Nov 11, 2022 - Nov 25, 2022; Event Series

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women/ Gender-based violence

In Germany, according to the Federal Crime Statistics (2020), every second to third day a woman dies murdered by her (ex-)partner. Neither the nationality nor the educational background of those involved play a role. In October 2022, two women from Dresden were killed in this way. This phenomenon is called femicide and belongs to the very top of the iceberg of forms of violence against women or gender-based violence.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, TU Dresden is repeatedly organising a diverse programme of events from 11 to 25 November to raise awareness of this serious social problem. All events are free of charge for participants.
Last year, the events already served to get to know various associations and actors in Dresden, such as the D.I.K., the Men's Network Dresden or Gerede e.V..

If you are looking for support as a person affected or involved, please contact the Gender Equality and Women's Officer at TU Dresden, Dr. Jutta Eckhardt, or the queer peer counselling, Fay Uhlmann.

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Freestate of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder

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Nov 11, 2022; Workshop

Training for action against misogyny and antifeminismAnker

Speaker(s) Peps Gutsche (M.A. Gender, Media, Culture, M.A. Media and Education) is a long-standing trainer in political education on the (extreme) right, gender relations and (anti-)feminism and works as a lecturer for anti-discrimination at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule-Berlin.

Laura Sasse (M.A. European Studies) is active in political education, especially on topics such as hate speech, racism prevention, gender relations and feminism. She is currently working on the project "Countering Antifeminism - Strengthening Democracy" of Dissens e.V..
Start and end time 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Location Online

Nov 17, 2022; Talk

Digitaler Lunchtalk „Sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt an Wissenschaftsinstitu­tionen. Prävalenz, Formen und Auswirkungen eines globalen Phänomens“

Speaker(s) Dr. Heike Pantelmann, managing director and women's representative of the Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ)
Start and end time 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Location online

Nov 18, 2022

Workshop "Finally confronting everyday sexism as a cis man in solidarity"

Speaker(s) educat Kollektiv
Start and end time 04:00 PM - 07:00 PM
This event is recurring Weekly on weekdays until Nov 24, 2022 except for Nov 19, 2022; Nov 20, 2022; Nov 21, 2022; Nov 22, 2022; Nov 23, 2022
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Nov 20, 2022; Performance

Filmscreening "Framing Agnes"

Start and end time 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Location Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden

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Nov 22, 2022; Workshop

Workshop for counseling services: Dealing with victims in stalking cases

Speaker(s) D.I.K. Dresden
Start and end time 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Location online

Nov 22, 2022; Talk

Christina Clemm reads „Akten.Einsicht. Geschichten von Frauen und Gewalt“

Speaker(s) Christina Clemm
Start and end time 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
Location online

Nov 24, 2022; Talk

Lecture "Sexism, Misogyny & Anti-Feminism in the Context of Higher Education"

Speaker(s) Peps Gutsche
Start and end time 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Location online