Application for enrolment in doctoral studies
Table of contents
Formal requirements
Prerequisite for enrolment as a doctoral student is admission to the doctoral programme or acceptance as a doctoral student by the Doctoral Committee of the faculty at which you wish to do your doctorate. If you have not yet been admitted by the Doctoral Committee and are interested in a doctorate at TU Dresden, you should read about applying for acceptance as a doctoral candidate .
Deadlines for submitting application documents for enrolment
The following documents must be sent to the Admissions Office or the International Office within one month following your online application.
- Signed application for enrolment: The application must be printed out after the online application has been submitted. It can be reprinted at any time in the Selma portal (menu item: "Documents").
- Form "Statement of the Faculty on the Application for Enrolment for Doctoral Studies" or a copy of the decision of the Doctoral Committee on the admission as a doctoral candidate. You will receive the form after you have applied to the Doctoral Committee of the faculty for admission to the doctoral list. As a rule, separate documents must be submitted to the faculty. Information can be obtained from the relevant doctoral office of the relevant faculty.
- The first university entrance qualification (usually the Abitur (A-levels) certificate) as a simple copy.
- Copy of the certificate of the required university degree (if necessary with translation into German or English)
- Certificate of termination of enrolment (so called “Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung”) if you have already attended a German university. Please apply for termination of enrolment in good time, as some universities need some time to issue the certificate.
- Application for parallel studies or application for a status as "Nebenhörer", if a parallel study in two degree programmes is applied for. You were already asked about this in the online application and were able to print out the respective application form.
- For the summer semester 2025 the following amount has to be paid: 290,48 EUR
Beneficiary: TU Dresden
Financial institution: Commerzbank Dresden
IBAN: DE25 8504 0000 0800 4004 01
Reference line: BEW00................................... ................., ..........................
Application number, last name, first name
Replace italics printed without spaces with your personal details!
Notes on refund:
For your enrolment, a semester fee is to be paid in accordance with the applicable Contribution Regulations of the Student Council and the Studentenwerk. If enrolment takes place within the grace period, i.e. after the beginning of the semester, the entire semester fee must first be paid. After you have received your enrolment documents (student ID, etc.), however, you have the option of having a partial amount for the semester ticket refunded by the Student Council of the TU Dresden for the months of the semester in which you were not enrolled.
Further links of interest
International doctoral students please contact Ms Monika Diecke at the International Office:

Counselling of international students
NameMs Dr. Monika Diecke
International PhD students
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 187 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
International doctoral students (for medicine):
Branch of the Admissions office at the Faculty of Medicine
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Dekanatsgebäude (Haus 40), EG left, Room 102 Fiedlerstr. 27
01307 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Außenstelle Immatrikulationsamt Medizinische Fakultät Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 09:30 - 11:30
- 12:30 - 15:00
- Wednesday:
- 09:30 - 11:30