University Executive Board

Marion Schmidt, Prof. Ronald Tetzlaff, Prof. Angela Rösen-Wolff, Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger, Jan Gerken, Prof. Michael Kobel, Prof. Roswitha Böhm and Prof. Lars Bernard (f.l.t.r.)
The University Executive Board is composed of the Rector, the Chancellor and three Vice-Rectors. It is charged with the continued development of our university and all central affairs. The tasks of the University Executive Board are defined in § 87 of the Act on the Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education in the Free State of Saxony (SächsHSG). The University Executive Board is joined by three Chief Officers to form the Extended University Executive Board. Below you can learn more about the members of the Extended University Executive Board.
Prof. Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger
As Rector, Professor Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger is the chairperson of the University Executive Board and determines its guidelines. She is responsible for the structure and strategy of TU Dresden and represents the university in the public domain.
Dipl.-Ök. Jan Gerken
Dipl.-Ök. Jan Gerken heads the administration of the university. He is responsible for the budget. His role enables him to take part in the meetings of all university committees and to take a position on their work and propositions.
Chief Officer Digitalization and Information
Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard
As Chief Officer Digitalization and Information Management, Professor Dr. Lars Bernard is responsible for strategies of digitalization as well as the responsible use of IT, the assurance of state-of-the-art IT equipment and IT administration at TU Dresden.
Vice-Rector University Culture
Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm
In her capacity as Vice-Rector University Culture, Professor Dr. Roswitha Böhm works with her department to develop strategies for establishing a culture of mutual respect and sustainable use of resources.
Vice-Rector Academic Affairs
Prof. Dr. Michael Kobel
As Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, Professor Dr. Michael Kobel is responsible for the organization and quality of TU Dresden's educational courses and programs, including with regard to course development, digital teaching and learning, and continued training in higher education.
Vice-Rector Research
Prof. Dr. Angela Rösen-Wolff
Vice-Rector Research Professor Dr. Angela Rösen-Wolff is responsible for the promotion of research with a focus on early-career researchers at TU Dresden, which includes ensuring a sustainable and excellent research environment geared toward the general welfare.
Chief Communication Officer
Marion Schmidt
As Chief Communication Officer, Marion Schmidt is responsible for the development and implementation of communication and marketing strategies with the goal of consolidating and increasing TU Dresden's visibility across Germany and internationally as well as its competitive position in the long term.
Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalization
Prof. Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff
As Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalization, Professor Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff represents the University in matters of scientific development in cooperation with external and global partners and facilitates the transfer to business and society.