Video zum Master Geodäsie
Stella gibt einen ausführlichen Einblick in das Master Geodäsie-Studium. Sie erzählt, warum sie sich für das Studium entschieden hat, welche Inhalte behandelt werden und was es über das Studium hinaus noch in Dresden zu entdecken gibt.
Imagefilm - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Creating a future worth living in – Civil and Environmental Engineering
Consisting of the faculties of Architecture, Business and Economics, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Transportation, and Traffic Science “Friedrich List”. The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at TU Dresden offers a great variety of study possibilities, interdisciplinary research projects and a multitude of international activities. Together, the four faculties develop interdisciplinary solutions for the challenges of our time and for tomorrow’s society.
The film “School of Civil and Environmental Engineering” is a production within the Institutional Strategy of TU Dresden: „The Synergetic University“. It is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.
Writer/Director/Producer: Biermann-Jung Kommunikation & Film (