Begutachtete Artikel in Zeitschriften
- Schütze, N., Droege, W., Petersohn, U., Schmitz, G.H. (2005): Self-organizing maps with multiple input-output option for modeling the Richards equation and its inverse solution. Water Resources Research, 41(3), - W03022, doi:10.1029/2004WR003630.
- Wöhling, Th., Schmitz, G.H., Mailhol, J.C. (2004): Modeling 2D-Infiltration from Irrigation Furrows. , Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 130(4), 1-8.
- Wöhling, Th., Singh, R., Schmitz, G.H. (2004): Physically based modeling of interacting surface-subsurface flow during furrow irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 130 (5).
- Schmitz, G.H., Schütze, N., Petersohn, U. (2002): New Strategy for Optimizing Water Application under Trickle Irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 128(5), 287-297.
Vorträge auf Konferenzen
- Schütze, N., de Paly, M., Wöhling, Th., Schmitz, G.H. (2005): Global optimization of deficit irrigation systems using evolutionary algorithms and neural networks. Proceedings of the ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005, Integrated Land and Water Resources Management Towards Sustainable Rural Development. 15 - 19 May 2005, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Slubice, Poland.
- Wöhling, Th., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.H. (2005): Development and application of a physically-based seasonal furrow irrigation model. Proceedings of the ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005, Integrated Land and Water Resources Management Towards Sustainable Rural Development. 15 - 19 May 2005, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Slubice, Poland.
- Bandyopadhyay, A., Wöhling, Th., Singh, R., Schmitz, G.H. (2004): Inverse Soil Hydraulic Parameter Estimation from Laboratory Experiments, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural & Food Engeneering (etae), Kharagpur, India, December 2004.
- Schmitz, G.H. , Schütze, N., Wöhling, Th. (2004): A New Strategy to Increase Furrow Irrigation Efficiency, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural & Food Engeneering (etae), Kharagpur, India, December 2004.
- Schmitz, G. H., Wöhling, Th., and Schütze, N. (2004): Optimierung des Bewässerungswirkungsgrades zur Sicherung des wachsenden Nahrungsmittelbedarfes. Konferenz zu Wasserproblemen des 21. Jahrhunderts am 14.05.2004, Dresden
- Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.H. (2003): Optimizing Irrigation efficiency with Artificial Neural Networks. In: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE'2003).
- Schütze, N., Schmitz, G. H. (2002): Self-Organizing maps as a new tool for optimizing irrigation parameters. In: Gerd H. Schmitz (Ed.), International Conference on Water resources and Environment Research.
- Schmitz, G. H., Schütze, N. (1998): Optimizing irrigation efficiency - a neural network approach. In: Portuguese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Water and the Environment: Innovation Issues in Irrigation and Drainage ( pp. 267-275). Lisbon: E & FN Spon.
- Schmitz, G.H., Schütze, N. (1997): Die Erhöhung des Bewässerungswirkungsgrades durch Verbindung von Prozeßmodellen und neuronalen Netzen. In R. Friedrich (Ed.), Wasserbau -- Visionen für das nächste Jahrtausend (pp. 583-596). Innsbruck.
- Schmitz, G. H., Schütze, N. (1997): Pro und Contra zur Verwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze in der Hydrologie. In G. H. Schmitz (Ed.), Modellierung in der Hydrologie (pp. 50-65).
Poster auf Konferenzen
- Schütze, N., Wöhling, Th., de Paly, M., Schmitz, G.H. (2004): Meeting challenges of the Blue Revolution: increasing irrigation efficiency with soft-computing optimisation methods. In: Workshop on Integrated Water research and Water Management (pp. 93-95).
- Schütze, N. (2005): Neue Methoden zur Steuerung der Wassergabe mit Neuronalen Netzen in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft. Dissertation, Fakultät für Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften der TU Dresden. ISBN 3-86005-502-X.
- Wöhling, Th. (2005): Physically based modeling of furrow irrigation systems during a growing season. Dissertation, Fakultät für Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften der TU Dresden. ISBN 3-86005-481-3.
- Wöhling, Th., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.H. (2004): Neue Strategien zur Steuerung der Wasseraufleitung bei der Bewässerung, Hydrobrief Nr. 25; Fachgemeinschaft in der ATV-DVWK, Juli 2004.
- Schmitz, G. H., Wöhling, Th., Schütze, N. (2002): Neuronale Netze zur Steuerung des Wassertransportes in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft. Dresdner Transferbrief, 10 (2).