Chairs of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and joint appointments
Table of contents
- Forest Sciences
- Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology
- Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
- Institute of Plant and Wood Chemistry
- Institute of Forest Economics and Forest Management Planning
- Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences
- Institute of Forest Utilization and Forest Technology
- Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products
- Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection
- Institute of General Ecology and Environmental Protection
- Geosciences
- Hydro Sciences
- Joint appointments
- Forest Sciences
Forest Sciences
Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology
to the Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology
Chair of Forest Botany
Schuldt, Prof. Dr. Bernhard
Chair of Forest Zoology
Seibold, Prof. Dr. Sebastian
Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
to the Institute of Soil Science and Site Ecology
Chair of Soil Resources and Land Use
Kalbitz, Prof. Dr. Karsten
Chair of Forest Sites and Hydrology
Orlowski, Prof. Dr. Natalie
Senior Professor
Feger, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz
Institute of Plant and Wood Chemistry
to the Institute of Plant and Wood Chemistry
Chair of Wood and Plant Chemistry
Fischer, Prof. Dr. Steffen
Institute of Forest Economics and Forest Management Planning
to the Institute of Forest Economics and Forest Management Planning
Chair of Forest Management Planning
Bitter, Prof. Dr. Andreas W.
Chair of Forest Policy and Forest Resource Economics
Weber, Prof. Dr. Norbert
Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences
to the Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences
Chair of Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production
van der Maaten-Theunissen, Prof. Dr. Marieke
Chair of Forest Biometrics and Systems Analysis
Berger, Prof. Dr. Uta
Institute of Forest Utilization and Forest Technology
to the Institute of Forest Utilization and Forest Technology
Chair of Forest Technology
Erler, Prof. Dr. Jörn
Chair of Forest Utilization
Rüggeberg, Prof. Dr. Markus
Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products
to the Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products
Chair of Tropical Forestry
Giessen, Prof. Dr. Lukas
Senior Professor
Pretzsch, Prof. Dr. Jürgen
Chair of Forestry and Timber Industry in Eastern Europe
Senior Professor, emeritus
Bemmann, Prof. Dr. Albrecht
Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection
to the Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection
Chair of Silviculture
Thom, Prof. Dr. habil. Dominik
Senior Professor
Wagner, Prof. Dr. Sven
Chair of Forest Protection
Müller, Prof. Dr. Michael
Lectureship inWildlife Ecology and Management
Herzog, Associate Prof. Dr. Sven
Institute of General Ecology and Environmental Protection
to the Institute of General Ecology and Environmental Protection
Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
von Oheimb, Prof. Dr. Goddert
Institute of Planetary Geodesy
to the Institute of Planetary Geodesy
Chair of Geodetic Earth System Research
Horwath, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin
Research Group for Astronomy
Head: Klioner, Prof. Dr. habil. Sergei A.
Geodetic Institute
Chair of Geodesy (Fundamentals)
Wanninger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lambert
Chair of Land Management
Weitkamp, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandra
Chair of Optical 3D-Metrology
Maiwald, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ferdinand
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
to the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Chair of Photogrammetry
Maas, Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd
Junior Professorship for Environmental Remote Sensing
Forkel, Prof. apl. Dr. Matthias
Junior Professorship in Geosensor Systems
Eltner, JProf. Dr.-Ing. Anette
Institute of Cartography
to the Institute of Cartography
Chair of Cartographic Communication
Burghardt, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute of Geography
Chair of Geographical Education
Raschke, Prof. Dr. Nicole
Chair of Human Geography
currently represented by: Dr. Andreas Ortner
Chair of Computational Landscape Ecology
currently represented by: Dr. Flora Ihlow
Chair of Physical Geography
Zech, Prof. Dr. habil. Michael
Junior Professorship in Sustainable Urban Futures
Hübscher, Marcus JProf. Dr.-Ing.
Non-departmental Chairs
Chair of Geoinformatics
Bernard, Prof. Dr. Lars
Hydro Sciences
Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management
to the Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management
Chair of Urban Water Management
Krebs, Prof. Dr. Peter
Chair of Transport Processes in Hydro Systems
Vowinckel, Prof. Dr. Bernhard
Chair of Process Engineering in Hydro Systems
Lerch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. André
Institute of Groundwater Management
to the Institute of Groundwater Management
Chair of Groundwater Systems
Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology
to the Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology
Chair of Hydrology
Schütze, Prof. Dr. Niels
Chair of Meteorology
Mauder, Prof. Dr. Matthias
Institute of Hydrobiology
to the Institute of Hydrobiology
Chair of Limnology
Berendonk, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ulrich
Institute of Water Chemistry
to the Institute of Water Chemistry
Chair of Hydrochemistry and Water Technology
Stolte, Prof. Dr. Stefan
Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy
to the Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy
Chair of Waste Management and Circular Economy
Dornack, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christina
Joint appointments
Chair of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis and Management
(associated with the Head of Department of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis and Management at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
Borchardt, Prof. Dr. Dietrich
Chair of Applied Environmental Systems Analysis
(associated with the Head of Department of Environmental Informatics at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
Kolditz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf
Chair of Spatial Development and Transformation
(also Director of Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden)
Wolfram, Prof. Dr. Marc
Chair of Environmental Development and Risk Management
(associated with the management of the knowledge integration hub
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) / DRESDEN-concept)
Schanze, Prof. Dr. Jochen
Chair of Spatial Information and Modelling
(associated with the Head of the Research Area Spatial Information and Modelling at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development in Dresden (IOER)), Dresden
Behnisch, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Chair of Applied River Ecology
(associated with the Head of Department River Ecology at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
Weitere, Prof. Dr. Markus
Chair of Data Analytics in Hydro Sciences
(associated with the management of a working group at the UFZ in the field of "Compound weather and climate events" at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)
Zscheischler, Prof. Dr. Jakob
Chair of Geochronology and Isotope Geology
(also Head of Department of Museum of Mineralogy and Geology and Head of Section Geochronology of the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden)
Linnemann, Prof. Dr. Ulf