Service Catalogue
The Service Catalogue is an overview of the IT services of the TU Dresden and the Sächsischen Landes-, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB). It is maintained jointly by all institutions. For technical questions, please contact the Service Desk of the Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). The responsibility for the content of the individual services lies with the IT officers of the respective institutions. The instructions on maintaining the service catalogue contents are available for all service providers.
WebCMS of the TU Dresden
The Unit Web and Video of the Directorate Communication and Marketing is responsible for the operation and further development of the Web Content Management System (WebCMS) of the central website of the TU Dresden and offers various consulting services and training courses for content creators.
The SLUBApp is a mobile application for iOS and Android that supports catalog searching and account functions.
Homepage MaterialHub
The Material Hub is an open, cross-domain material research platform for research and application provided by the SLUB.
Matomo – Access statistics for web areas
You can request detailed access statistics for your web area in the WebCMS of the TU Dresden via the unit web and video.
Software retrieval
Software via framework, volume license, campus and country contracts available in ZIH software list