Service Catalogue

WebCMS of the TU Dresden

Tags: Web

The Unit Web and Video of the Directorate Communication and Marketing is responsible for the operation and further development of the Web Content Management System (WebCMS) of the central website of the TU Dresden and offers various consulting services and training courses for content creators.

On-site PC-service

Tags: Workplace, B2B

On-site service for PCs and their peripherals

TU Dresden trouble ticket system

Tags: B2B, Consulting, Help/Support, Information, Collaboration

Structured processing of requests with znuny (based on OTRS)

3D model

Tags: Consulting, Information

The 3D model allows spatial navigation in the SLUB. When selecting a copy in the catalog, the spatial position of the physical copy is displayed.

Location: > > SLUB

SLUB help desk

Tags: Consulting, Help/Support, Information

SLUB help desk. To be reached at

Location: > > SLUB


Tags: Consulting, Datanet/Internet, Help/Support, Information, Login

The SLUBApp is a mobile application for iOS and Android that supports catalog searching and account functions.

Location: > > SLUB