Project B04: Energy-Aware Resource Management
The work program of the second funding phase centers around three pillars. First, the extension of the Energy/Utility concept to multi-application and multi-user scenarios with the integration of local management strategies. Second, the adaptation and extension of our local resource management strategies with respect to the HAEC Box hardware, and third the evaluation of modern programming paradigms to support the management of energy-adaptive applications. These concepts will be integrated into a HAEC operating system that will be made available to other projects in the CRC. The project’s aim of formalizing energy/utility functions is of importance to all partners in project group B.
Role within the CRC 912
- We will closely collaborate with projects B02 and B03 in the formalization step.
- For the purpose of applying energy/utility functions to application workloads, we will cooperate with projects B01, B05 and B06.
- Furthermore, we will support project’s A04 development of a HAEC simulation platform.
- Energy-aware OS interfaces will be of relevance to everyone actively constructing applications to run on the HAEC platform. For the design of new interfaces for managing the HAEC hardware features, we rely on input from their developers, in particular from projects A02, A03 and A08.
Principla Investigator
PhD Students
former Staff
- Dr. Michael Roitzsch
- Herr Matthias Lange