Single cell Multi-omics
I. Single cell multi-omes to understand spinal cord regeneration
In collaboration with the Becker lab at CRTD, we study spinal cord regeneration in the zebrafish using single cell multiomics. This project is building on a previous study. We establish gene regulatory networks based on single cell RNA-Seq and single cell ATAC-Seq data from regenerative processes at spinal cord injury sites and identify the transcription factors and gene regulatory elements that allow functional regeneration.
This project is funded by the DFG.
II. Single cell multi-omes to understand glioma formation with a genetic background of neurofibromatosis.
In collaboration with the Institute for Clinical Genetics of TU Dresden and David Salomon, we use single cell multi-omes to follow somatic cellular evolution after loss of the the neurofibromatosis gene.
This study is funded by the Gilbert Family Foundation.
III. Multi-omics data analysis to understand oxidative DNA damage and its contribution to tumor heterogeneity and evolution.
With multi-omics data analysis in bulk and single cell we are also collaborating on different projects on oxidative DNA damage and tumor heterogeneity in gastrointestinal tumour evolution in collaboration with the Stange Lab at TU Dresden.