
- B01: With B01 we integrated our sensor data repository as data source for their resource and placement optimization system. Moreover, we looked at how to optimize the in-memory database MonetDB for energy-efficiency.
- B02: Together with B02 we identified sensor information and corresponding data preprocessing needs that are relevant for a proper situation recognition. Moreover, we extended the query processing capabilities as well as the topology schema of our in-memory data repository to fit these needs. Currently, we work on efficient reasoning that is based on temporal graphs.
- B04: In cooperation with subproject B04, we optimized the sensor data acquisition from the operating system and added additional sensors that are required for further processing inside the HAEC energy-control loop.
- B08: Gemeinsam mit B08 Together with B08 we started to integrate graph data structures as a native database object besides traditional tables and work on interfaces that allow efficient operations on such graphs.
Principal Investigator
PhD Students
former Staff