Quality Management at the TU Dresden
A high quality in teaching and learning, research, at the promotion of young scientists, in the transfer of knowledge and technology and administration is part of the mission statement of the TUD Dresden University of Technology and a management task of the rectorate. To approach this goal the TU Dresden uses a variety of methods to analyse and assure the quality in these areas. To ensure the high quality also in the future, the TU Dresden began to further develop the present methods and instruments to combine them and conceive quality management systems for each area.
We invite you to see for yourself what quality management at the TU Dresden is about and we are glad about your questions and suggestions!

Quality Management at the TU Dresden
After the implementation of the quality management system for teaching and learning at the TUD Dresden University of Technology in 2011 the rectorate has decided to initiate the procedure of the system accreditation. In June 2015 the TU Dresden has concluded the procedure successfully. Since then the continuously internally evaluated study programmes are deemed to be accredited as long as the quality objectives of the TU Dresden are fulfilled.
Within the second phase of the Excellence Initiative (2012-2017) the TU Dresden was successful in three funding lines. One of this line is the institutional strategy of the TU Dresden, called “Die Synergetische Universität”. Embedded in this strategy is a quality and change management including the quality management structures and processes and the quality management research. The former focuses on the optimization of administration procedures. Whereas the latter intends an institutional evaluation of the units at the TU Dresden relating to the quality of research, transfer of knowledge and technology and the promotion of young scientists.