Institutes and Chairs
Institute of Applied Physics
Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Didactics of Physics
Dresden Concept Partners
Institute of Applied Physics
Chair of Ultrafast Microscopy and Photonics
Prof. Dr. Alexey Chernikov
Chair of Experimental Physics / Photophysics
Prof. Dr. Lukas Eng
Chair of Opto-Electronics
Prof. Dr. Karl Leo
Chair of Organic Semiconductors
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Reineke
Chair of Semiconductor Spectroscopy
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Helm
Chair of High-Field Terahertz Physics
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian F. Maehrlein
Honorary Chair of Nanophysics
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt
Extraordinary Professor
Prof. Dr. Ellen Hieckmann
Chair of Tissue Dynamics
(co-opted professor, CMCB and Physics of Life)
Prof. Dr. Otger Campàs
Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering)
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
Chair of Measurement and Sensor System Technique
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Czarske
Chair of BioNanoTools
(co-opted professor, CMCB)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Diez
Heisenberg Chair of Mechanics of Active Biomaterials
(co-opted professor, CMCB and Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich
Chair of Organic Devices
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering )
Prof. Dr. Stefan Mannsfeld
Chair of Metallic Materials and Metal Physics
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering and IFW)
Prof. Dr. Kornelius Nielsch
Chair of Molecular Biophysics
(co-opted professor, CMCB)
Prof. Dr. Michael Schlierf
Chair of Emerging Electronic Technologies
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and IFW)
Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof
Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics
Chair of Physics of Quantum Materials
Prof. Dr. Jochen Geck
Chair of Low-Temperature Physics of Complex Electron Systems
Prof. Dr. Elena Hassinger
Chair of Neutron Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter
Prof. Dr. Dmytro Inosov
Chair of Ultrafast Solid State Physics and Photonics
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaiser
Chair of Solid State Physics/Electronic Properties
Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Klauß
Chair of Nanoscale Quantum Materials
Prof. Dr. Aparajita Singha
Professor (rtd.) for Surface Physics
Prof. Dr. Clemens Laubschat
Chair of Experimental Solid State Physics
(joint appointment, IFW)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchner
Chair of Applied Solid State Physics
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Faßbender
CEOS Endowed Chair of Electron Optics
(joint appointment, IFW)
Prof. Dr. Axel Lubk
Chair of Physics of High Magnetic Fields
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wosnitza
Honorary Chair of Chemistry of Inorganic Materials
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry and MPI-CPFS)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser
Honorary Chair of High-Pressure Physics of Correlated Quantum Matter
Prof. Dr. Elena Gati
Honorary Chair of Physics of Correlated Matter
Prof. Dr. Liu Hao Tjeng
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Chair of Astrophysics
Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger
Chair of Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. Michael Kobel
Chair of Phenomenology of Elementary Particles
Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger
Chair of Experimental Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. Arno Straessner
Chair of Nuclear Physics
Prof. Dr. Kai Zuber
Chair of Radiation Physics
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan
Chair of Quantum statistics of strongly correlated systems
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
Chair of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Anton Wallner
Honorary Chair of Nuclear Astrophysics
Prof. Dr. Daniel Bemmerer
Honorary Chair of Laser Plasma Physics
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Chair of Quantum Many-Body Theory
Prof. Dr. Jan Budich
Chair of Computational Physics
Prof. Dr. Roland Ketzmerick
Chair of Theoretical Quantum Optics
Prof. Dr. Walter Strunz
Chair of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. Dr. Carsten Timm
Chair of Network Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Marc Timme
Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics
Prof. Dr. Matthias Vojta
Chair of Solid State Theory
(joint appointment, IFW)
Prof. Dr. Jeroen van den Brink
Chair of Theory of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Solids or Plasmas
(joint appointment, HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Schützhold
Chair of Theory of Polymers at Interfaces
(joint appointment, IPF)
Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer
Heisenberg Chair of Theory of Bioinspired Polymers
(joint appointment, IPF)
Prof. Dr. Arash Nikoubashman
Honorary Chair of Theoretical Biophysics
Prof. Dr. Frank Jülicher
Honorary Chair of Statistical Physics
Prof. Dr. Holger Kantz
Honorary Chair of Many-Body Physics
Prof. Dr. Roderich Moessner
Honorary Chair of Theoretical Quantum Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Rost
Honorary Chair of Theory of Finite Many-Body Systems
Prof. Dr. Ulf Saalmann
Extraordinary Professor
Prof. Dr. Arnd Bäcker
Extraordinary Professor
Prof. Dr. Frank Großmann
Chair of Biology of Complex Systems
(co-opted professor, Faculty of Biology)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Brockmann
Heisenberg Chair of Biological Algorithms
(co-opted professor, CMCB, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life )
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Friedrich
Chair of Theoretical Physics of Living Matter
(co-opted professor, CMCB, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life )
Prof. Dr. Helmut Schießel
Honorary Chair of Physics of Life
(co-opted professor, CMCB and MPI-CBG)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Grill
Didactics of Physics
Chair of Didactics of Physics
Prof. Dr. Gesche Pospiech
Junior Professorship in Physics Education
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Salome Flegr
Dresden Concept Partners
Physical research in Dresden is also carried out at other institutions inside and outside the university. It is performed in close cooperation with the Faculty of Physics, facilitated by joint appointments with non-university institutions, honorary chairs for leading members of non-university institutes as well as by adjunct professors of other faculties of TU Dresden. With these strong cross links, the Faculty of Physics contributes prominently to the network DRESDEN-concept, which is a central component of TU Dresden's institutional strategy. These joint professorships involve the following institutions outside the Faculty of Physics:
p class="padding-left-20">Dresden-Würzburg Center for Topological Quantum Matter ResearchCluster of Excellence Physics of Life
Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden
<Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB)
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW)
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF)
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI-CPfS)
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker
Prof. Dr. Jörg Fink
Prof. Dr. Hartwig Freiesleben
Prof. Dr. Rolf Goldberg
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hauffe
Prof. Dr. Carl Holste
Prof. Dr. Walter John
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kämpfer
Prof. Dr. Sigismund Kobe
Prof. Dr. Edmund Koch
Prof. Dr. Ursula Krämer
Prof. Dr. Hannes Lichte
Prof. Dr. Michael Loewenhaupt
Prof. Dr. Wolfhard Möller
Prof. Dr. Peter Paufler
Prof. Dr. Frank Pobell
Prof. Dr. Roland Sauerbrey
Prof. Dr. Klaus R. Schubert
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Schultz
Prof. Dr. Werner Skrotzki
Prof. Dr. Frank Steglich
Prof. Dr. Jörg Weber