Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (German Language Examination for University Admission)
The DSH is a university state examination which is taken in the context of an application to universities and state preparatory colleges in the Federal Republic of Germany. TU Dresden offers its accepted applicants the opportunity to take this examination right before starting their course. A fee of 120 EURO has to be paid for the DSH examination. For participants of the Propädeutikum the examination is free of charge.
The examination consists of a written and an oral section.
You can find information on the DSH examination in the DSH Regulations at TU Dresden. The requirement for participation in the DSH examination at TU Dresden is the provision of evidence of Level C1 with the application for the course. You can find the requirements and an example of the possible tasks set in the Contents of the DSH Examination.
The examination is graded in three levels: DSH 1 as the lowest level, DSH 3 as the highest level. For enrolment in a German-language course at TU Dresden, it is necessary to pass the DSH examination with the level DSH 2.
DSH examinations which are taken in the course of an application at another university can be recognised on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the International Office directly.
Only applicants who have been accepted by TU Dresden may participate in the DSH examination. Applicants from another university may not participate in this examination. (Excepted from this are students who have been accepted by the Dresden universities the Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Music or Dresden University of Applied Sciences.)