Unit 3.4 - Legal Office
The legal office represents the legal interests of Technische Universität Dresden. It is responsible for providing legal advice to all members and organisational units of Technische Universität Dresden in matters relevant to the university. Exceptions are personnel matters as well as research funding and transfer. The legal office represents Technische Universität Dresden in dealings with administrative courts and lawyers.
Head of Unit: N.N.
Deputy Head of Unit: N.N.
Head of unit
- legal support for the Excellence Initiative, in particular amendments to the fundamental principles and formation of the Schools
- university law, university medicine
- legal examination of regulations and statutes of Technische Universität Dresden
- fundamental principles, regulations of central units
- examination of bills and draft laws
- legal advice to the University Executive Board, support with legal supervision
- contact point for lawyers in civil law matters
In-house lawyers
- study and examination law, including Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine
- cooperation with examination committee and examination offices
- legal administration of multiple choice regulations
- right to confer a doctorate, including legal examination of the regulations
- cooperation with doctoral committees and commissions
university law
- representation of Technische Universität Dresden in dealings with lawyers
- legal representation in particular at the Dresden Administrative Court and the Saxon Higher Administrative Court
- continuing education of examination committees, examination offices, examiners and administrative units active in the field of study and examination law
- in-house lawyer responsible for out-of-court and judicial debt collection as well as insolvency proceedings
- study and examination law, including Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine
- university admission law (numerus clausus procedure)
- cooperation with examination committee and examination offices
- right to confer a habilitation, including legal examination of the regulations
- cooperation with habilitation committees and commissions
university law
- representation of Technische Universität Dresden in dealings with lawyers
- legal representation in particular at the Dresden Administrative Court and the Saxon Higher Administrative Court
- university law, university medicine
- legal examination of public contracts
- legal examination of regulations and statutes of Technische Universität Dresden
Administration officers
Anke Kästner und Kenny Richter
- out-of-court debt collection
- judicial dunning procedures
- Administration Enforcement
- foreclosure
- insolvency proceedings