Project B08: High-Capacity Knowledge Processing Pipeline
The goal of Project B08 is to lay the theoretical and practical foundations for energy-efficient management, query, and analysis of large knowledge graphs in a way that takes full advantage of the novel distributed computing platform of HAEC. The technical work is based on introducing navigational queries as a logical layer that facilitates the information exchange between application layer and the physical layer of the underlying in-memory storage engine. Progress will be evaluated based on two use cases: data access to the Wikidata knowledge graph and HAEC context awareness.
Role within the CRC 912
B08 is a new project that has been added to HAEC in the second funding phase. The current focus is therefore on integrating this new work with the existing projects within HAEC.
- A12: B08 has started a collaboration with project A12 regarding the optimization of network data transfer in distributed graph databases to investigate whether and how a Software Defined Network (SDN) might be used on a HAEC box to improve energy efficiency and also performance of distributed join operations.
- B02: Collaborations with B02 have mainly been on the level of joint publications mentioned above. It is planned to intensify the collaboration.
- B05: Collaboration with B05 has been intense, with developers working closely together on the ERIS platform. This integration is essential to the planned software demonstrator, so much effort is currently put into it.
Principal Investigators
PhD Students
former staff