Complaints management
Table of contents
Praise, suggestions and complaints. We see ourselves as an organization that learns from experience and are prepared to take seriously any constructive criticism, grievances or praise you may have. Constructive complaints and suggestions offer us the opportunity for improvement and are therefore welcome at any time.
These can be submitted by students and staff as well as by external parties, either as individuals or as a group.
We encourage you to first try and find a resolution to any problem you have, for instance by setting up a face-to-face meeting. You can also include representatives from Student life and welfare, Anti-discrimination, Good scientific practice, Anti-corruption and other counseling institutions in your discussion, or you can turn to the conflict mediators. These individuals and organizations will be happy to advise and support you.
Should you be unable to come to a resolution by following this route – be it because of bias, a failure to act or any other reason – you can also make use of our complaints management service.
You want to improve quality
Let’s say, for example, that processes, organizational structures, intramural and extramural relations, products or services in research, studies and teaching or administration and university culture aren’t running as you had hoped or imagined. And you want to contribute to better conditions for study and research, to improve the quality of work, to reduce absences, make relations more favorable or enhance productivity. Let us know where you are dissatisfied with the fulfillment of quality requirements and what ideas you have to optimize it.
Please contact...
- Quality management in studies and teaching at or one of the contacts listed here.
- Quality management in research at or one of the contacts listed here.
- Quality management in administration at or one of the contacts listed here.
You want to remedy a shortcoming
You have a legal claim to remedy a shortcoming, for instance the adjustment of an incorrect examination grade or the elimination of a source of danger. Please contact the unit that is either technically responsible or responsible for causing the issue, such as the Examination Office or Occupational Health and Safety.
You want to reinforce fairness and equity
Fairness, integrity, transparency and equity are paramount values at our university. Please provide useful suggestions on how we can uphold and promote them. Specifically substantiative evidence pointing to suspected misconduct or violation of legal provisions such as criminal offenses or other behavior leading to mistrust are useful to us. In particular, this pertains to the prevention and abatement of
- Corrupt and fraudulent acts (corruption, theft, misappropriation, etc.)
- Violation of good scientific practice
- Harassment, discrimination and violence
You can find other risky areas of activity and detailed information on submitting complaints or suggestions on the Compliance Management web pages.