The ESF+-funded study success project STUDY SMART is a network in which representatives of various organizational units at TU Dresden are working together. For the first time, these units now collaborate to develop and implement support services. The objective of the project is to promote academic success and to support the qualification-oriented career start in the Saxon labor market for women, international students and student teachers as well as the promotion of future skills (digital & transformative skills). The network partner SMART TEACHERS is affiliated with the ZLSB and develops and tests study support programs aimed at student teachers.
Objectives of SMART TEACHERS
SMART TEACHERS focuses in particular on study support services for (female) student teachers via:
- Empowerment, i.e. promoting self-confidence and self-efficacy among female student teachers, by acquiring e.g. rhetorical and leadership skills or skills in (self-)presentation.
- (further) Development of future skills (transformative social key competencies) that facilitate successful studying and a qualification-oriented entry into the Saxon teaching profession.
- Promotion of professional orientation in teacher training by establishing a professionalization journal.
- Increasing student contentment in the teacher training program through (cross-phase) networking opportunities, strengthening the students' group identity and practical references as well as establishing a culture of welcoming, being there for the students and saying goodbye to them at the end of their studies.
Work packages
In the STUDY SMART student success network, the network partners work together on work packages to create synergies. SMART TEACHERS is involved in the work packages "Female Empowerment", "Future Skills", and "Professional Teachers".
Female Empowerment - promoting key skills for academic success
The objectiive here is to provide female students with a safe space in which they can develop key skills they need to successfully shape their academic career and at the same time be well-equipped for their personal and professional future. The courses are specifically tailored to the individual needs and challenges of women studying at TUD and are designed to enhance the participants' self-confidence and sense of self-efficacy.
Adressed areas of competence include:
- Communication and presentational skills
- Time and self-management
- Conflict management
- Leadership and management skills
- Academic writing and working
Future Skills: Transdisciplinary key social skills
In a constantly changing world, lifelong learning is crucial. Students and graduates alike must continuously adapt to changing framework conditions in order to be successful in their future careers and actively engage in society. Universities are faced with the challenge of providing knowledge about future ways and places of working while promoting transformative skills at the same time.
In order to meet these requirements, a series of events will be offered for students of various departments, especially student teachers, on topics such as environmental sustainability, inclusion, internationalization, anti-discrimination, equality, and digitalization. In cooperation with experienced alumni (e.g. from the teaching profession), innovative didactic concepts are developed. These concepts take into account the needs and perspective of students in a targeted manner and promote multi-perspectivity through interdisciplinary work.
Professional Teachers
The core objective of the "Professional Teachers" work package is to significantly increase student success in teacher training courses through targeted (further) educational and networking offers. These offers are placed at the the transitions of the teacher's degree at TUD as well as throughout the entire student life cycle.
Inter alia, a professionalization journal in the form of a portfolio is being developed for students. This journal is established in the first semester and accompanies students until the end of their studies. The journal is intended to stimulate students' self-reflection, including their career choice and assuring them of their own qualification progress. Accompanying meetings with qualified peer trainers and lecturers are intended to support the development of the students' career-related reflection skills. In addition, the meetings and lectures create a stronger bond with the university in order to avoid student dropouts. Extracurricular events promote an exchange of students in different semesters and phases with fellow students, trainee teachers and teaching staff. This increases practical orientation during teachers' university studies, promotes orientation in the professional field and allows students to network with regional practice partners.
Contact us

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameMs Leonie Reuter
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Seminargebäude II, 206 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden

Research associate
NameMr Mathis Heinig
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 206 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden