Endpoint Management
The central endpoint management solution at TU Dresden - operated by ZIH - supports centralized and decentralized IT staff in the management of Windows clients. The system can be used to deploy and update operating systems and software to clients from a central location via the network. Other functions of the system include Windows update management, compliance, threat and vulnerability analysis and client inventory. For the provision of software, both software pre-packaged by Baramundi, centrally packaged by the TUD, and software packaged in-house can be used.
Protection level according to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) This service is permitted up to the protection level shown below. You can find further information on the respective page or in the provided document. Protection level: high
Provision time The time required to prepare the service for use. ca. 2-5 workdays
Subject to charges no
Operating time You can access the service during the times given below. 24/7
Further information for this service (e.g. a manual or other instructions) is available.